Helllllpppppppp!!!F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter dma0413
United States
Charlotte, NC
So, I played f1 2010 and was not very good at it, now I have 2012 and I am even worse. Love the game but I am just having a rough go of it, and cant seem to improve. I am in the Force India car in career mode. I started with all assists off except for the driving line and I had AI set to legend. I was posting 1:40s in Australia. After re-doing the session a couple thousand more times, I can't crack the lap time and have no idea how I can get to the 1:30s. I set the difficulty to easy just to see how I'd perform and it wasnt much better (All assists on). Fastest lap was 1:36, only good for 18th. How do I post faster times! I am using the FW set-up from this forum and I am using a ThrustmasterGT wheel and pedal set. I don't want to play with assists all the time and even if I did, it looks like I wouldn't be competitive anyway! HELLLLPPPPPP!!
Well, it might be hard to say what you're doing wrong from reading your thread. If possible, could you record (Fraps etc. if you#re playing on PC) a few laps? That way it's probably way easier to give you advice. :)
I have to say, it took me a month, in the summer, of playing f1 2011 just to get used to it. By a month, I mean about 10 hours a day, since I didn't have anything better to do during the hot days. Go easy on the throttle and brakes at first. This is not a game where you will be getting points every race when you start.

Setup is also a big thing. Look online for setups, they help a lot, and make the car feel more suited to the track. If you can't find anything helpful, pay attention to the car, and make adjustments, see whether or not it feels more suited, or the opposite direction. It takes a lot of time and effort.

Assists slow you down in the game. They help you out, but ween yourself off of them, you'll be better off in the future if you plan to be competitive. Also, you need to find the flow for each track. Dont rush them, but dont be too slacking either, you need to find that medium point. Hope this helped.
With lap times in the 1:40's you should be playing on intermediate not legend! Turn down the difficulty and enjoy yourself. Once you start consistently winning with a back marker then think about upping it to Pro. Starting the game on legend is suicidal and unnecessary.
There are lots of factors that can affect your lap times, really. Switching to the Option tires could shave you a few tenths of a second. Also, the setup you might be using doesn't suit your driving style. I don't know if the driving line works like in GT5 but the brake markers could be off. You usually brake around the 100 meter board depending on the corner. You can reduce the fuel load to make your car lighter and faster. Also, I believe F1 2010 didn't have KERS and DRS. You can use them to shave even more seconds off your time.
I was racing on the highest difficulty in F1 2011, even to the point, where i was winning it with a Williams. But i'm racing in 2012, and i can't get used to it. I managed to tune the wheel settings, but for some reason the car isn't turning in well. I try to race with my throttle foot to the floor, to get grip into the corners, and the thing won't turn, even if i go slowly, still a problem.
I'm not having trouble with no assists, i rarely lock up, and i can control it just fine, but every car, feels like it doesn't want to turn.
I was racing on the highest difficulty in F1 2011, even to the point, where i was winning it with a Williams. But i'm racing in 2012, and i can't get used to it. I managed to tune the wheel settings, but for some reason the car isn't turning in well. I try to race with my throttle foot to the floor, to get grip into the corners, and the thing won't turn, even if i go slowly, still a problem.
I'm not having trouble with no assists, i rarely lock up, and i can control it just fine, but every car, feels like it doesn't want to turn.

Sounds like u need to turn up the saturation setting on your wheel.
And keep the linear setting relatively low.
Also the game limits the amount of steering you can have at a given speed. You can feel it when u turn the wheel it suddenly feels loose; that means you r steering past the limit.
Sounds like u need to turn up the saturation setting on your wheel.
And keep the linear setting relatively low.
Also the game limits the amount of steering you can have at a given speed. You can feel it when u turn the wheel it suddenly feels loose; that means you r steering past the limit.

Ok thanks, i'll try that.
Well, that didn't make it any better, but i read online that the understeer is far worse in this game, and i think i'm going to have to adjust my driving style to it.
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