Head2Head Competition wk40 Final Poll - BMW vs Audi (Winner: Dead_Poetic)

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

And the winner is?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus








You may vote once.
Do not vote for yourself:
Doing so will result in disqualification.

Both finalists should send in their theme ideas asap.


Voting closes on:
November 17th


Need a theme idea? Click here!
Fuaa, two master shots face to face, I don't know what vote this round too!! Let me think some more time...

D_P for me 👍

The colors in Moglet's shot are beautiful but the angled wheel blur in D_P's shot simply takes my vote rightaway if you realise how difficult it is to get as perfect as in this shot! 👍
D_P for me 👍

The colors in Moglet's shot are beautiful but the angled wheel blur in D_P's shot simply takes my vote rightaway if you realise how difficult it is to get as perfect as in this shot! 👍

I mean this in absolutely no way to D_P, because I think his shot is great... but, that blur is no harder than any other artificial blur, with exception to "round-the-corner" blurs. His image has a single directional blur, and wheel blurs are simply a matter of rotating/distorting the selected wheel the best way to apply the blur. D_P, I hope you know what I'm saying. Look at Moglet's shot for example; I don't know if he used an artificial blur or not (it looks like it from the brakes), but it required the exact methods used for D_P's, other than the wheels don't really need to be fiddled with to apply a blur correctly.

Anyways, this was a tough choice, because both images are hearty sizes, and oddly, both at Infineon (well, as far as I can tell). In the end I went with Moglet's because it's an artistically simple shot with a very warm feeling. Though I will admit it's a BMW at a stretch :lol:
Whoa, very hard decision. Going to be a tight comp by looking at the votes.

I went with Moglet's shot. I liked the colours and the lighting, I also liked how the scenery looks very soft and the car looks very sharp. Makes the car stand out. Both are amazing shots. Great work Moglet and D_P. 👍
Not Bad boys, I went with Dead_Poetic. I love the realistic tone, the sky came up really well 👍
I do appreciate all of the comments critiquing my work. And i have to agree with Slip in this case. My shot isn't much out of the ordinary, I mean, sometimes, it is hard to get your angled wheel blurs to look nice, but that isnt anything that is too difficult if youve practiced with it more than a couple times. Also, my clean up work is half-assed. I used the pen tool to do the lines in the door, then went over them with the dodge tool and smudge tool to make them look like they were supposed to be there. I called them half-assed because i didnt even finish the clean up on this car, I cant make my paint look reflective and shiny/metallic. There are a lot of skills that i want to possess, i just dont know about how to learn them...That said, im sure that Moglets entry didnt take too much effort either...i mean, i loved it sooo much. But just because a shot doesnt take years to clean-up/blur/make it look good, doesnt mean that it cant win a competition for sheer aesthetic value...anyways, thanks for the critiques, comments, and votes.
Absolutely agreed D_P; a lightly-PS'ed shot can still have what it takes to win a comp, some shots really don't need much done to them. I like to use a lot of Atlop or DiabolicalMask's shots as examples; clever shooting and compositions mixed with light post-GT work has been very successful for those two! 👍

As an aside, when I re-draw shutlines, I usually use the pen tool set to black, draw as narrow a line as I can following the original path, then smudge out the original pixelated lines. I usually then use the polygonal lasso tool to get the line even thinner (after rasterizing), then lower the opacity or use a different blend method to better match it within the image.
Using the pen tool eh?

Man, I keep learning more and more 👍 I didn't have any idea you guys worked with a pen tool, good to know that :)👍