TheCracker Nothing to see here... Premium 24,054 It/It GTP_TheCracker Mar 18, 2013 #62 Belated thanks chaps!
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Mar 18, 2013 #63 Sorry, too late. The party's over.
TB Space Lord Moderator 35,498 Downtown North Dakota Cy-Fi Mar 18, 2013 #64 ^ In North Korea the party's never over!
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Mar 18, 2013 #65 I bet Kim Jong-un puts on a fantastic buffet.
Beeblebrox237 Two heads, no brains... Premium 12,389 Betelgeuse Beeblebrox_237 Mar 18, 2013 #67 Woah, happy birthday to everyone in the thread title!
photonrider 7,436 Canada photonrider Mar 20, 2013 #68 Holy Birthing Day! Astrologers would nod their heads and say that the stars were in all the right positions for you guys to be born. As for me . . . I think nine months ago, some other stars were in all the right positions. hoping you had a great time, and all the best this year.
Holy Birthing Day! Astrologers would nod their heads and say that the stars were in all the right positions for you guys to be born. As for me . . . I think nine months ago, some other stars were in all the right positions. hoping you had a great time, and all the best this year.
Monatsende 8,945 F1 chimp land AnotherStory Mar 20, 2013 #69 Is it possible to keep a birthday thread alive a whole year around?
photonrider 7,436 Canada photonrider Mar 20, 2013 #70 Some Birthday Threads have been alive for several years. I guess it's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans.
Some Birthday Threads have been alive for several years. I guess it's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans.
Monatsende 8,945 F1 chimp land AnotherStory Mar 20, 2013 #71 photonrider Some Birthday Threads have been alive for several years. I guess it's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans. Click to expand... I mean: Alive with posts through the year. Not a sleeping thread.
photonrider Some Birthday Threads have been alive for several years. I guess it's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans. Click to expand... I mean: Alive with posts through the year. Not a sleeping thread.
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Mar 20, 2013 #72 photonrider Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans. Click to expand... You wait, dolphins, pandas and snow leopards will one day rule the Earth. There'll be a lot of head-scratching that day, I can tells ya!
photonrider Kind of like the way the Earth uses humans. Click to expand... You wait, dolphins, pandas and snow leopards will one day rule the Earth. There'll be a lot of head-scratching that day, I can tells ya!
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Mar 20, 2013 #74 On the underside of boats when they lay mines like the human Navy taught them to do.