Welcome to GTP, MB-190E-EVOII!
Firstly, this is posted in the wrong section of this forum, as you are asking general GT4 questions. This should be in the main GT4 Forum.
Secondly, we expect that you should type to the best of your ability to help members who don't have English as their first or even second language. You agreed to this before you signed up to GTP:
No slang words that promote laziness, ie; "r", "u", "plz", etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums.
To answer your questions - the first one - to do with what car you should start off with, has been discussed before. Doing a search in the GT4 forum with the term "best first car", one example being
this thread, should have what you need.
Your last question is too general to be of any decent discussion, so isn't liked too much here. There are many favorite car lists around GTP already, by doing the same above, searching for "favorite car", examples being found
here or
Follow these steps in future before making a new thread. Thanks!