
  • Thread starter BP_Z28
You should retune your gears. You want to be crossing the line, in the last gear, with the RPMs a little before where you would shift if you had another gear. So, in your case the Transmission is to long, I would recommend a lower flip.

Considering you are missing an entire gear, your launch gears will be shorter and may result in the need, to setup a quick shift launch, if you are not already launching in that manner.

The best thing to do is figure out a good Trap speed and use Master Shakes top speed calculator to find a good flip.
Then go to SSRX and tune for the launch and pull while maintaining the needed Trap Speed.
May I ask what RPM you shift at? If you used kings base tune you should be able to hit 6th well before the line.
Honestly do not remember. I started his base tune and improved a little bit on it.

Have been recently tuning the 00 SS, and the 97 Z28
Anyone care to take a look at my tune for me and help me out? Got smoked all day by two 00 SS's that I was racing this morning. Went on for like 30 min lol
Anyone care to take a look at my tune for me and help me out? Got smoked all day by two 00 SS's that I was racing this morning. Went on for like 30 min lol
I'll be on sometime today if you want, I got on a little too late yesterday.
K I should be on. Usually about 7pm-8:30pm..Weekends I do not work. I have a "boys" night with my son.. Consist of video games,playing with hotwheels and such.

When thats over, I'll be on majority of the night. Hell if you want. I can PM you my 00 SS tune for you to peak at.
K I should be on. Usually about 7pm-8:30pm..Weekends I do not work. I have a "boys" night with my son.. Consist of video games,playing with hotwheels and such.

When thats over, I'll be on majority of the night. Hell if you want. I can PM you my 00 SS tune for you to peak at.
I already took a stab at tuning it yesterday. It's a mid-RPM peak car with gradual dropoff after peak, so ~500 after peak is best shift. Try flipping the trans around 1.000 above minimum final, then usual trans setup and 1-2 quickshift.
Pretty sure I did that, but still same results?..

Mind if I PM you my tune. I can PM you the susp and trans set up
Are you using e-brake on a pressure sensitive button? If you're not, you may be noticing that other people are launching faster than you, or running faster altogether. Set it up on one of the analog sticks or R2/L2. Hold the brake just hard enough to keep it from moving but the red brake light will be off.
Yes, I have it for my left analog up. I will get ready,push up and slowly bring it down to get rid of the red brake light, but staying parked.
dont sweat it BP i feel your pain i believe we raced earlier today, practice makes perfect my friend. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Thanks for taking the time and lining up your 97 MasterShake...I have alot of work ahead of me. You tune is amazing. Well done!
Have you set up your transmission like the '69 Z28 on my guide? I can't understand why yours was falling behind so much after launch. The only thing I can think is the gears aren't tight enough.
Yes, I followed that guide for reference, even a GT5 guide for starters. Guessing my gearing isnt as tight as it should be.
I love that car too. I use it quite a bit and I've been trying to decide which car to use to bust my cherry in drag racing. I think you just helped me decide,lol! Its prolly not the best car for it as its really a road car, but whatever.......