Hard drive based Stereo's?

  • Thread starter CDailey
Originally posted by Integra Type R
Is there such a thing as a hard drive based stereo? Just like an mp3 player, but bigger and it has speakers.

Yes. I believe that Creative make such a device, that is about the size of a CD walkman, slightly thicker, with something like 60GB capacity.

However, if you got an MP3 player that supported Type II CF cards, you'd be laughing, because then you could use the IBM microdrives.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Yes. I believe that Creative make such a device, that is about the size of a CD walkman, slightly thicker, with something like 60GB capacity.

However, if you got an MP3 player that supported Type II CF cards, you'd be laughing, because then you could use the IBM microdrives.

Cool! But is there a desktop size hard drive stereo?
Originally posted by Integra Type R
Oh. Why could it cost so much?

If you go for a desktop sterio, I wouldn't settle for anything less than .wav files. So you'd get about 380 full-quality CD's on a 250GB Hard Drive(that's also including OS space, assuming you won't use Linux. If you use Linux, it'll be much smaller space dedicated to the OS because you can choose to have basically a bare-bones system), and those cost quite a bit right now. Then you'd also have to include the cost for the soundcard, probably something like a Soundblaster Audigy 2 Pro or whatever it is. Then you'd have to buy speakers. Or you could settle for more and maybe hook your computer/sterio up to a reciever... but I'm not sure if that can happen yet...
P.S. I also forgot to add this:

If you basically have a PC hooked up and it's your sterio, it'll be more noisy than you'll want, so you'd have to put it in a closet or something, but I'm not sure how good that is for computers....
Here's what a good friend of mine did. He took and old P2 200mhz machine tossed in a 100gig HD, and loaded all his mp3's onto it. Picked up an old monotone monitor and a nice sound card. He then ran the line put to a cheap amp and set of speakers. Tucked it in the corner of his office under a desk and now he's got 800 songs to choose from. Works kinda nice.

Originally posted by Der Alta
Here's what a good friend of mine did. He took and old P2 200mhz machine tossed in a 100gig HD, and loaded all his mp3's onto it. Picked up an old monotone monitor and a nice sound card. He then ran the line put to a cheap amp and set of speakers. Tucked it in the corner of his office under a desk and now he's got 800 songs to choose from. Works kinda nice.


Hhhmmm.....I'm using a 266 right now. I might do that. Thanks for the idea Der Alta! :D
Originally posted by rjensen11
I ment for stereos and the like. Playstation rocks!
No, I meant, people that love their Playstations automatically think that Sony are the best brand and forget about other brands like JVC and such...
Originally posted by Shannon
No, I meant, people that love their Playstations automatically think that Sony are the best brand and forget about other brands like JVC and such...

Speaking of JVC...
Two days ago, I was in a local Target store and I saw this JVC stereo. 460 watts of power. It sounded very nice. It was $250.00 dollars though :(

[EDIT] Here is the link to that JVC Stereo at target.com.
http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=br_1_11/601-7020513-7154536?asin=B00008Y1VV [/EDIT]
well it depends on what we are talking about. cause car stereo and that stuff sony blows. but like computers and **** they are becoming one of the nicer ones out there. as for home stereos i happen to like sony. the sony we got for our entertainment center blew a way bose and yamaha for the price we paid. i guess it jus depends on what your looking for.

Yes, it all depends upon the market and your price point. There's no doubting that all manufacturers have specialties that make them the best for a given price point in a given market.

I'm running a Sony/Bose home cinema kit, and it's frankly the canine's cojones. It cost about £2,000, and to better it, I'd be needing to spend at least £6,000.

As to desktop-PC based stereos, it never ceases to amaze me why you don't see more of them in pubs and the like. Anyway, Creative are making such high-quality sound cards that you could make a very nice, powerful stereo for about £300, if you had an old PC lying about. All you need is a decent sound card and a network card (for broadband users). You could use the existing hard drive, because as long as your MP3 fiels are 192K or better, you're unlikely to notice a loss of sound quality until you spend more on the amp and speakers.

I would suggest a basic build of Windows 2000 with WinAmp and IE6. This would mean that you could play your own music or stream radio stations off the net, for a bit of variety.
Did you mean something like this? This is the one you can remove from your home and place it in your car. They have much larger home audio ones that are in a standard receiver case, but I couldn't find any pictures of it.
