Here is a little perspective for people who are satisfied with event content on release.

  • Thread starter Rudenut
When I bought a few cars in GTS for real money, it did not affect my level.
If I would buy credits in GT7, it affects my total earnings and the cars I buy from it affects my level which in turn affects my payout for the roulette.
For me this isn't an honest game. I'll keep playing for a few more days, but the disc will go back inside the box if I keep feeling this way and just take my losses.
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See my above reply to the other guy. Payouts were lowish for some races...but 2 laps of capri got you a Toyota RSC rally that sold for 250k.

And 3 min's at the ranch got you like 90 grand , that Capri race was like 8 mins long

Or you could b-spec DTM-race and get about 5,000,000cr in hour.

One DTM-series lasts about 10min and payout including selling prize car is about 870,000cr.
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I think the problem people are failing to realize is that, in the modern day, every single game is now modeled after the "quick release with DLC" mindset. That and the fact that its now considered more of an online-focused game (thanks to Sport showing that it was possible).

These two pieces together make complete sense as to why this version of GT7 is what we have. For a video game, 4 years is not that long of development now just due to sheer time that it takes to model and develop now with the gaming systems we have being so absurdly powerful compared to even GT6 days.

Lets not forget that GT6 was still packed with "Standard" models that were ported over from previous games and upscaled. This is what happens when a company tries to rush content. Lets not forget that for GT5's release it was SIX YEARS after GT4.

What we are seeing now, and what Kaz's goal is (IMO), is a high quality, high-polished release with all the new features and trinkets we've been asking for/wanting/hoping would be included and a lot more to come in the very-near future.

It was either that or we could bitch about how the release is continually pushed back only to be released and still have everyone complaining.

The fact is, if you've bought any games in the past 5 years, this is completely normal and expected. The game has a wealth of content for the average player and I'm sure as soon as all the initial bugs are worked out (which seem to be coming quickly here) they will be releasing new content the same way they did for GT Sport.

Lets not forget how there was very little content for GT Sport at release and how beautiful of a game that snowballed into after all the updates that made us all keep playing.

Because, at the end of the day, the goal is to keep us playing! How can that be done if someone who does nothing but plays games all day burns through every bit of content in the first week? They'll still come here and wind up complaining about the lack of content.

For the mean time, find something else to keep you occupied until more content comes out. Be happy that we have a company like PD who wants to keep pushing high quality content. It's not something you'll find often in very many developers nowadays.
Asking me to come up with new events to run is like asking me to work as a cashier while checking out my groceries.
I take it you've never used self checkout. ;)

I also take it that you've forgotten the hysteria that resulted from GT5 including the GT4 standard cars, which weren't all that future proof. I loved having them there, but most people hated them. But it was a stark contrast to how much work it required to produce 200K-plus poly models, versus the 5K poly PS2 versions. Six months to create versus one, and a similar if not worse case for the tracks.

I agree that GT7 should have had WAY more events than we got. Surely event making is nothing compared to making cars and tracks to race them on. String together some tracks, fill the race with closely matched cars, tune if necessary, test for a day and start the next race. Or is it that simple?

I'm glad we still got our Custom Race maker. Just one race, but hopefully my concept of a race builder which will let you make events up to a 20 race virtual season with a championship finishing race... (gasp) will happen at some point, on and offline.

In any case, I need a late brunch. Carry on, maybe it will induce update frenzy at PD HQ.
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And 3 min's at the ranch got you like 90 grand , that Capri race was like 8 mins long
Yeah, I never did the ranch. Hate rally because I am terrible at rally...I mean I am just terrible...but especially so in rally.

I take it you've never used self checkout. ;)

I also take it that you've forgotten the hysteria that resulted from GT5 including the GT4 standard cars, which weren't all that future proof. I loved having them there, but most people hated them. But it was a stark contrast to how much work it required to produce 200K-plus poly models, versus the 5K poly PS2 versions. Six months to create versus one, and a similar if not worse case for the tracks.

I agree that GT7 should have had WAY more events than we got. Surely event making is nothing compared to making cars and tracks to race them on. String together some tracks, fill the race with closely matched cars, tune if necessary, test for a day and start the next race. Or is it that simple?

I'm glad we still got our Custom Race maker. Just one race, but hopefully my concept of a race builder which will let you make events up to a 20 race virtual season with a championship finishing race... (gasp) will happen at some point, on and offline.

In any case, I need a late brunch. Carry on, maybe it will induce update frenzy at PD HQ.
Actually, I was referring directly to self checkout. It is a terrible system that only further diminishes value for consumers. Not to mention reducing available bad as it is.
Hey now, as an absolute introvert I quite prefer self checkouts. No human interaction, I just scan my stuff and get out.
I think it is fine for when you have 1 or 2 items....but some stores have no checkout service in my if you have a basketful of items...(I have 2 teenage kids that eat like vacuums) it absolutely sucks. Also, when available jobs have been steadily decreased to the point that nearly all that is available is retail eventually the poors won't be able to buy the goods that are being sold....economic collapse.
GT7 costs twice as much as GT4 and has 1/3 the content..or less. Some people are delusional simps for PD.
Does that “cost” account for inflation? It also takes 3-4 times as many man hours to render a car/track into the game now then it did back then, that needs to be taken into account now too.


Gran Turismo 4 was 49.99, I payed 90. So nearly twice as much.

You do realize that $90 today, is only $60 in 2004, a whopping $10 difference 18 years later.
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Wow, you're so emotional about this. Stockholm syndrome? To expect the same things we have seen have happen before? To like a title for the things it does well and that most of us enjoy? So does that give you amnesia because you don't remember how the last few titles rolled out? Or how most major games now follow the same pattern of augmentation, which is a benefit to some of us to watch a game grow instead of just be what it is?

Like I said, there are things to be upset about, but the game growing over time isn't one of them, and NOBODY is being "held captive" by GT7, we can all do what we want. You're about as far off with this view as you are on the cost of the game which I refuted as well.
I don't think anyone is upset about the game growing over time, something that PD said they were going to do ahead of release, but rather the fact that they released a game with what feels like an unfinished campaign (no events for the higher licences, no gr.2/gr.1 events, only very few races at certain tracks, etc.), which is for now negatively impacting the in-game economy because the events that are presumably going to pay out the largest amount of credits are seemingly still missing.

Personally I don't quite understand how we've ended up here, because I'd imagine that adding new events is something that shouldn't take up all that much development time while at the same time providing a good amount of content for the players.
And yet even with 7 past games full of these events to take inspiration from, what we got is a game that somehow has a singleplayer campaign significantly shorter (and in my personal opinion also less inspired) than some/most of its predecessors, even though said campaign was advertised as one of the game's main selling points.
Doesn't this game have like 121 UNIQUE races ?
  • like 40 missions .
  • around 45 track experiances
  • 40 licence test

Example clubman cup + on tokyo is radicay differnet than clubman cup + on good wood.. One is Tuned ricers and the other is clubsport mini coopers..

Vs the "400" races in Gt 4 which is the same event across 3-4 tracks ( oh my bad, PD decided to clone a good chunk of them 3 times but making them euro / north america/ japan-korea ) Eg having the clubman cup + being the same exact race across 4 tracks. This is why I Lost interest in GT sport. the same race copied onto 8+ tracks with no rhyme or reason.

Please , without bringing up credits because as i already said, credits =/= content .

Why are you ok with PD making an event called " tourist trophy" which was originaly a TT one make when you could go to custom race in sport and select one make.. This event was a waste of time to make.

The all the + variations of races in GT sport were the SAME RACE with the same but harder AI.
The raptor challange SAME THING , but this serise had a unique race where you got 15 AI on colorado springs, something you could not do in any other mode because for whatever reason PD capped GR Bt to one opponent in arcade and custom race for whatever reason.

My point is ou guys are being incredibly dense when it comes to "content" . Your best argument is the content is not paying well so why bother . My argument is there is content and is rather unique on a race per race basis. This leads us back to GT5/6 which had 1000+car's but like a third was straight up duplicates . You gusy are going " but it has 100 cars!" and im saying " but this game with less cars has more car's because the cars are unique and there is no point in making a Supra no wing varient as a car when i can de wing it in the damn options menu"

Yes GT4 has alot of races, many of the races are the same event on a different track and many of those races are one makes which .

GT 7 has about a quarter of teh races but forr the most part each race is unique. Even the 3 races under teh caffe are not copy paste, some have higher nad some have lower PP requirements and the AI pool is different. On the BMW race the red bull ring race has a bunch of modified 2000's M3's and the rain comes down heavy . The Nurburgring race is very similar but never seems to rain ( just gets very cloudy) and the grid has mostly newer BMW's and the the few Saps who decided to bring their M3's back are now all in the back of the feild because the PPlevel jumps 50 points and the newer M3's and M4's straight up flex their muscle.

Now if this race was copied onto every track.. that would be padding.

If this cluman cup had clubman euro/ america / japan-oceana / mixed versions .. thats padding..

PD seems to have NOT done this.

Pre release media also shows there was a hyper car serise cut .
And there are trustworthy sources saying there were 50 menus at one point.

I feel they were cut because they A. Don't wana gift you hyper cars so early into the games life .
B Alot of the menu books pertained to race cars and the GT3 car list is outdated, 5 new cars is all they need to modernize it ( Ferrari / Mclaren / porsche / Lambo )
Super GT , yes we have the old skyline and supra. Missing the RX7 and Nsx , Lambo .
Modern Super GT , Missing the Supra and Z.
The 07 ish era of Super GT Is complete but could kind of meld 05-10 together so you need the 7 and supra in..

LMP1 ?
They have the Group C line up and the 09-15 line up is solid but modern line up is non existant .

Also Kei cars are missing , we only have like 4 in the game and missing some preety iconic onew such as the Autozam
Does that “cost” account for inflation? It also takes 3-4 times as many man hours to render a car/track into the game now then it did back then, that needs to be taken into account now too.

View attachment 1126030

You do realize that $90 today, is only $60 in 2004, a whopping $10 difference 18 years later.
I have stated multiple times that I am totally cool with the time required to put cars and tracks in the game. I understand that this is where the greatest effort should lay. Content that is missing, to me, are definitely in regards to adding events and races, and more variety in this regard. These are literally database entries and a few ui components.
Doesn't this game have like 121 UNIQUE races ?
  • like 40 missions .
  • around 45 track experiances
  • 40 licence test

Example clubman cup + on tokyo is radicay differnet than clubman cup + on good wood.. One is Tuned ricers and the other is clubsport mini coopers..

Vs the "400" races in Gt 4 which is the same event across 3-4 tracks ( oh my bad, PD decided to clone a good chunk of them 3 times but making them euro / north america/ japan-korea ) Eg having the clubman cup + being the same exact race across 4 tracks. This is why I Lost interest in GT sport. the same race copied onto 8+ tracks with no rhyme or reason.

Please , without bringing up credits because as i already said, credits =/= content .

Why are you ok with PD making an event called " tourist trophy" which was originaly a TT one make when you could go to custom race in sport and select one make.. This event was a waste of time to make.

The all the + variations of races in GT sport were the SAME RACE with the same but harder AI.
The raptor challange SAME THING , but this serise had a unique race where you got 15 AI on colorado springs, something you could not do in any other mode because for whatever reason PD capped GR Bt to one opponent in arcade and custom race for whatever reason.

My point is ou guys are being incredibly dense when it comes to "content" . Your best argument is the content is not paying well so why bother . My argument is there is content and is rather unique on a race per race basis. This leads us back to GT5/6 which had 1000+car's but like a third was straight up duplicates . You gusy are going " but it has 100 cars!" and im saying " but this game with less cars has more car's because the cars are unique and there is no point in making a Supra no wing varient as a car when i can de wing it in the damn options menu"

Yes GT4 has alot of races, many of the races are the same event on a different track and many of those races are one makes which .

GT 7 has about a quarter of teh races but forr the most part each race is unique. Even the 3 races under teh caffe are not copy paste, some have higher nad some have lower PP requirements and the AI pool is different. On the BMW race the red bull ring race has a bunch of modified 2000's M3's and the rain comes down heavy . The Nurburgring race is very similar but never seems to rain ( just gets very cloudy) and the grid has mostly newer BMW's and the the few Saps who decided to bring their M3's back are now all in the back of the feild because the PPlevel jumps 50 points and the newer M3's and M4's straight up flex their muscle.

Now if this race was copied onto every track.. that would be padding.

If this cluman cup had clubman euro/ america / japan-oceana / mixed versions .. thats padding..

PD seems to have NOT done this.

Pre release media also shows there was a hyper car serise cut .
And there are trustworthy sources saying there were 50 menus at one point.

I feel they were cut because they A. Don't wana gift you hyper cars so early into the games life .
B Alot of the menu books pertained to race cars and the GT3 car list is outdated, 5 new cars is all they need to modernize it ( Ferrari / Mclaren / porsche / Lambo )
Super GT , yes we have the old skyline and supra. Missing the RX7 and Nsx , Lambo .
Modern Super GT , Missing the Supra and Z.
The 07 ish era of Super GT Is complete but could kind of meld 05-10 together so you need the 7 and supra in..

LMP1 ?
They have the Group C line up and the 09-15 line up is solid but modern line up is non existant .

Also Kei cars are missing , we only have like 4 in the game and missing some preety iconic onew such as the Autozam.
I do think that a balanced economy is related to content. I want to be properly rewarded for the time I put in the game. There should be more events added to the game. More multi race series added to the game. These are fun to pick one car and try to complete with that one car, and yes, get rewarded appropriately for your time. I think 1million cr per hour should be the standard for tuner/gr3 style races. Economy is important to content because a sense of progress is important in a game like this.

I think padding for events is fine. There should just be many many events and single races in the game. Yes, there should be more all american series sure. There should also be more series for particular PP. They should all reward roughly the same for a particular PP level and it should be rewarding. I remember there was a game that rewarded you more the closer you were and more still if lower than the recommended PP level. This should be implemented again. This drives people to challenge themselves.

The one thing I think should have been implemented in this game is the ability to convert any appropriate car to TCR class or GT4 class. These cars in real life are based on actual cars and the process for building them is exactly modifying a stock car into a race car. Every single appropriate car should have this feature.

Finally, license events and missions are not race events. I don't give a **** about that stuff.
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Doesn't this game have like 121 UNIQUE races ?
  • like 40 missions .
  • around 45 track experiances
  • 40 licence test

Example clubman cup + on tokyo is radicay differnet than clubman cup + on good wood.. One is Tuned ricers and the other is clubsport mini coopers..

Vs the "400" races in Gt 4 which is the same event across 3-4 tracks ( oh my bad, PD decided to clone a good chunk of them 3 times but making them euro / north america/ japan-korea ) Eg having the clubman cup + being the same exact race across 4 tracks. This is why I Lost interest in GT sport. the same race copied onto 8+ tracks with no rhyme or reason.

Please , without bringing up credits because as i already said, credits =/= content .

Why are you ok with PD making an event called " tourist trophy" which was originaly a TT one make when you could go to custom race in sport and select one make.. This event was a waste of time to make.

The all the + variations of races in GT sport were the SAME RACE with the same but harder AI.
The raptor challange SAME THING , but this serise had a unique race where you got 15 AI on colorado springs, something you could not do in any other mode because for whatever reason PD capped GR Bt to one opponent in arcade and custom race for whatever reason.

My point is ou guys are being incredibly dense when it comes to "content" . Your best argument is the content is not paying well so why bother . My argument is there is content and is rather unique on a race per race basis. This leads us back to GT5/6 which had 1000+car's but like a third was straight up duplicates . You gusy are going " but it has 100 cars!" and im saying " but this game with less cars has more car's because the cars are unique and there is no point in making a Supra no wing varient as a car when i can de wing it in the damn options menu"

Yes GT4 has alot of races, many of the races are the same event on a different track and many of those races are one makes which .

GT 7 has about a quarter of teh races but forr the most part each race is unique. Even the 3 races under teh caffe are not copy paste, some have higher nad some have lower PP requirements and the AI pool is different. On the BMW race the red bull ring race has a bunch of modified 2000's M3's and the rain comes down heavy . The Nurburgring race is very similar but never seems to rain ( just gets very cloudy) and the grid has mostly newer BMW's and the the few Saps who decided to bring their M3's back are now all in the back of the feild because the PPlevel jumps 50 points and the newer M3's and M4's straight up flex their muscle.

Now if this race was copied onto every track.. that would be padding.

If this cluman cup had clubman euro/ america / japan-oceana / mixed versions .. thats padding..

PD seems to have NOT done this.
Pre release media also shows there was a hyper car serise cut .
And there are trustworthy sources saying there were 50 menus at one point.

I feel they were cut because they A. Don't wana gift you hyper cars so early into the games life .
B Alot of the menu books pertained to race cars and the GT3 car list is outdated, 5 new cars is all they need to modernize it ( Ferrari / Mclaren / porsche / Lambo )
Super GT , yes we have the old skyline and supra. Missing the RX7 and Nsx , Lambo .
Modern Super GT , Missing the Supra and Z.
The 07 ish era of Super GT Is complete but could kind of meld 05-10 together so you need the 7 and supra in..

LMP1 ?
They have the Group C line up and the 09-15 line up is solid but modern line up is non existant .

Also Kei cars are missing , we only have like 4 in the game and missing some preety iconic onew such as the Autozam
Why are you still arguing about the race creator here? Yes it's a nice feature but it's not an excuse to cheap out on the actual campaign.
Campaign races count towards game completion and are documented with the trophies you get for doing them, custom races are for things like trying out car and track combinations that you thought might be interesting and have no persistence whatsoever.

Not to mention the fact that the pre-made races are what incentivizes players to use content that they otherwise might've missed out on. Sure you technically can set up every event you can think of in the form of custom races, but how many players are actually going to do something like a one-make Audi TT race if it weren't for the pre-made event?

I also don't understand your last argument about the game missing cars for certain events, if a car is added in an update later on there's nothing stopping you from entering it in events it's eligible for and even adjusting AI opponents is something that I'm pretty sure has been done before in GT Sport.
So why would you not want any Gr.2 events just because you're missing the 199X Toyota Thiscouldbeyou Supra JGTC that PD might add in a year or so.
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GT4 was a labour of love.

GT7 is a shameless cash grab.

That's the difference.
In it's current state it's a shame, a disgrace to the franchise even

If GT7 improves in 3-6months then who knows, could still be game of the year material. But I have my reservations..... PD are walking a tightrope with the fanbase. I guess they've always been cutting-edge !
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Why are you still arguing about the race creator here? Yes it's a nice feature but it's not an excuse to cheap out on the actual campaign.
Campaign races count towards game completion and are documented with the trophies you get for doing them, custom races are for things like trying out car and track combinations that you thought might be interesting and have no persistence whatsoever.

Not to mention the fact that the pre-made races are what incentivizes players to use content that they otherwise might've missed out on. Sure you technically can set up every event you can think of in the form of custom races, but how many players are actually going to do something like a one-make Audi TT race if it weren't for the pre-made event?

I also don't understand your last argument about the game missing cars for certain events, if a car is added in an update later on there's nothing stopping you from entering it in events it's eligible for and even adjusting AI opponents is something that I'm pretty sure has been done before in GT Sport.
So why would you not want any Gr.2 events just because you're missing the 199X Toyota Thiscouldbeyou Supra JGTC that PD might add in a year or so.
I literally just explained why GT4 has a PADDED events list , It turns one EVENT into like ten.
I also explained why having a one-make race is not really an event because on makes can be selected for EVERY car you own in the arcade/custom race section. you are arguing with me one menu option is more valid content than another menu option because your menu option is located in another part of the UI. This whole argument is literally " I want the option to doo this event in this menu, and your way of obtaining the exact same result in this menu doesn't count.
IF this game gave me the option to recreate every single GT 500 supra and included one Gt 500 supra as the template, you guys would say but GT4 had like five!!! Yes, but at the end of the day five is five and a template is infinite.
Actually no, your entire argument is this, you guys would rather 100 variations of the same skyline than 100 unique cars .
GT7 , as a fact, has more unique races than GT4 did, that game is padded out the wazoo , In Granturismo 2 the club man cup had 3 races, each race had its own AI pool and power suggestion, in GranTurismo 4 the clubman cup has 6 races, all are the same AI pool and same power requirements. As a matter a fact, i Hate GranTurismo 4, You guys put it on a pedestal but that's the game where polyphony started to do bad things. that's where rally physics got crappy, that's where the bloated menus came from, that's where the on-rails slow AI started, where the duplicates started appearing and frankly has the worse physics of the series because all cars understeer, and it's no realistic enough to be fun, but not arcade enough to be fun either Oh and the graphics look worse than the bright colorful GranTurismo 3.

The reason we remember it so fondly is because it it had no competition.

Gt 1-3 were way better and all had a slow economy and a lack of events but WE ALL enjoyed the **** out of em because of Quality > quantity. nothing in GT7 is low quality minus the stupid race formats.
In it's current state it's a shame, a disgrace to the franchise even

If GT7 improves in 3-6months then who knows, could still be game of the year material. But I have my reservations..... PD are walking a tightrope with the fanbase. I guess they've always been cutting-edge !
Maybe if they add 3x the offline content nd bring in 100 cars and 20 tracks it'll become GOTY material. But it still won't beat Elden Ring no matter how hard they try...
GT7 , as a fact, has more unique races than GT4 did, that game is padded out the wazoo , In Granturismo 2 the club man cup had 3 races, each race had its own AI pool and power suggestion, in GranTurismo 4 the clubman cup has 6 races, all are the same AI pool and same power requirements.
I just want to check on your definitions here first.

You're classing any race event which has:

  • The same power/weight requirements for player cars
  • The same field of potential AI opponents
  • The same name any other race event at any other circuit as padding and not a unique race? And that includes championships which have multiple races?

And you say that excluding these results in GT7 having more "unique races" than GT4?
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Actually, I was referring directly to self checkout. It is a terrible system that only further diminishes value for consumers. Not to mention reducing available bad as it is.
Tell me you've never worked a retail job without telling me you've never worked a retail job.

There are no reduced jobs at the facility. The cashiers just end up doing the other jobs they were already doing without having to be pulled off of that task to go cash out folks. As someone who's first job was in retail, the self checkouts are a godsend because you're in and out in half the time and you don't have to deal with someone asking questions about the stuff you're buying and trying to make conversation.
Doesn't this game have like 121 UNIQUE races ?
  • like 40 missions .
  • around 45 track experiances
  • 40 licence test

Example clubman cup + on tokyo is radicay differnet than clubman cup + on good wood.. One is Tuned ricers and the other is clubsport mini coopers..

Vs the "400" races in Gt 4 which is the same event across 3-4 tracks ( oh my bad, PD decided to clone a good chunk of them 3 times but making them euro / north america/ japan-korea ) Eg having the clubman cup + being the same exact race across 4 tracks. This is why I Lost interest in GT sport. the same race copied onto 8+ tracks with no rhyme or reason.

Please , without bringing up credits because as i already said, credits =/= content .

Why are you ok with PD making an event called " tourist trophy" which was originaly a TT one make when you could go to custom race in sport and select one make.. This event was a waste of time to make.

The all the + variations of races in GT sport were the SAME RACE with the same but harder AI.
The raptor challange SAME THING , but this serise had a unique race where you got 15 AI on colorado springs, something you could not do in any other mode because for whatever reason PD capped GR Bt to one opponent in arcade and custom race for whatever reason.

My point is ou guys are being incredibly dense when it comes to "content" . Your best argument is the content is not paying well so why bother . My argument is there is content and is rather unique on a race per race basis. This leads us back to GT5/6 which had 1000+car's but like a third was straight up duplicates . You gusy are going " but it has 100 cars!" and im saying " but this game with less cars has more car's because the cars are unique and there is no point in making a Supra no wing varient as a car when i can de wing it in the damn options menu"

Yes GT4 has alot of races, many of the races are the same event on a different track and many of those races are one makes which .

GT 7 has about a quarter of teh races but forr the most part each race is unique. Even the 3 races under teh caffe are not copy paste, some have higher nad some have lower PP requirements and the AI pool is different. On the BMW race the red bull ring race has a bunch of modified 2000's M3's and the rain comes down heavy . The Nurburgring race is very similar but never seems to rain ( just gets very cloudy) and the grid has mostly newer BMW's and the the few Saps who decided to bring their M3's back are now all in the back of the feild because the PPlevel jumps 50 points and the newer M3's and M4's straight up flex their muscle.

Now if this race was copied onto every track.. that would be padding.

If this cluman cup had clubman euro/ america / japan-oceana / mixed versions .. thats padding..

PD seems to have NOT done this.

Pre release media also shows there was a hyper car serise cut .
And there are trustworthy sources saying there were 50 menus at one point.

I feel they were cut because they A. Don't wana gift you hyper cars so early into the games life .
B Alot of the menu books pertained to race cars and the GT3 car list is outdated, 5 new cars is all they need to modernize it ( Ferrari / Mclaren / porsche / Lambo )
Super GT , yes we have the old skyline and supra. Missing the RX7 and Nsx , Lambo .
Modern Super GT , Missing the Supra and Z.
The 07 ish era of Super GT Is complete but could kind of meld 05-10 together so you need the 7 and supra in..

LMP1 ?
They have the Group C line up and the 09-15 line up is solid but modern line up is non existant .

Also Kei cars are missing , we only have like 4 in the game and missing some preety iconic onew such as the Autozam
What even is the point of this bizarre metric you made up? Even if GT7 has more "unique events" than GT4 (which I do not believe to be true at all), that doesn't change anything about the fact that GT7 has a ridiculously short career mode and GT4 does not.
Tell me you've never worked a retail job without telling me you've never worked a retail job.

There are no reduced jobs at the facility. The cashiers just end up doing the other jobs they were already doing without having to be pulled off of that task to go cash out folks. As someone who's first job was in retail, the self checkouts are a godsend because you're in and out in half the time and you don't have to deal with someone asking questions about the stuff you're buying and trying to make conversation.
There are actually reduced jobs. I worked retail at a grocery. There was staff that manned the registers and then there was also staff that bagged groceries and in addition to that there was staff that stocked shelves and such. There are way fewer employees in an average grocery store than when I worked in one as a kid.

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