Handicap Access...

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Im guessing you have never been in any southern state or certian areas of cities...? This would never happen. Thats a shame.
I live in one (or so many claim) and I can tell you right now that this kind of action would not be tolerated.

I can think of a few areas where racism is spread fairly wide, but if this kind of action took place people from other towns would come in to make all kinds of trouble.
I've just found out that my sort-of-father-in-law, who is building his own house right now, MUST put in a wheelchair-access ramp to his front door, of a slope no greater than 1 in 12, as a condition of planning permission, despite no-one in the house being in a wheelchair.

That's a private citizen who must build access on his own land to his own house for nobody who ever goes there, or he cannot build the house.
I've just found out that my sort-of-father-in-law, who is building his own house right now, MUST put in a wheelchair-access ramp to his front door, of a slope no greater than 1 in 12, as a condition of planning permission, despite no-one in the house being in a wheelchair.

That's a private citizen who must build access on his own land to his own house for nobody who ever goes there, or he cannot build the house.
Now that's jacked up. What if he builds the house anyway without a ramp? Does he get a huge fine or something?
It's part of the law that all new building constructions must have wheelchair access to the property, even if those buildings are domestic dwellings and no-one in the house has a wheelchair.
Does he have to put a stair lift in so that the non-existant disabled person can get up the stairs?
Does he have to put a stair lift in so that the non-existant disabled person can get up the stairs?
No. The city council will accept an elevator in place of a stair lift.
This is sick twisted PC gone nutz. What kind of societies are we living in when they can tell you what kind of access you can have to your own house!

That's completely insane, stupid, backwards and actually makes the "handicaped" look bad. I'm sorry, but it angers me that this person has to spend an extra XXXXX pounds to put a ramp in that is not needed. Talk about government being in league with the contractors.
I've just found out that my sort-of-father-in-law, who is building his own house right now, MUST put in a wheelchair-access ramp to his front door, of a slope no greater than 1 in 12, as a condition of planning permission, despite no-one in the house being in a wheelchair.
So it can be a very shallow slope then?

I would make it wrap all the way around the house and just treat it as a wrap-around deck just to tick them off.

Either that or make it go back and forth so much that it looks like an amusement park queue line.
Talk about government being in league with the contractors.

Well, he's building it himself... The problem is that the front door is relatively high (about 18 inches) because the house is on a higher spot, and it'll be quite tough to maintain the integrity for a ramp - and it has to be 18 FEET long (1 in 12 maximum)...
Well, he's building it himself... The problem is that the front door is relatively high (about 18 inches) because the house is on a higher spot, and it'll be quite tough to maintain the integrity for a ramp - and it has to be 18 FEET long (1 in 12 maximum)...
Do they sell any kind of pre-made ramps? I know that I have seen them here in the states where it is a metal ramp that just attaches at the top and bottom.
He's a builder. He doesn't DO pre-made.

Besides, it wouldn't be "in-keeping" with the rest of the property.

And, just to add insult to injury - and see a few eyeballs popping in this thread - he can't have a gravel driveway, because wheelchair users get stuck in them.

No. Not kidding.
This is totally preposterous! :mad: if they did this in America I would sue the state/county that was making me do it.
It's part of the law that all new building constructions must have wheelchair access to the property, even if those buildings are domestic dwellings and no-one in the house has a wheelchair.
But does it have to be permanent? If not, make one that can be dissabled, stored away, but technically availbale to whiny cripples and liberals.
he can't have a gravel driveway, because wheelchair users get stuck in them.

No. Not kidding.
Sounds like an issue with today's wheelchairs, not with property.
Nope - must be permanent. Has to be on the plans or the plans don't get approval.

Wheelchairs have always had rather skinny wheels (and castors on the front). Skinny wheels + loose surface = world of hurt. But it's all rather beside the point, as no-one who lives there (or rather will live there) has or uses a wheelchair.
There's nothing he can do about it? appeal or anything?
So basically, they're making him put it in a permanent ramp just in case he sells the house and someone with a wheel chair wants to look at it/buy it? Thats stupid. What if the house was built in the city, where there isn't room for a ramp? Do they force you to put in a lift? :odd:

Most new houses that have driveways get gravel put down first, as pavement is something that comes later when more funds are available. Basically they're forcing you to put in a paved driveway right away, therefore, making you reach farther into your pocket just so the government can make a cash grab off the taxes. What about farms? My parents place has a driveway thats almost a quarter mile long, paving it would be expensive and pointless as the tractors treads would eat it up in a summer.

Is this only forced in certain area's or is it country wide? I just can't see this kind of law having a point other then a way for the government/businesses to make more money.
There's nothing he can do about it? appeal or anything?

It is "the law". All new properties must be constructed according to a wide variety of laws and statutes, which includes disabled access.
It is "the law". All new properties must be constructed according to a wide variety of laws and statutes, which includes disabled access.

AAHH! this is exactly the kinda crap that made me post this thread in the first place! Who is the government to tell me how to spend my money on my house? They already rape me in the taxes, they're going to tell me how to build my house and cost me MORE money as well? Just because they want to feel "PC".

Man, I tell you what, I'm considering getting into politics more and more everytime I hear garbage like this.

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