Hello (Several License test questions inside)

  • Thread starter liam2maps
Hello. I must say you seem to have a nice Gran Turismo community and I hope it is as fun as it looks :)

I have some questions about Gran Turismo 2. So far I have been trying to earn all golds and I have for the B and A license tests. But I am having some troubles on future license tests. Mainly the slalom tests.

Does anyone have any tips on this?

Also I am not sure but it seems PAL users have shorter times to complete tests. Anyone know why is that?
This is a nice community, I've been spending way too much time here lately. I don't think I've hardly ever seen anyone get flamed at GT Planet--at least not here in GT2. I was posting on Racing-Line.org a few months back and couldn't believe how rude people were to me and each other.

I can't help you with the PAL question, but I remember doing those slaloms a while back and they ARE a pain. You have to simultaneously keep your speed up while just barely skimming your car by those barriers. Ugh. I did it with analog controls and an auto tranny. I think the Peugeot one is tougher than the S2000, just cuz it's so damn slow and harder to maneuver. You probly already know this but watch the demos. Pause them with the little blue & red accel/brake thingy on so you know just when to start turning, when to apply gas, when to start braking, etc. It's amazing how much easier it is to learn these tests if you pause them.
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Yeah I watch them. So far I haven't had to buy a car since restarting the game :) Same as in GT I used the concept car there.

Personally it seems like most of the GT2 license tests are easier than the GT ones.
Yeah I watch them. So far I haven't had to buy a car since restarting the game :) Same as in GT I used the concept car there.

Personally it seems like most of the GT2 license tests are easier than the GT ones.

I wouldn't say getting gold is easier. Getting bronze and continuing is a piece of cake, and this is very good, n00b friendly, you know. Personally I have golds on 16 licenses so far... ;). Too lazy.
I don't have a bloody clue on the slalom tests. I watch the demo but find it hard to master and pull off. Also there is this test at Rome that is near impossible to pull off on a gold.
Personally it seems like most of the GT2 license tests are easier than the GT ones.

I agree, It took me 4 of hours to get all gold in GT2 A license. I'm starting the IC gold this week.
On the other hand after 3 hours I can't even get the gold for the 1st test A license ( Supra RZ at Deep Forest 1st curve ).
I'm not in a hurry anyway, GT4 won't be available in Canada before the end of march.
Biased turkey
I agree, It took me 4 of hours to get all gold in GT2 A license. I'm starting the IC gold this week.
On the other hand after 3 hours I can't even get the gold for the 1st test A license ( Supra RZ at Deep Forest 1st curve ).
I'm not in a hurry anyway, GT4 won't be available in Canada before the end of march.

Some of those A license tests in GT2 are so easy, but A4 is just as hard as B3 in GT1 to earn gold (Del Sol @ Deep Forest).
well I got all gold and this site had been a alot of help make sure to check the FAQs there also search for a thread I did in that topic .

as for the slalom, try to be as close to the barrier as you can, though you don't need to be very close, also try to turn before the barriers at first and cach some speed at the end.

hope that helps, good luck.

EDIT: Thread
well I got all gold and this site had been a alot of help make sure to check the FAQs there also search for a thread I did in that topic .

as for the slalom, try to be as close to the barrier as you can, though you don't need to be very close, also try to turn before the barriers at first and cach some speed at the end.

hope that helps, good luck.

EDIT: Thread

Wow, yeah, this does help.
well I got all gold and this site had been a alot of help make sure to check the FAQs there also search for a thread I did in that topic .

as for the slalom, try to be as close to the barrier as you can, though you don't need to be very close, also try to turn before the barriers at first and cach some speed at the end.

hope that helps, good luck.

EDIT: Thread

Yeah a very good site.
Let me tell you this: I totally suck at licenses.
Maybe because GT2 is running faster than the real time (more than 1,5 seconds á second) so it is a pain in the ### to do the license test. I even got 3 silver medals,and 1 gold I believe :P
I think the main thing about GT2 license tests is they are inconsistent. Some of them are frightfully easy to steal gold from (any rally test), and others are damn near impossible. (A4-Altezza tackles hairpin, IC-3 or 4-i forget which-Camaro with walls in double corner come to mind, tho there are others I'm forgetting.) It almost seems as if whoever drove the test car in the demo tried a lot harder on certain tests and was lazy on others...then the programmers used his or her best times to script bronze, silver,and gold guidelines.
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The two slalom tests are a matter of getting the turn and accelerator timing right.
Start turning before you reach the next gate and just lift of slightly on the accelerator as you start to turn.
Maintain a constant speed in the middle section and then accelerate hard for the final two gates.
If you push hard to early you will have too much speed to take the last gates.
It also helps to use the ‘in-cockpit’ view (the one with the mirror at the top) so you can see the barriers more accurately.
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Parnelli Bone
I think the main thing about GT2 license tests is they are inconsistent. Some of them are frightfully easy to steal gold from (any rally test), and others are damn near impossible. (A4-Altezza tackles hairpin, IC-3 or 4-i forget which-Camaro with walls in double corner come to mind, tho there are others i'm forgetting.) It almost seems as if whoever drove the test car in the demo tried alot harder on certain tests and was lazy on others...then the programmers used his or her best times to script bronze, silver,and gold guidelines.

Sometimes you have with bronze 16 seconds more,sometimes only a few. That's odd,especially if the second test is harder than the first one
so far ive got all golds in all the licenses except for the super license and i cant beat the camaro double blind corner test in either IC or IB license..i forget
I've managed to do the double blind corner 2 or 3x for gold, and that's enuff. We're tallking HUNDREDS of tries on that one. Ugh. I tried everything in that one and it seems automatic transmission, chase view 2, and full analog was the only way for me, but I'm sure others have their own methods.

I think Polyphone made IC-3 or 4 to exact revenge on all the wall-bangers out there! What I remember is: brake heavily just under the 50m marker (or whatever that last marker is), turn in and don't let your steering go; you have to get this part perfect. If you turn in too much, you hit the corner wall, yet, your inside tire must run over the red & white rumble strip. Accelerate just enough to get yourself to the opposite wall. You can lightly graze this wall but if you slam it, you'll have to start over. The 2nd corner is a bit faster...you don't wanna get below 64 mph (or whatever the demo shows). You just have to do the entire thing perfectly, and there's only 1 or 2 ways to hit it. This is unlike the unwalled version of the test: there are many ways you can attack the corners once the walls aren't there. I can get a gold in that test after only 3 or 4 tries.
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Long time no reply. I've been busy with a few things but I am back. And with that I've finally completed GT2 with ALL Gold licenses. I needed a little luck but the Del Sol LM Edition was definately worth it.

Rome wasn't as hard as I thought. What costs you time is that you SHOULDN'T shift up if you are about to cross the line. Out of habit I normally would but I'd just cross the line before I redline the car and managed to get a gold. Best of luck guys and great to see the GT community is very healthy.
Yeah!! what up liam.. I was just saying i hadn't seen you here in months. Cool to have you back.

I agree, the del Sol LM and the Altezza LM are both worth all those sweaty palm nites of test after test. So far I've got all golds except for IA. I haven't tackled that one yet. Also, the Alfa @ Rome Nite in the super license...I haven't made gold yet there, either. Overall, I found earning golds in the S license easier than IC, IB, or even A--except for Rome Nite. What I'll have to do is get an Alfa and go on the Arcade time trials and just run that course lap after lap.
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Thanks PB. Yeah I did have some trouble with a rude member here too and left it. Wasn't on this board but. The Del Sol LM is fantastic. Revs highly too but I don't mind that much. I didn't get the Altezza LM from the license test though, I got it from the rome endurance. It's renamed in my version as a lexus instead.

I thought the Alfa would be hard but I got it quite easily after learning the track. You'd be amazed at how well you can go. There's like a chicane (right left) after a long straight down a hill. This corner is cruicial. Take it well and you can take a second off your time.

Any test you need help on I am here for you mate. Have a good one *thumbs up*
Thanks PB. Yeah I did have some trouble with a rude member here too and left it. Wasn't on this board but. The Del Sol LM is fantastic. Revs highly too but I don't mind that much. I didn't get the Altezza LM from the license test though, I got it from the rome endurance. It's renamed in my version as a lexus instead.

I thought the Alfa would be hard but I got it quite easily after learning the track. You'd be amazed at how well you can go. There's like a chicane (right left) after a long straight down a hill. This corner is cruicial. Take it well and you can take a second off your time.

Any test you need help on I am here for you mate. Have a good one *thumbs up*

Oh, well good to have you back. Things are going well here, there's a few new members who hang around quite a bit. Anyways, I think I may have got that wrong about the Altezza...I was thinking of the 3000GT that you win from IC. Love that car! And my issue with the Rome Nite test is probly just that I don't know it well enough.

Tahiti took me 2 tries...Seattle / GT40 took maybe 7 or 8...same thing with the Europa @ Grindelwald. Even the Viper @ Laguna was relatively doable. I got stumped for awhile with the Toyota GT1 @ Apricot Hill but eventually I got that one, too. Only Rome Nite remains...
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Parnelli Bone
Oh, well got to have you back. Things are going well here, there's a few new members who hang around quite a bit. Anyways, i think i may have got that wrong about hte Altezza...i was thinking of the 3000GT that you win from IC. Love that car! And my issue with the Rome Nite test is probly just that i don't know it well enough.

Tahiti took me 2 tries...Seattle / GT40 took maybe 7 or 8...same thing with the Europa @ Grindelwald. Even the Viper @ Laguna was relatively doable. I got stumped for awhile with the Toyota GT1 @ Apricot Hill but eventually i got that one, too. Only Rome Nite remains...

Yeah the S license for me was MUCH easier than some of the IA, IB and IC tests. Rome is quite easy when you get to know the track. You really need to keep your speed up though. The viper was frustrating. I often had the speed but made a mistake in one sector which screwed it all up. Apricot hill was easy for me too.

You know if we were a team we'd compliment each other quite well. Speaking trackwise that is. You seem to do better on some courses than I do. Maybe it's style of play. Anyways I am trying to get all the cars now. 3 currently evade me:

Calsonic Skyline
Weds Celica
Corolla Rally Car

And I think that's it.
Yeah the S license for me was MUCH easier than some of the IA, IB and IC tests. Rome is quite easy when you get to know the track. You really need to keep your speed up though. The viper was frustrating. I often had the speed but made a mistake in one sector which screwed it all up. Apricot hill was easy for me too.

You know if we were a team we'd compliment each other quite well. Speaking trackwise that is. You seem to do better on some courses than I do. Maybe it's style of play. Anyways I am trying to get all the cars now. 3 currently evade me:

Calsonic Skyline
Weds Celica
Corolla Rally Car

And I think that's it.

Laguna was easy for me because I'm used to how Vipers behave. When I tried the Toyota at Apricot, I had a hard time mostly since I've never driven that supercar...also, the demo driver takes some of those corners different than I do (I thought I was master of that track ssince I've raced on it several hundred times!)

You should check out the setup vs. setup thread. It's like one of us will pick a car & track, and post his settings, and then we try those settings and give our impressions and then write down our own..it's kinda cool.
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The Viper and GT-One were easy to me, my problem was the Alfa Touring Car... not only because i didn't knew the track, but also because that car's understeer was driving me mad... :banghead:
I remember throwing the car into the corners, and using handbrake+accelerator to get some oversteer. Would have been much easier if i could tweak it's suspension.

It gave me some fun in the end though... :rolleyes:
Parnelli Bone
Yeah, Laguna was easy for me cuz i'm used to how Vipers behave. When i tried the Toyota at Apricot, i had a hard time mostly since i've never driven that supercar...also, the demo driver takes some of those corners different than i do (i thought i was master of that track ssince i've raced on it several hundred times!)

You should check out the setup vs. setup thread. It's like one of us will pick a car & track, and post his settings, and then we try those settings and give our impressions and thne write down our own..it's kinda cool.

Parnelli, with your license test skills I think you'd have a field day with GT4's driving missions, most of which are challenging and some nearly impossible (#34 comes to mind). The toughest kind involve passing a slower car that starts like a minute before you do. Well, another reason to get GT4. It's like $35 used nowadays. Then again, you probably wouldn't settle for anything less than brand-spankin' new! Oh yeah, and GT4 license tests are pretty fun too. :yuck:

Parnelli, with your license test skills I think you'd have a field day with GT4's driving missions, most of which are challenging and some nearly impossible (#34 comes to mind). The toughest kind involve passing a slower car that starts like a minute before you do. Well, another reason to get GT4. It's like $35 used nowadays. Then again, you probably wouldn't settle for anything less than brand-spankin' new! Oh yeah, and GT4 license tests are pretty fun too. :yuck:

No no no no no....no used copies of GT4 for Parnelli. Mine is gonna be shiny & black...so black you can see your reflection. :) Funny thing about that driving mission comment, tho Back when I was exploring GT1 I used to enter the Sunday Cup with a Viper at High Speed Ring and let the computer cars get like a half lap ahead of me, then I'd see if I could catch them!
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i love those gt4 driving missions. mainly those like you guys said where you have to catch the slower cars. i think my favorite was the one with 6 subarus first i think being a 360 all the way up till your car, an impreza rally car. its fun if you dont make it too cuz then you just got beat by the slowest car on the track
i love those gt4 driving missions. mainly those like you guys said where you have to catch the slower cars. i think my favorite was the one with 6 subarus first i think being a 360 all the way up till your car, an impreza rally car. its fun if you dont make it too cuz then you just got beat by the slowest car on the track
Those GT4 missions seem to be nice, but what i would like to see in GT is something like in NFS:Porsche Unleashed.
In there, as a test driver, i remember doing stuff like... going in a straight line make a 360º and keep going without stoping or loosing too much speed, also doing some "8"s and "S"s. All tests with time, and sometimes with speed limitations (you couldn't drop above 60Km/h or something...).

It was quite funny and you really had to have complete control of your car... :rolleyes:

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