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  • Thread starter Blake


NSW, Australia
<title>Amazing Autos</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Amazing Autos, Cars, Car Pictures, Fast Cars, Fast Autos">
<meta name="description" content="Amazing Autos">
<style>a:hover {color:#C0C0C0}</style></head>
<body bgcolor="#333333" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="10" rightmargin="10">

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<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="758"><tr><td valign="top"><a href=""><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\header.jpg" border="0" width="758" hegiht="166" alt=""></a></td></tr></table><br>

<!-- Contents -->

<table style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="150" height="800"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"><p><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\contents.gif" alt=""></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Home Page</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Cars</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">News</a></p>
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<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Champ Car</a></p>
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<table style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600" height="800"><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"></font></td></tr></table>


How can I make the bottom table appear next to the contents table?

BTW -- I'm completly redoing my website
If anyone's interested I fixed it.
<title>Amazing Autos</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Amazing Autos, Cars, Car Pictures, Fast Cars, Fast Autos">
<meta name="description" content="Amazing Autos">
<style>a:hover {color:#C0C0C0}</style></head>
<body bgcolor="#333333" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">

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<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" width="758"><tr><td valign="top"><a href=""><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\header.jpg" border="0" width="758" hegiht="166" alt=""></a></td></tr></table>

<!-- Contents -->

<table  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10"><tr><td height="800" width="150" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" valign="top" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"><p><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\contents.gif" alt=""></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Home Page</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Cars</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">News</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Formula 1</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Champ Car</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Links</a></p>
<p>- <a href="http://www," style="text-decoration: none">Contact</a></p>

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<td width="600" height="800" valign="top" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2">
<h3 align="center">Home</h3>
<h5>Tuesday, 24 August 2004</h5>
<p>I am starting a major reconstruction of the site. The content will be scrapped and everything will be started from scratch.</p>
Yeah, I just sat there looking at it for an hour then it clicked an i fixed it in a minute:lol:
Yeah, I hit another problem. This appears as three collums going down the page. But I want to have the contents collumn going down 800px while the others go down 400px with two more below those gong down another 400px.

Bassically so it appears as the attachment below does.

<title>Amazing Autos</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Amazing Autos, Cars, Car Pictures, Fast Cars, Fast Autos">
<meta name="description" content="Amazing Autos">
<style>a:hover {color:#C0C0C0}</style></head>
<body bgcolor="#333333" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">

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<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" width="758"><tr><td valign="top"><a href=""><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\header.jpg" border="0" width="758" hegiht="166" alt="Amazing Autos--Your home for anything Automobile"></a></td></tr></table>

<!-- Contents -->

<table  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10"><tr><td height="800" width="150" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" valign="top" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"><p><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\contents.gif" alt="Contents"></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Home Page</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Cars</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">News</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Formula 1</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Champ Car</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Links</a></p>
<p>- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Contact</a></p>

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<td width="300" height="800" valign="top" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\cars.gif" alt="Cars"></font></td>
<td width="300" height="800" valign="top" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" bgcolor="#474747"><font face="verdana" size="2"><img src="C:\My Documents\Blake's ****\My Webs\Amazing Autos\news.gif" alt="News"></font>

<!-- Credits -->

<table  cellpadding="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" height="100" width="760" style="border:C0C0C0 1px solid" valign="top" bgcolor="#474747"><tr><td align="center"><font face="verdana" size="2">Copywrite <sup>&copy</sup> Blake Haswell 2004. Please read the <a href="">disclaimer</a>.<br>If you are having any problems please don't hesitate to <a href="">email me</a>.


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Rowspan is your friend, even though I despise table layouts.

<table width="500" height="800">
    <td [color=red]rowspan="2"[/color]>&nbsp;</td>
    <td height="400">&nbsp;</td>
    <td height="400">&nbsp;</td>
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