*Deep Breath*
*Exhale slowly*
*Try to remain calm*
Okay, since people still seem to be confused and no one else is offering up the proof, I'll step in once again, and explain why GTMobile has delayed (and in my opinion detracted from) the development of GT5.
Here is a direct quote from Kazunori Yamauchi regarding GTMobile and it's demand on Polyphony's resources/GT5 efforts:
Question: "As a percentage, how much of Polyphony is working on this version, as opposed to Gran Turismo 5?"
Yamauchi: "The balance varies from day to day. A lot of companies, when they make a PSP version of a game, license the development out to another company. There were times when 100 per cent of our efforts were on the PSP."
Also, some people are miffed about GTMobile (apparently) being released before GT5 because until recently, most people were under the impression that GT Mobile would be released AFTER GT5. At least that's what Kaz had stated in previous interviews. "Yamauchi tells us that it hasn't forgotten the long-delayed Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for PSP. He confirms that the game – originally announced at E3 2004 – is still actively in development, although it isn't planned for release until after GT5."
Source Then comes this year's E3 announcement that GTMobile will be released in October, but (still) no mention of GT5's release date.
Now, whether you like GTMobile, and plan on buying it, or whether you see it as a distraction that should have been released after GT5, one thing is clear--at least to rational, logical minds I would think--
GTMobile absolutely delayed the release of GT5, and it may well have detracted from the ultimate quality of what will be the final version of GT5.
People have said it many times before--PD is a relatively small company.
If even a quarter of their staff were devoted solely to GTMobile development,
that is 25% that could not help on GT5 development. And even worse, at times, apparently 100% of PD's development team were devoted to GTMobile.
Bearing these facts in mind, how can the development of GTMobile
not have diminished the amount of effort that could have been put forth for GT5?
Mr. Yamauchi or Sony or whomever, should have realised the limitations of Polyphony Digital's capabilities and focused solely on either GT5 or GTMobile until one of them was ready for release, and then move on to the other title.