Having trouble getting the McLaren MP4-12C! Help

I have tried and tried to win that race and post a time for autolog aka without cutting the track, but I always lose control shortly after the start on that first straight and nail the wall and/or spin out!

Is there any way to tune that car even though its not in my garage? Or any tips really on how to win that race and post a time

Thanks guys
The problem is that car is in stock option, and you cannot tune it in any way.

While i was driving it for the firs time i know. It was horrible because steering lock was set to default which completely mess any car in that game for me and i need to change a lot.

While i won this McLaren and then decide to do some experiment. I tune it to my preference and then save my tune for all tracks.

I went back to Nordschleife race but the stock car was in stock setting so if you tune the car it wont help :/ Sadly you have to drive Mclaren with this stupid setting.

Nordschleife is a long track, don't try to win on very first 3 corners. There is much more plenty opportunities to overtake Veyron. Just stick to it until you pass Karusell corner. After that you enter section called Nurburg and thats it, In those tight corners Mclaren had the advantage over much more powerful Bugatti. Al tough it might even happen that you will race against other car, like for example Zonda F or Huraya which is even more struggling.

Probably you didn't try hard enough
You better get a few seconds ahead of that Veyron or he'll fly by you on the last straight if you don't drive with the mirror on or don't look back to cut his way through.
Ohhhh yes i forgot about that !!! What ever you gain over Veyron you may easily lose on that last straight.

It's sometimes terrifying to look how fast he eat that gap
Nice, dude! Those are the best moments Shift 2 can give you, the feeling of achieving something and really having earned it! 👍

I have one last race left to win: Nordschleife enduro at night. Oh my!
Dont have the speedhunters pack - I used the JCW works GTR in daytime and it was quite doable once I cleared the field and managed to keep that beast on the road, I gained a lot. Its really fast for its 1660 PI, leaves the F1s in the dust.
The problem is that car is in stock option, and you cannot tune it in any way.

While i was driving it for the firs time i know. It was horrible because steering lock was set to default which completely mess any car in that game for me and i need to change a lot.

There is a way to help yourself by change steering lock in Options. While i was using 900* degrees, and then any new car i did bought was heavy in corners. So i had to change Steering lock from 20 up do 35, in tune options that helps a lot but when i did change steering lock from 900* to 460* degrees, it was much better and now I'm using 360* degrees without changing Steering lock in tuning options.

While you are forced to drive cars like Mclaren MP4 / Zonda F / Carrera GT in invitational races you may feel like they turning abilities are very limited. Then go to Game Options and in Advance Settings find the best Lock fit's you. You will feel a noticable difference how car handles
Did that... lowered from 400 to 360. I think its a bit better in my G27 since I got up in a few event by a quite a few SECONDS in previous runs.

I have to test with a broader range of cars but excellent tip (again) ussr 👍
I use 720° normally and increase steering lock by 7-10 points. Gives me much more precision than 360°. Also, I didnt feel the willingness to turn is the MPC4-12s problem, I actually found the front end to be kinda light.
Yes, but there is a few frustrated races, like Nordschleife where you have to use stock car, and there is nothing you can do to help yourself a little.

Except to experiment with Steering lock in game options instead tune it. Help me a lot and not just me like i see :) And now i know that McLaren is not that bad car after all.
i managed to scrape a 3rd after several attempts, its not so much bad driving on our behalf, more idiotic A.I spinning youi out. many times i've been in first and had the A.I not brake and arse end me and end up in 7th. as for teh control i had TC on High as well as stability on to try help it out a bit. if u keep at it and keep your cool u may get it. just keep teh mirror on whiel driving for teh big straight because everything else on teh track is way faster than u.
I think for that event you should try to feather the throttle for the first part of Aremburg its really easy to slide off the road if you full throttle it. The karussel section isn't too bad and the final nordschliefe should be cake unless the veryon beats you lol
Best I've managed on the race is 4th after a whole day of trying. I nearly got 3rd once but the Veyron shot past on the final straight. I've managed to memorise the track pretty well now but the Veyron has stupid performance. Is the only way to beat him to block him as he comes up behind?
Best I've managed on the race is 4th after a whole day of trying. I nearly got 3rd once but the Veyron shot past on the final straight. I've managed to memorise the track pretty well now but the Veyron has stupid performance. Is the only way to beat him to block him as he comes up behind?


I've forgot about that thread
but did quick drive and ill hope this help you to learn some speed. 👍 If your drive is good then you can have half a minute advantage on the Finish line.

Set game difficulty to Hard, then you land 4th on the grid and quickly overtake two cars then the leader just like on the video, and you good to go racing all alone to the finish line.

I've forgot about that thread
but did quick drive and ill hope this help you to learn some speed. 👍 If your drive is good then you can have half a minute advantage on the Finish line.

Set game difficulty to Hard, then you land 4th on the grid and quickly overtake two cars then the leader just like on the video, and you good to go racing all alone to the finish line.

Well, you did pretty well there. Thanks for making the vid. Do you think playing on Hard makes it easier? :nervous: I'm lucky if I get a couple of seconds advantage on the finish line. Also, I've noticed a lot of the people who do well manage to get an early lead. Do you think that might be the key? You know, try and overtake early on?

In this case it was small battle for world record at the time. So that's explains car control and lap time. Hard difficulty makes easier when you chase lap record, you have to overtake them quickly or you stuck and loose time. On Hard you 4th on the starting grid. On Normal and Easy you far behind, but opponents are not that fast.

As for overtaking quickly i think this isn't the safest method but effective in this case. Also in Eliminator Race with Zonda F on Riviera Casino Riviera. Only there you have to set game difficulty to Easy and then overtake them quickly and only from there your lap battle starts.

In every race on or off line, you don't want to stuck behind someone who is blocking you. That's the key.
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Anyone got any tips for DS3 users? I am finding this impossible. I play using DS3 because my back is too bad for me to use the wheel at the moment.

I have slowly learned to cope with the DS3 & usually play on medium or hard and elite handling with all assists off. I find it is not possible to drive the MP4 like this.

I have always had trouble with mid engined RWD cars in driving games anyway. I have no idea if they are as hard to drive in real life as they are in computer games as I have been a biker for 22 years and never even had a car licence!

I still love this game (apart from all the bugs of course) but this challenge is a 🤬

Can anyone recommend another car in the game that handles like the MP4 I can use to practice? I have tried the Mclaren F1 with default setup & I find it much easier to drive than the MP4 :/
I would have to recommend Koenigsegg CCX. I think this car is the closest in handling to MP4. It's way much powerful though so try not to push throttle to much or it will kill you.

Nordschleife + MP4 12-C I've absolutely love this combo :sly:
I would have to recommend Koenigsegg CCX. I think this car is the closest in handling to MP4. It's way much powerful though so try not to push throttle to much or it will kill you.

Nordschleife + MP4 12-C I've absolutely love this combo :sly:

Thanks I'll give that a go. You can never get too much practice on the ring anyway! :sly:

It is a great challenge and I still have so many more to do too as I reached L20 purely by quick racing! :)

PS. I have decided to get a wheel stand so that I will be able to use a wheel again regardless of my bad back. :)

The Koenigsegg feels much more planted and easier to steer than the MP4 I think if the challenge was to do it in that I wouldn't have a problem.

The trouble is the MP$ seems to resist tiny steering adjustments and then suddenly snap, The F1 and CCX don't have the same problem. Looks like I might have to wait until I get the wheel stand
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I play with a DS3, and the best advice I could give for racing with the "loaner" cars is adjust what you can adjust... deadzones and throttle and steering sensitivities. It made a noticeble difference even when I adjusted them just by small increments. It might help if you want to try that challenge again while waiting for your wheel stand. I got that tip from another forum, and it worked for me.

Have a good one
Long time ago I've learn that if i lower steering rotation from like 360 to 220 this car become something way much different, and entire challenge to. It then became my favorite race in entire game, i liked so much that begin to make some WR :)

So it may help tinker with steering sensitivity. 👍 Other thing is that when you finally win McLaren MP12-C and went immediately to time trial or single race on Nordschleife with it, then first thing you may or may not notice is that car react different from the one you just drove in Invitational A race :crazy:
I have tried changing the controller settings quite a bit, currently steering sensitivity is at 18% but any lower and it becomes hard to get around the tighter corners.

I'm happy to leave it for a while it gives me something to aim for! I need to learn Nordschleife better anyway especially with the fast cars and in traffic.

The Koenigseg is great fun to drive and is similar in handling especially when you overspeed into fast sweeping corners.

I have noticed that some of the other prize cars also seem to handle better once you own them, I suspect that for the challenge they have a setup applied which suited the developer who coded the challenge possibly.

Unlike the other drving game, I find this game remains challenging, exciting and addictive even now (can't really bring that up in the main forums though :sly:)

cheers guys!
Unlike the other drving game, I find this game remains challenging, exciting and addictive even now (can't really bring that up in the main forums though :sly:)

cheers guys!
Career on this game is amazing even better than shift 1, always new cars to find in every class, you can learn new things about this game every day. On shift 1 after a year of playing i was still finding faster set-ups 👍