Certainly go with logitech, Try To find a used Driving force Gt (Go to the logitech website for all the details) and from there you can maybe upgrade to g25's.
But What is VERY Important, Is that you try to find a friend that has a wheel, So you can see if you Like it or not. The first week I bought my DF:GT Was a Horrible week, I didn't enjoy at all, mainly cause I wasn't even good at it. It felt very boring to me. But after I practiced, Now, Im not too bad, Although I could do better with the dualshock.
So Thats my advice, Or If you go buy it at a store, Make sure that your able to return it if you don't like it. That way you can see. But certainly give yourself a chance to practice and get better, Nobodys a pro at the first time.