Happy birthday, Jordan!

  • Thread starter TB
The illustrious leader of one of the finest forums online, not to mention my "home" online message board since December 2003... happy birthday, Jordan! Cheers to you mate!
Happy birthday. I play lazy and don't login for a single day and look what happens. You went and got older.
Thanks for all the well-wishes, guys! :cheers:

Another ten million posts would be great! :P

I've got the cake! Now we just have to figure out how to cut it into 248,804 pieces...

View attachment 306892

Noo! No! No cutting into pieces, Gordon. Everybody will only get a litty-bitty piece and there would be pandemonium after that. Can you imagine the threads that would explode all across the Forums?

"Why did mod get the biggest piece?"

"POLL! Cake! Eat or not?"

"Blue cake sucks! Everyone knows Lightning Yellow faster."

"Camber broken on cake. Discuss!"

"The positive Thread! No bread - eat cake!"

"yo . .wat dis kek?"

and after a few threads get locked

"Why Famine bad?"

Not that I would be innocent myself, I'll probably throw something in titled:

'The secret life of cakes'
or something to that effect.

So all is well that ends well.

Hoping you had a great party this year and ignored the headaches that come with holding this community together. Hey! You gotta admit you got a lot of stuff this year - Cake, Cars, Music Videos, Shoes, a Panda, a Bidet - all things that come in useful.

Here's to another great year, buddy, and esteemed leader. ;)
