Happy Birthday to...

  • Thread starter Famine
Welcome to your birthday on GTP? Wait, what? Yeah. Happy join day? Something like that. Welcome! :cheers:
Welcome aboard Miss Purple!
Most people come to the internet to get away from parents, but, but.... I think the three of you have broken the internet.
She lives with me. She knows my shameful secrets:

[...]Although, I must admit, it's making me feel a bit old as I've come to the realization that people born after I started this site are now old enough to be posting on it... :scared:

Welcome to the real world. :lol:
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Thanks for all your...Urm...Birthday wishes? Yes. Thanks! Had a great day, and gained many items!
Don't worry, I will soon be taking over everything....Mwahahahah.
Welcome aboard, and happy belated birthday.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Famine is very mean. He curses me out at least twice a day.
I'll admit that it took me a little while getting the gist of this thread. At first I was like wtf is dis guy o_O

Anyway, happy B! and happy GTP!