hgrf93's gallery: ***XKR*** UPDATE! (17/11/13)

  • Thread starter hgrf93
Very nice update hgrf. I like quite a number of these shots. My favs are 1,6,7 and I really love shot 13 it's an awesome track shot and with the Coke brand elements it almost gives it a retro feel. 👍 👍

Also your CCCL F40 shot is great also. ;)
Most of these shots are beautiful, especially the panorama, the interior shot and the body art type ones! 👍
You've really made a great work on this 458 set Hector.
A lot of pics very different from each others, original and always well edited.
Love the tonning and composition of pic 1. Pic 2&3 are really good in this style. The two close / bokeh shots are just superb. In race shots are really dynamic. Shot 13 is well thinked (I agree with GPR about it). The pano is also really nice.
The boat is fun and very reallistic in some way. And i love the blue vantage shot !
Great work mate !
:lol: Thanks, I'm glad you liked them :).

Very nice update hgrf. I like quite a number of these shots. My favs are 1,6,7 and I really love shot 13 it's an awesome track shot and with the Coke brand elements it almost gives it a retro feel. 👍 👍

Also your CCCL F40 shot is great also. ;)
Thanks GPR I really appreciate that :cheers:.

Each single shot of this set is ******* awesome, really like your entries too! :drool:👍
Oh come on they are not that good :embarrassed:. Anyway, thanks a lot NB that is a comment I didn't expect :dopey: and it seriously means a lot to me :cheers:

No. 1, 6, 7, 11 plus the panorama. 👍 Who doesn't love a panorama! :drool:
I most certainly love panoramas :dopey:. Thanks for the comment :cheers:.

Most of these shots are beautiful, especially the panorama, the interior shot and the body art type ones! 👍
Thanks GTracer98 :)👍. I very rarely get interior shots right so I'm glad you liked it :dopey:.

You've really made a great work on this 458 set Hector.
A lot of pics very different from each others, original and always well edited.
Love the tonning and composition of pic 1. Pic 2&3 are really good in this style. The two close / bokeh shots are just superb. In race shots are really dynamic. Shot 13 is well thinked (I agree with GPR about it). The pano is also really nice.
The boat is fun and very reallistic in some way. And i love the blue vantage shot !
Great work mate !
Thank you so much Jérémy 👍👍. Thanks for the feedback and support :cheers:. And that boat always cracks me up. When I first took the pic I had no intention to post it but it made me laugh so it ended up in here :lol:.

You put outstanding effort on 458 set, Hector, but it was worth it!
I love ALL pics. Perfect job:tup:
Thanks Qnrad I'm glad you liked the set :cheers:.

P.S. I really wasn't expecting these many comments :odd:. The amount of feedback on this set is awesome so thank you all :cheers:
Totally in love with your panoramas !!! The 8'780,275 pixels, is the best ever ! Impressive work, the way I like.
The 458 already one of my favourite car to photograph and now you'd done it and I'm loving it! :drool:
Thanks Zerox :cheers:. I'm glad you liked it :).

Totally in love with your panoramas !!! The 8'780,275 pixels, is the best ever ! Impressive work, the way I like.
Thanks HaerBev :cheers:. I really enjoy making the panoramas so it's great that people like them.

V12 Vantage












And a Panorama :dopey:.

Click on pic for lightbox or here for Full Resolution (4515 x 1018)
HG, I have to sincerely say, I have been paying close attention to your photography since your first view days and you have greatly improved with your composition and editing skills. I am extremely satisfied and probably am your biggest fan. I will be keeping an eye on gallery updates and future photomode competition entries. 👍
I liked very much your 3.0 V12 vantage pic, I like very much the complete set ;)
Nice use of various toning, good angles and great composition, and that pano !
Great work Héctor !
HG, I have to sincerely say, I have been paying close attention to your photography since your first view days and you have greatly improved with your composition and editing skills. I am extremely satisfied and probably am your biggest fan. I will be keeping an eye on gallery updates and future photomode competition entries. 👍
Thanks so much Crooooooow :):). This comment just made my day. I really appreciate your support :cheers:.

Great job on this set, not as good as the 458 ones but still very nice, faves are #8 and 10.
Thanks NB :cheers:. This set was really random in the way I edited it, I just started messing around with everything and what you saw is the result :lol:. I liked the 458 set better as well with the exception of the panorama in kart space from this last set (I'm really proud of that one :dopey:)

I liked very much your 3.0 V12 vantage pic, I like very much the complete set ;)
Nice use of various toning, good angles and great composition, and that pano !
Great work Héctor !
Thanks a lot Jérémy :). Your comment is very much appreciated :cheers:.

Awesome V12 shots !
Thank Y00PAY :)!

Oh, beautiful photos, hgrf!
Amazing! :drool:👍
Thanks MadMoss :cheers:.
I love the V12 Vantage and I love your photos of it. 👍 Fantastic work with the panoramas too. :drool: :)
Love that Racecar set! You've found some really great locations for each car! :D:tup:

Extremely agreed! The car color selections were greatly chosen and the use of wet asphalt reflections and the airbrush are outstanding! Magnifico! :cool:👍
Love that Racecar set! You've found some really great locations for each car! :D:tup:
Thanks Mat123 :). I'm glad you liked the set. Picking out the locations and the colours for the cars was no easy task :dopey:.

Extremely agreed! The car color selections were greatly chosen and the use of wet asphalt reflections and the airbrush are outstanding! Magnifico! :cool:👍
Thanks Eric :cheers:. I really appreciate that you noticed the details like the colours of the cars (although that might not be hard to see it is hard to notice), they were, as I said before, quite the process of choice.

My God those are epic !! :drool:
Thank you Y00PAY! :cheers:

Lovely shots! I love the bright colors and the action in some of them! :drool:
Thanks GTracer. I'm flattered :embarrassed: :lol:.
Agree with my comrades above : good combo car / location.
And really a great edit work on most of the pics especially the first and the third.
My fav' are the R32, R33, R34and the evo X ones.
Agree with my comrades above : good combo car / location.
And really a great edit work on most of the pics especially the first and the third.
My fav' are the R32, R33, R34and the evo X ones.

Thanks Jérémy :cheers:.
A whole bunch of goodies in that set. Great combination of car colours and settings. They are all nice and vivid and crisp which is great. Well done. 👍