Hell has finally frozen over! Closed!!

  • Thread starter cryptomanic
I just sent a fr from my alt so I can send the heron commodore. Only thing is I missed out the hyphen. I will resend fr later but if it dosnt get accepted quick enough I will swap you about. Sorry for the confusion sir 👍

Ok mate fr to both account names just let me know which one you prefer. Had to swap you around....my fault entirely, I should have had that sorted days ago. The heron commodore will now come on the 27th ok?
Send cars to crypto-manic for now, it might change in the near future as I am nearing 2000 on that account, thank you sir:tup:
Soooo are you still receiving cars on crypto-manic? I have a copen '02 that I need to send you but I no longer see your account in my sharky968 FL anymore.... :guilty:
Yes I do, I sent you a FR, I had to delete some of your accounts as I thought you would be resting at the bottom of the ocean a while:sly: If theres anything else you want to send that would be swell and thank you.

Hello, my friend from hell. I'm back, and I'm here to heat the things up, as you work 19 hours/day and I cant even get a fu**ing job.

Elise 111R '04 (standard) -> Starlight Black Metallic
Esprit V8 SE '98 -> Black
Esprit V8 GT '98 -> Chrome Orange Metallic

Everything on offer and the deliveries will start next Tuesday.
Just remind me to which account I should send these bastards.
Send to crypto-manic, thank you so much my friend:tup:
Hi mate, you can mark these as pending

Lotus Europa Special '71 - Lotus Yellow
Lotus Elise 111S '03 - Glacier Blue Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 GT '98 - New Aluminium Metallic
Lotus Elise 111R '04 - Bordeaux Red Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 '02 - Cobalt Blue Metallic
Hi mate!
Here there are my OCDs:

Lotus Europa Special '71 Roman Purple
Lotus Elise '00 Quartz Metallic
Lotus Elise 111S '03 Racing Green Metallic
Lotus Elise Sport 190 '98 Black
Lotus Esprit V8 GT '98 Lotus Racing Green Metallic
Lotus Elise 111R '04(standard) Glacier Blue Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 '02 (standard) Aqua Metallic

I'll let you know my choices later.
Can you schedule them for first seven days of February?
Hello. Sent 3 last week. 5 more to go. Will advise what and when I will send the balance out :)
Thank you both very much, I will get them booked here soon:tup:
@tbwhhs, I already have the Esprit V8 '02 Silver Metallic and the Esprit V8 SE '98 Deep Purple Metallic.

Put me down for these

Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02 Blu Casual Metallizzato
Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02 Tealitblau
Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 Bernsteinrot
Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R129) '98 Nautik Blau
Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 Feueropal
Hi mate, you can mark these as pending

Lotus Europa Special '71 - Lotus Yellow
Lotus Elise 111S '03 - Glacier Blue Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 GT '98 - New Aluminium Metallic
Lotus Elise 111R '04 - Bordeaux Red Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 '02 - Cobalt Blue Metallic
Thak you sir, very generous as usual:tup:
Hi mate!
Here there are my OCDs:

Lotus Europa Special '71 Roman Purple
Lotus Elise '00 Quartz Metallic
Lotus Elise 111S '03 Racing Green Metallic
Lotus Elise Sport 190 '98 Black
Lotus Esprit V8 GT '98 Lotus Racing Green Metallic
Lotus Elise 111R '04(standard) Glacier Blue Metallic
Lotus Esprit V8 '02 (standard) Aqua Metallic

I'll let you know my choices later.
Can you schedule them for first seven days of February?
Sounds far out but sure and thank you:tup:
I have a Lotus 111S in Glacier Blue and a V8 '02 in Ice Blue, need any?
I need the Ice blue V8 '02, Let me know if your still interested:sly:
Put me down for these

Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02 Blu Casual Metallizzato
Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02 Tealitblau
Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 Bernsteinrot
Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R129) '98 Nautik Blau
Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 Feueropal
I will get those booked my friend:tup:
Thank you sir:tup: Tired, worked 19 hours today. Stupid black Friday:crazy:


Thank God we don't have that day here, but it's starting to creep in....................

Another little car sent to Hell:)
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Holden commadore in Heron sent to the depths of your hell sir. And a big thank you to you:tup:
Thank you sir, I will be checking in cars tonight on my new setup, racing wheel, and 42 inch locked away in my bedroom:sly::sly:
It seems you gave me double slot for 02/04 :)
I fixed it sir:sly:

Thang God we don't have that day here, but it's starting to creep in....................

Another little car sent to Hell:)
Your awesome, I love those surprises:tup: Thank you:)
Thank you sir, I will be checking in cars tonight on my new setup, racing wheel, and 42 inch locked away in my bedroom:sly::sly:

:) Somebody has been busy for Cyber Monday:lol: What's next?? A second PS3:idea:? I have been wanting a wheel myself for quite sometimes now... I'll try and ask Santa:embarrassed:
Sure sounds like bliss to me 👍

:) Somebody has been busy for Cyber Monday:lol: What's next?? A second PS3:idea:? I have been wanting a wheel myself for quite sometimes now... I'll try and ask Santa:embarrassed:

I have had the wheel a while but I finally convinced my wife to move it out of the closet and permanently set up in the bedroom. Away from the kids:sly: I might be the dark overlord but she's the boss :scared:
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I have had the wheel a while but I finally convinced my wife to move it out of the closet and permanently set up in the bedroom. Away from the kids:sly: I might be the dark overlord but she's the boss :scared:

I know what you mean!! But I still have better chances asking Santa than my wife:lol: It is like ripping a ticket 1000 and hope to get the right car/color combination:scared:

Will send Capri-Blue on 11/29 & Lugano-Blau Metallic on 12/2. Leave 3 mores to go before the 7th.
My man from hell, it's just to remember you to check your message box, in your crypto-manic account. I realized last tuesday, when I was going to start sending the Lotus to the hell, that you were no longer in my list. So i sent you an FR, but you haven't accepted it, as of yet.
Tropic Green Hyundai sent:)
Thank you very much sir:tup:
My man from hell, it's just to remember you to check your message box, in your crypto-manic account. I realized last tuesday, when I was going to start sending the Lotus to the hell, that you were no longer in my list. So i sent you an FR, but you haven't accepted it, as of yet.

FR accepted, sorry I just received it today??:crazy: Thank you:tup: