Has GT Mobile hurt GT5?

  • Thread starter nikhil
That's not really what I meant, GT4 Mobile(as it was called than) was one of the first games announced. It has since than seemed to be vaporware until E3 this year. So it was technically announced all the way back in 2004 while GT5 was announced 3 years ago.
I own a PSP, but I couldn't care less about GT PSP. Maybe that's just me though.
Think of GT5 as a hot girl you want to date, like her:


Before you go on your first date with her, you have to go by her house to pick her up. Thing is, she's got this weird, freaky brother (GTMobile) that lives with


It's taking her forever to get ready, and in the meantime your sitting in her living room, talking to her weird brother (GTMobile) and you're thinking to yourself "God this guy is a freak! I wish she would hurry up and get ready."

I think GTM will more like talking to that girl via Video Call. Not the same as the real thing, but it's something when you're away from her :)
It seems like PD has been putting a lot of work into GT Mobile over the past few years trying to get it ready for the PSP Go's launch. Is it possible that PD hasn't been able to work on GT5 as much as they should have due to the development of GTM? I mean, GTM is an absolutely massive game and I'm betting it took as much work as GT4 to develop. Making 2 games at once is no mean feat.

NO it did not hurt it, what it hurt was the bit of delay for GT5, thats all.
They could've used the PSP team for GT5. No matter in what view you look at it, the GT PSP developement was just waste of time and/or man power.

It's a whole different game for a different platform. It is not a waste of time, the sales of GTM will prove as such. We know PD have employed more staff, etc. GT4 Mobile, which GTM has turned in to, started back in 2004. A portable version of GT will sell a lot. It is a huge market for PD/Sony to capture and I know a few people who have bought a PSP for it, and I'm thinking of getting one myself. It's all up to perception, GT5 is the bigger game, in terms of physically, technically, etc. But don't be surprised if GTM sales match or better GT5. The PSP is huge in Japan. 185,000 sold in the first four days in the UK! More than double the DS. PSP's outsell PS3s. Nearly 2 1/2 times as many, worldwide in the first quarter of 2008. Just because it's handheld, doesn't mean it's small, GTM will be huge, don't under-estimate it's selling power.

ign.com interview, where he says damage only on some cars. Sounds half assed to me.

Licensing. I won't elaborate as it's obvious.

I'll probably end up buying both. I think there are far many more things that may have caused the GT5 delay (although we've never had an official release date, only predictive release dates if things go to plan), than the development of the PSP, by a different team, but that seems to be going over some heads. Only got to look at all the extra content we're getting.
Mind your own business fella. :)

If I'm disapointed, I have all right to say so, don't you think? Prehaps you think we all should share the same opinion, and those who don't, better be quiet?

If you wanted people to mind their own business about your comment then maybe a public forum wasn't the best place to put it :)

I have no problem with you being disappointed it's just the constant whining on every thread like it's the end of the world that GT5 isn't going to have full damage. As someone above said "They haven't made the game just for you? Awwww" get over it ;)

You can have your last say to this comment but I won't be replying to it
Different development teams.


Polyphony aint that big. So no i dont think its a different development team. Maybe not all the people at PD work on GT:Mobile, but they probably all do work on GT5. So yeah, people working on GT:Mobile are people that would normaly work on GT5. So in some way you could say the GT:Mobile development effected GT5, its just not possible to say in wich way.

Or the game is smaller/less polished as it could be with the GT:Mobile developers working on GT5, or GT5 is released some months later than originaly planned.
GTM won't have the depth in features that GT5 will have. And yes, PD will have seperate teams for GTM and GT5. They've got well over a 100 employees. They will have people working on different titles. They aren't stupid enough to let one game suffer as Bob can only work on one at once.
Really wish that PD had followed the normal route with PSP games and subcontracted the game out to someone else to build.
While they would be developed by different teams within the company, there would clearly be some impact (even if thats just a case of marketing saying "you cant release GT5 until x months after PSP so it dosnt cannibalise sales"
No, it hasn't. They have different teams working on both, in fact, getting GTMobile to work on a PSP may be the harder of the 2 to work on. I would not cancel GTM out for a sooner release of GT5, I want both of them, especially GTM. Is there any other way I can drive a ferrari while i'm on the toilet?
No, it hasn't. They have different teams working on both, in fact, getting GTMobile to work on a PSP may be the harder of the 2 to work on. I would not cancel GTM out for a sooner release of GT5, I want both of them, especially GTM. Is there any other way I can drive a ferrari while i'm on the toilet?

Ummm... well, you could install a toilet in front of your TV... :sly:
For the posters that are responding with an emphatic yes could you please elaborate a little further on your source of information to back your

It was already stated that there were 2 teams working on GT5 and GTM.
*Deep Breath*
*Exhale slowly*
*Try to remain calm*

Okay, since people still seem to be confused and no one else is offering up the proof, I'll step in once again, and explain why GTMobile has delayed (and in my opinion detracted from) the development of GT5.

Here is a direct quote from Kazunori Yamauchi regarding GTMobile and it's demand on Polyphony's resources/GT5 efforts:

Question: "As a percentage, how much of Polyphony is working on this version, as opposed to Gran Turismo 5?"

Yamauchi: "The balance varies from day to day. A lot of companies, when they make a PSP version of a game, license the development out to another company. There were times when 100 per cent of our efforts were on the PSP." Source

Also, some people are miffed about GTMobile (apparently) being released before GT5 because until recently, most people were under the impression that GT Mobile would be released AFTER GT5. At least that's what Kaz had stated in previous interviews. "Yamauchi tells us that it hasn't forgotten the long-delayed Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for PSP. He confirms that the game – originally announced at E3 2004 – is still actively in development, although it isn't planned for release until after GT5." Source Then comes this year's E3 announcement that GTMobile will be released in October, but (still) no mention of GT5's release date.

Now, whether you like GTMobile, and plan on buying it, or whether you see it as a distraction that should have been released after GT5, one thing is clear--at least to rational, logical minds I would think--GTMobile absolutely delayed the release of GT5, and it may well have detracted from the ultimate quality of what will be the final version of GT5.

People have said it many times before--PD is a relatively small company.
If even a quarter of their staff were devoted solely to GTMobile development,
that is 25% that could not help on GT5 development. And even worse, at times, apparently 100% of PD's development team were devoted to GTMobile.

Bearing these facts in mind, how can the development of GTMobile not have diminished the amount of effort that could have been put forth for GT5? :confused:

Mr. Yamauchi or Sony or whomever, should have realised the limitations of Polyphony Digital's capabilities and focused solely on either GT5 or GTMobile until one of them was ready for release, and then move on to the other title.
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That final sentence is just daft. At times they were forced to focus on one and not the other, doesn't mean you delay one whole project, just to focus 100% on the other project.

I really couldn't care less, I've got enough patience to wait for what will be a fantastic game. Scratch that. Two fantastic games.
That final sentence is just daft. At times they were forced to focus on one and not the other, doesn't mean you delay one whole project, just to focus 100% on the other project.

I really couldn't care less, I've got enough patience to wait for what will be a fantastic game. Scratch that. Two fantastic games.

Focus on one project at a time when you're a small company--that would be ridiculous 💡 [/sarcasm]

Instead, let's divide our already small (relatively speaking) development team (PD), and work on two huge titles at once, that way they will both get delayed :dopey: ^ [/sarcasm]
120 odd, isn't exactly small. The Football Manager series has about 25 full time staff, and ours is 5-8 part-timers...

I'd love to know the size of the Turn10 team, though.
Couldn't have said it better, cpp.

I could care less about GTMobile. I won't dedicate time to playing 2 simulators at once. This was a mistake by Sony to help the PSP.
Just as an aside...

I hope you don't take my comments personally Sureboss.
I don't have a beef with you or anyone else for that matter.

I love the GT series, even though it may not sound like it at times,
and I really should just keep my mouth shut if I don't have anything
good/productive to say. I just think that GTMobile, while it will no
doubt be a great game for the PSP, has had an effect on the release date
of GT5--which nonetheless looks really great from everything I've seen
and read about the demo being shown the last couple of days.

Henceforth I will be a little more circumspect before posting.
I'm beginning to sound far too disgruntled. Sorry guys.
Pfft. Don't you love me any more, Carl? ;) Of course I don't take it personally. I'm just, as ever on here, giving my own experiences of delays in games being released, etc.

I know GT5 will be immense, I know I will waste so many hours on it, thus I'm enjoying my freedom before it comes out.
but I remeber Kaz writing that with PSP they learn more how to squeeze more game into tiny content, so they might use it for GT5... so far GT5 loooks damn shark, more detail on building, trees, street, and on car! so it might of help!
Pfft. Don't you love me any more, Carl? ;) Of course I don't take it personally. I'm just, as ever on here, giving my own experiences of delays in games being released, etc.

I know GT5 will be immense, I know I will waste so many hours on it, thus I'm enjoying my freedom before it comes out.

By the way, :cheers: on the success of your game. I know from reading bits and pieces in the announcements section that you and your team put a lot of hard work into it, and it's great to see that the fruits of your labor have met with such success. And I'm glad to know you weren't put off by my comments :)

Sorry for that brief interruption, now back to your regularly-scheduled programming :lol:
Is now a good time to mention we're developing for PSP next year? :D (Along with DS and iPhone!)

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