Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
I hate to be the guy that does this but oh well...

Why is one driver permitted to use a car that has 286bhp AND 1200kg AND is RWD AND ISN'T EVEN LISTED ON THE OP??

Yeah... That last bit in particular has been a concern of mine for a while.

Very good point. I believe Mel lets him do it because he knows whiskey.

And Mel, I know for a fact you do not count practice times.

If I stop playing GTA to race, you have to race too :P

Is whiskey still using whatever car he wants? If so, what's the point? I read that he just wants practice, but surely it's better to practice in an equal car or a car that someone else has, that way you can tell if you're getting faster than them or not.

Well, yeah, seems like he wants to practice and win races unfairly at the same time :rolleyes:
I don't usually like to complain but seriously, it's supposed to be ITCC, what if everyone got to choose their own car? Then it would just be random car championship.
Why should one guy be allowed to race ITCC in a non-ITCC car.

and there are at least half a dozen more quotes from other members I could of listed above...

So to summarise, whisky use's a car that isn't listed, is obviously overpowered and he is allowed to do this because:

"he didn't feel like driving a car from the list"
^exact quote from Mel in the Gt5 lobby

I would have a field day with the entire Grid :lol:

He could just bring a spaceship.

^Totally agree :P

Yet to me it appears that Andrew constantly seems to divert these views of ALMOST ALL other competitors on this matter - no offense intended Andrew, I am just stating the facts.

I know he is your friend, but no other series host allows rules to be broken like this.

What's the point in competing if people aren't going to be regulated properly to ensure the racing is fair?

Mazda Atenza Sport 25Z '07: 276 hp, 1219 kg.

On the subject of regulations, I have never once seen the weight of the Mazda being checked before the races, the limit is always taken from 1270 straight down to 1200kg. Can anyone else confirm this?

And also if this was anybody other than whisky we would be immediately disqualified and the points earned removed under ITCC rules right?

If whisky feels he can't compete with a 'normal' ITCC car then there is a simple solution which I have suggested multiple times before:

Introduce success ballast

But again this suggestion (and maybe this entire post) will probably just be ignored. ok little rant over:yuck:
Welcome to ITCC, where I hate to be "that" guy, but if you say anything about it, you'll be called a troll and kicked out.

Siggers, I agree with you, remember what happened with me?

I will just say however what Andrew said to me on Skype when I told him about what had happened "I'm never serious"...

And Madrid Mini is a tough track in anything, GT5 draft + aggressive driving = crashes.

What if any cars are still available? I know it's mid-season, but i'm interested in joining if the right combo is free
Hey Caine, hope you can be my teammate, just an idea, I going to run colours for a charity each race, thanks, ;)
Thanks for confirming this Jammy. Now it makes sense

So, when I told you that, were you not listening?

@ Jammy: Madrid means Madrid. :) The full-length, forwards version.

@ Siggers - in relation to whiskymaser - you accused him of cheating. He wasn't. You accused him of using a car that's too fast. Now it runs the same specs as the BMW. And, it still doesn't make him any more or less likely to win. I asked him to drive the BMW, and he almost did, until you started complaining about him cheating. Then, he felt like "well, I'll prove that I'm not cheating." Stop accusing people of cheating, maybe you'll enjoy the racing more.

@ Furinkazen - the mods have asked you to not spew nonsense on ITCC thread anymore. Please, follow their advice if not mine.

Welcome to ITCC, where I hate to be "that" guy, but if you say anything about it, you'll be called a troll and kicked out.

Siggers, I agree with you, remember what happened with me?

I will just say however what Andrew said to me on Skype when I told him about what had happened "I'm never serious"...

And Madrid Mini is a tough track in anything, GT5 draft + aggressive driving = crashes.


False. We're not going to Madrid Mini. Stop spewing nonsense. And, to add to that, what does a Skype conversation - which had nothing to do with the topic you're thinking of - have to do with ITCC?

I seem to remember telling Wardez, in fact, that I'm rarely serious. You're twisting my words. Stop it.

Lastly, you weren't kicked out for anything except flamebaiting; the same thing you accuse me of. If you come in, look for a fight, and then leave, does it really make ToCA look any better, like you seem to want it to? Please, leave us alone.

@ OLLY, welcome back! :) PM me when you decide on a team, the two/three pages of blabber leaves me wondering which team you're going to choose. :confused: I see no firm decision.

@ GTP_caine, hello and welcome to ITCC :)

@ everyone: Rome was always going to be a hard track, conduct wise. It's like Suzuka's ugly sister, in that it's very difficult to make clean passes at both tracks. Rome is just awkward. It won't be returning to Season 4, and all investigations are being looked at, or will be looked at, or have been looked at, and penalties have been/will be/are being assigned.

Excuse my absence from the forums for the past ~48 hours. :scared: That was a very, very strange party. :crazy:
@ Furinkazen - the mods have asked you to not spew nonsense on ITCC thread anymore. Please, follow their advice if not mine.

Actually, we've asked a whole bunch of people in this thread to not do that, you included, and that's fallen on deaf ears. This thread was littered with hundreds of off-topic, spammy, chat-room type posts before a single race was even run. Considering your penchant for posting simply for pumping up that post count, though, it's probably not surprising.

Furi is chiming in on a fellow racer's very valid concern, and it certainly appears as if you're trying to sweep the issue under the rug. How hypocritical is it to discuss the future of OLR and how to improve the entire practice when a series coordinator bends to nepotism and lets a friend run a car that isn't even available to any other participant in the series?
Thinking about it now. Heck, Furi's the one who's posted the least nonsense on here :scared:
I've had almost no part in the spamming for the full season, and you accuse me, Slip? Come on, I'm not doing any spam.

I'm done trying to save the people from being infracted for spam by constantly reminding them not to spam. Quit it or the mods will follow up on their discussed in-thread warnings.
Good to see you returned from the darklands of Los Santos Olly 👍

Welcome backenhausen :cheers: