Head2Head Competition Week 47 - Closed

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Nice shot jgda9rs, it's a landscape though. Not a Portrait. :)

I figured I would do something simple.

Final Entry ~ Portrait

Click for full size.

Thanks for the info :) i know i sounded dumb but i dont know my 'cats' very well. which is usually why i get in trouble at my DA account gallery :D nice shot drift! you captured the era of that car very well!
Daamn! Drift2XS, that tone is brutal man! So well cleaned, so well defined, so well blurred!

Thanks everyone for so sweet replies. I know Adrian, that preview was gone when my PC died lol, and I think the sky is quite different as I can remember. I'm glad with results anyway. Your M3 is also very good, I have the feeling you've improved during these weeks...

memories alex :) i remember you showed me that photo, i was trying to clean up that photo of my yellow integra, which you ended up doing for me :D back in my pre-photoshop days, and yeah, the sky does look a teenie bit different. back then it had no noise, but the colors are pretty close. believe it or not, that photo inspired one of my good updates before, and same with my entry for the round 1 of the first season of the photomode tournament! :D thanks for the compliment on my entry!
Not at all! You should show your Big Bang Atom at Nordshleife :lol::lol: Everytime I read that under your nickname, an image is comming into my mind!!


This shot was actually goin to be for my gallery, but i think it fits right in here!
That's stunning, Ray!

I'm loving the colours and what you did to the background. It's an artistic entry, for sure!
U guys are bringing your A-game to this...Alex that shot is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Same to U Ray!!!
Good luck to all:)
Ouch again. I have to say it is not technically perfect, but the idea is also very good! I love that blurred background + frontal camera. We're plenty of good stuff actually. Spring is making miracles with our hormones or wtf! :lol:

Well, I suppose this brings up yet another discussion, since I did mention it in the "enlarging rims" thread (and the H2H rules follow 2.0 ones):

What's everyone's opinion on stitched-together, super-wide shots? Are we going to also allow them as well?

No matter what though, Alex, that is a stunning shot! :cheers:
Yes it's a stunning shot 👍 but (sorry) no, this is not the right competition for it. If this is allowed then the very basic rules of 2.0 go out of the window. If people want to turn 2.0 into free editing photoshop comp I don't see it as a bad thing necessarily, but it has to say so in the rules then. I know it sounds stupid to be strict about the rules in a competition that is just for fun, but (sooner or later) no rules = no fun, that's just the way it is. :grumpy:
I have to agree with that, atlop. It may look better and more interesting at a 1st glance, but eventually it'll be the death of the comp, since only a few would enter and the rest wouldn't even bother because they know that wouldn't stand a chance. Among other questions.


I really don't feel like working a new shot for this (too busy with phisiotherapy and recovery), so I'll just post this one.


damn boy! that car looks mean. it looks like it's trying to pick a fight with me just looking at it! it's like saying 'what you looking at?! huh!?' i love the colors and tone on it too!
Well, I suppose this brings up yet another discussion, since I did mention it in the "enlarging rims" thread (and the H2H rules follow 2.0 ones):

What's everyone's opinion on stitched-together, super-wide shots? Are we going to also allow them as well?

No matter what though, Alex, that is a stunning shot! :cheers:

It is a controversial issue for sure - because technically you can't enter more than one image. But technically it is only one image...

I say allow it.

Now, I still don't like how the preview is a different orientation (portrait v. landscape) than the actual image... but thats just me.
Rules doesn't say anything about merging more than one pic, so I decided to mutilate my entry to fit it better in the comp. I could have taken only one pic, and then crop margins, but I thought it could be nice to offer a real wide image (More enjoyable to the viewer) rather my very usual 700/750px max photos. It doesn't matter really.

I'd like to say at the same time, that rules was followed estrictly without any other modification. The previous entry had the same characteristics so I only cropped it as the original one. My intention was not breaking the rules, I just did not ask myseft if my method was alowed becase the image is exactly the same and I was wanting just more resolution.


Yes it's a stunning shot 👍 but (sorry) no, this is not the right competition for it. If this is allowed then the very basic rules of 2.0 go out of the window. If people want to turn 2.0 into free editing photoshop comp I don't see it as a bad thing necessarily, but it has to say so in the rules then. I know it sounds stupid to be strict about the rules in a competition that is just for fun, but (sooner or later) no rules = no fun, that's just the way it is. :grumpy:

It is a stunning shot as is Freddy's however I agree with with atlop, combining pictures will throw most of the rules out of the window, and it also means that multiple car shots would also be allowed
Alex, the new version is still a stunning shot! 👍 👍 I think it was always about the light that you have there, the 'widescreen' thing was just a plus.
It doesn't take much of the original shot, that reviewed entry is still beautiful.

The tones you used on every specific part of the image make it look like a painting.
It’s been a while since I’ve entered anything—had this on the harddrive since last June! :embarrassed:

FINAL ENTRY – Portrait
