Has Laguna Seca just been leaked?

  • Thread starter Cssgareth
Circuits with long straights are a heaven for lobbies. GT5 has Top Gear Circuit, GT6 and GTSport has SSRX.

I bet most of them are drag lobbies and ARAB DRIFT lobbies.

Most of them are goddamn AFK, Farming MP, Help start, grinding cash etc lobbies. It is an eye sore.

I took a peek on same region and 19/30 SSRX NA lobbies were what i just described.
When you're next on the game, head to lobby and filter for 'Special Stage Route X'.
The majority of the time I have done this, it has been the track with the most lobbies open.
Dragon trail beats it by far
Followed by Spa since last update.
SSRX is the most boring track and the ones who race in it are mostly kids that dont know how to take corners I'd say
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We used SSRX as a post-main event muckabout race. Mach40s turned up to max (max power, min weight, RSS), two laps, no holds barred. The car can't reach its top speed outside slipstream, so if you fall off the back you're toast unless someone else does and you can work together (then screw them in the last corner), and the leader is severely compromised, so it's two laps of waiting to see who'll blink first and if that was too soon or not. At 300mph. It's tense, and it's a lot of fun.

Incidentally, if anyone thinks "Hey, this thread about a new track is great, but what it really needs is for everyone to know what other tracks I want, and some cars I've thought about", we have two Suggestions forums instead. Feel free to - after searching to make sure no-one else has already suggested them (which is likely) - create a thread with each suggestion in there.
Gr.1, simply because they're prototypes. Watch them being as competitive as R18 '11/908, tho.
Actaully it depends on the year the cars are classified as if they were '17-'18 theyd end up in either GrX or Gr2 because they were restricted to lmp2 standards, but if they were from '19 onward theyd be in Gr1 since the top class spit into Dpi and lmp2 they're basically unrestricted now.
If the IMSA cars ever came, which group would they be? Gr.X?

I think this is the biggest thing saying "they're not coming", lol.
There's no group for DP/LMP2 cars, and there was only ever space left for the Gr.2 cars.
Having LMP2s compete with LMP1s would be daft - because it's not just about whether they could be BoP'd to match - it's about what they are and how they're seen, and while LMP1s and Group C represent the coolest, fastest cars: LMP2s are just "some close-to-spec race that happens to be on the same track as those cool LMP1 cars".
Even Forza doesn't make this mistake.

(And no, the new DPis don't count as "the coolest, fastest cars" either.)

I doubt there's ever been any plans for more groups since Gr.2 (I mean, what would a P2 class be called anyway?).

It would be nice to get a full rework of all the Groups (N100 split for there to be an N50, optional "no Vision car" - basically LMP1, Gr.C, GT3, GT4 - groups for Gr.1, Gr.3, Gr.4, an actual FF Gr.4 group, electric groups, two Gr.X VGT groups, '60s Le Mans group, P1 GTR / Zonda R group, all the other suggestions people have made).

But the game is creeping closer to end-of-life. If any of this was coming, it would've appeared earlier on, or we'd have heard from PD about it. Changes to groups would affect the FIA series (whereas new tracks are kinda just a thing that happens), so I feel they'd have to announce those changes before making them.

Anyway. Laguna Seca. Yay.

And still no Tokyo Route 246...I'm really upset
For me Silverstone is one of the most boring real circuits around racing video games, a flatland with only a trivial elevation.
Silverstone of course is a must-have, but there are drivers who prefer tracks with varied topography - such as uphill and downhill sections and landmarks/reference points. Being a flat airfield, Silverstone might feel boring in the eyes of the betrayers. In this case Laguna Seca is probably more diversified. Looking forward to both the tracks returning to GT.
Gets me every time :lol:

Hopefully, the corkscrew has enough grip in the game. Should be similar to the dipper at Mount Panorama. Which means, right at the change of direction, some cars may have the MR sliiiiiiide. However, the corkscrew was pretty easy to navigate from GT2-GT6.
Re assets being "PS5 ready", it's really not going to be that big a leap in performance, I don't think the change in performance will necessitate any sort of night and day change in quality of assets. The leap from PS4 Pro to PS5 won't be anything like the leap from PS3 to PS4:
PS4 1.84 TFLOPS = 8x PS3
PS4 Pro 4.2 TFLOPS = 2.3x PS4
PS5 ~10 TFLOPS (speculated) = 2.4x PS4 Pro
How do we know this ain't photoshopped?
...and how do we know the "leak" wasn't orchestrated by PD, to create hype? That sort of stuff definitely happens.
I can confirm that this is the information that the competitors have. And already did, 'cos I wrote the article and said so.

We won't know for sure if the information given to competitors is itself true - someone might be pulling a Coleen Rooney (hence my earlier comment) - until probably Thursday or Friday.
I can confirm that this is the information that the competitors have. And already did, 'cos I wrote the article and said so.

We won't know for sure if the information given to competitors is itself true - someone might be pulling a Coleen Rooney (hence my earlier comment) - until probably Thursday or Friday.
I hadn't realized that you wrote an article on it. I'll check it out. 👍
If they really were serious about the information remaining confidential, the solution is very simple. They could just change a tiny bit of info in the race description given to each competitor. That would make it easy to trace the leak.

To prevent a leak, they would just need to tell them that they've done so, whether they actually did, or not. :lol:
If they really were serious about the information remaining confidential, the solution is very simple. They could just change a tiny bit of info in the race description given to each competitor. That would make it easy to trace the leak.

To prevent a leak, they would just need to tell them that they've done so, whether they actually did, or not. :lol:

Or, if there's a leak, DSQ all competitors from the next 5 events.