HELP! still using older tech +PS2 -what new TV is best?

  • Thread starter wyldrice
i have been using a 25" tube tv for over 12 years now... time to update.
but i'm an old man, out of the loop when it comes to TVs, so i need your help!

Here's my needs...
we live in the USA- so it must be "NSTC"? (not PAL)
...and widescreen (-DUH :crazy: )

i want a cheaper one for a PS2, so i'm going with LCD
(i'm afraid of burning a Plasma! - i sometimes pause for hours! ... i know- i'm bad! :sly:)

it has to be HDTV ready, i plan on using it for at least 3 years (thats about the same time GT5 will actually come out! :dopey:)

should i get 1080? i was planning on 780, but should i go bigger... just in case i use it for 12 years like my last one.
size -around 32"

ins and outs on PS2 compatibility (what to look for!)

...INPUTS- OUTPUTS- is it adjustable?- ETC...

Cost? there low cost models to AVOID because of reaction to a PS2?

Give us your best answers! i can make an informed decision and get the best for my playing experience! :)
I'm personally a big fan of Vizio's. If you have a Sam's Club nearby, check them out. Just don't get one from Wal*Mart. A friend bought one and they stripped out some stuff making it virtually unusable. Edit: It looks like Sears has the "good ones" as well.

Currently I have this one, but am looking to upgrade to a larger 1080P soon.

Vizio's have plenty of inputs, so you'll have tons of options. The PS3 connected to HDMI, PS2 in component, etc. As far as 1080p vs. 720p, currently it's up to you. Either will receive OTA HD broadcast and both work with the PS2 & 3. If I were you, I'd spring for the extra and get the 1080. [/Vizio fanboy]

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :)
dude, your still using a VACUMN tuber, or did you mean a CRT?

man, when hi def/flatscreen/plasma comes down to 150 bucks or less (in about 20 years), then I'll be able to afford one :P
yeah, my RCA has tubes... it takes about 5 minutes for it to warm up...
but when you shut it off, you get this cool Bright, but tiny, DOT in the center!
...that slowly fades away!

i figure its time to upgrade!

yeah, my RCA has tubes... it takes about 5 minutes for it to warm up...
but when you shut it off, you get this cool Bright, but tiny, DOT in the center!

i figure its time to upgrade!


holy crap...
I'm personally a big fan of Vizio's. If you have a Sam's Club nearby, check them out. Just don't get one from Wal*Mart. A friend bought one and they stripped out some stuff making it virtually unusable. Edit: It looks like Sears has the "good ones" as well.

Currently I have this one, but am looking to upgrade to a larger 1080P soon.

Vizio's have plenty of inputs, so you'll have tons of options. The PS3 connected to HDMI, PS2 in component, etc. As far as 1080p vs. 720p, currently it's up to you. Either will receive OTA HD broadcast and both work with the PS2 & 3. If I were you, I'd spring for the extra and get the 1080. [/Vizio fanboy]

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :)

I've heard horror stories of Vizios. My friend's girlfriend works at Walmart and they get returns on them all of the time.
The Vizio's from Wal*Mart, and I'd assume K*Mart as well, suck. Plain and simple. The ones from Sam's, Costco, Sears are the ones to get. I bought mine a year and a half ago. Because of that purchase, my wifes parents bought one. Six months later I gave mine to my parents and bought the newer model. A few months after that I brought a coworker to Sam's to get one, but they were sold out. She bought one from Wal*Mart instead. It was returned within a week and a different one was purchased from Sam's.

Four Vizio's from Sam's bought within the last 18 months with no issues or regrets whatsoever. Like I said. I'm a big fan.
I've heard horror stories of Vizios. My friend's girlfriend works at Walmart and they get returns on them all of the time.
yeah, i checked that... but like he said-
Walmart -and certain others- have the "VW32L" model
Sears -and certain others- have the- "VX32L" model

the difference is only around $50 +more for the "X" model-
but i guess it's worth it, so that's the one i'm planning on getting!

from what i've read on all the 300+ positive reviews today, only a few negatives, and they were from people who bought it at walmart!
what are they doing at walmart- dropping them?
(i picture Ace Ventura banging them into the walls, kicking them, etc! "Got a Package People!":ouch: )

i'll probably be getting one as soon as our taxes come back! 👍
thank you for the tips!

holy crap...
LOL!!! :dopey:
nah- i never tried hooking up that old rca to the ps2 console-:sly:

actually, this TV is what we've been using in our living room since 1995...

:guilty: it's not flat... and its EXTREMELY tiny!

not much of an improvement over the 1952 RCA when you think about it!

but we dont watch tv much- we've never even had cable!
so we only used it for gaming and dvds

....but i'm pretty excited to upgrade! :)
dude, that thing's only a couple years older than mine (mine's suffering from CTR burnout at it's age). and the pic of that old console wasn't visible when I posted.
*snrk* I could probably get that oldie to work. probably cost as much as a Packard, new. if that IS a 52, that's a high end model. common TV's in the fifties had teeny little picture tobes, if I remember right.
that's a 10" rca screen. im pretty sure it reads 52- maybe 53???
anyways, i wouldn't want to play GT4 with that thing!

i DID look at new LCDs at Sears- but i'm going with the 37" now.
the 32" didnt look much bigger than what i have now.
in fact, they are almost the exact same picture height -the 32's just wider

so i'll have to save a little longer, but it'll be worth it!

L8R Sk8Rs!
Yeah its about time for you to upgrade to 1080P!

I once had a wooden tv that i play my ps2 on by the time my parents got a new tv in 2006 it was 18 years old! I now have a 1080i 32" HD ready tv $1.2K(at the time) but here is the funny part, when the tv was leaving the warehouse the tv got damaged at the top left corner and my parents ended up paying $600 for it.

Also if you have a PS3 get the hdmi cable its worth it. ;)