Hidden Drag Strip

  • Thread starter MistaX
Well... many moons later I finally got out of Laguna just last night in the Escudo. Pretty crazy out there in 2D digiland.

But more importantly, I couldn't do it before because I was trying at the wrong access rd. The place to get out is actually behind the start line. There is another place ahead of it that looks the same but it won't work there.

Anyway... woopie-doo.
yup, i had lots of problems with getting out. I to was trying to get out of the wrong place, and i actually did get half way out, after i while, but then i just gave up
I found the drag strip! Go out of the course, align yourself with the S turn on the left, then press reverse. After a LONG while, you should pass right through or pass by a thing that looks like 2 cables on a pole. That is the drag strip.

Anyways, I tried going into it, but i just went through it. How do I get in?
And whenever I turn the car to the left to some degree, the strip disappears in thin air! Is this magic or what? I can't seem to get into it.

The car disappears after you go out too far.

There are other weird tracks everywhere on the outside. The problem is, you cant get in em and they disappear wen you turn to the left! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :mad: :mad: :mad:
lmao, hey milefile, give it up, you can't get through to the truly clueless, just have a good laugh, pat 'em on the back and say, "keep tryin', you'll find that old drag strip someday, slugger!"
what is this i hear about a drag strip? drag is really boring stuff, but it is always fun for newbies to the game... i think that it is not a drag strip, just a big unfinished bug! but it may be a fun bug!
There is no hidden drag strip.

You have to race the one-player 400M/1000M trials and that's it.

I wish the moderators would close this thread.
I heard it's in ver. 1.2 like it was suppose to be and I have seen the GS code and I have see that trick at Lanuga also.

Now for drag racing being borning. In the game, I would say NO. I have NIRA Drag Racing on the PC and it's fun to tune up the cars and well. Drivin a FWD car with around 700hp isn't as easy as point and shoot down the strip. Just like in real life.

Real time drag racing is only boring MAYBE if your car is slow. But nothing gets the juices pumping more than beating the car next to you.

Road Racing is real life is the same way, boring if your slow cause you get tired of getting passed.

Too much standing around at autocrosses and I like corner marshalling at Autocrosses as much as I do at R/C races and I don't do either than often.
Well it seems no one has posted this yet, so I will.

Its in this months OPM, how to get to the secret strip:

To reach the hidden drag strip at Leguna Seca Raceway, you must exit the track. To do so, enter any race in Arcade mode at Leguna Seca Raceway, in any car, perferably all wheel drive, such as the Mitsubishi Lancer or Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version. At the starting line, drive forward until the line is about 2 or 3 car lenths behind you, Then do a 180-degree turn, so that you are facing the exact opposite direction. Drive forward in the new direction. Then, up against the wall on the left hand side, you will see a gate that juts out from the wall. The gate is at an odd angle, about a 75- or 80-degree corner. Drive directly into the corner where the wall and the gate meet, and keep it floored. Turn the wheels back and forth, left to right. Keep doing so until the car begins to go through the wall/gate, and then contine doing so until the car is completely behind the wall. Note: Do not drive back to the track, if you do so you will have to repeat the trick. Turn to the left once you are through the wall and trace a path along the outer perimeter of the track. Pause gameplay, and remember the exact spot abovethe letter "U" in "Continue" on the pause menu. If you draw a small dot on the TV screen with a crayon, it will clearly mark the location of the drag strip. drive toward that dot. Keep driving until you get close to the dot, then slow down. To find the drag strip, slowly turn the car left and right until you see something resembling the walls and outer perimeter of the drag strip. Slowly drive toward the walls. If you continue to drive around the oter perimeter of the drag strip, you will find a way inside, letting you drive on it.

Wow that was alot of typing...
I still have to try this out :)
Thanks great post , I got out ok but kept bouncing back over the wall onto the track so went further down to the first corner, between the tires and push against wall and just hold the throttle down and wiggle and the car popped thru real easy , from there turn left and keep going and drive around the abandoned buildings ,the track is easy to find .IF you drive up the hills you can park and watch the racing down on the regular track, looks like there is more to explore , gonna spend more time there and try to get below the corkscrew before ending up bouncing back on the track and finishing the race . probably 6th