high school relationships

  • Thread starter SS69

soon to be 5 years of wonderful "relationshiphood"... My girl friend and i got together in hs and are now in college... I think that college is the biggest hurtle to cross ezp if you end up going to different ones, but as long as both people believe that they will stay together, forgive, and of course do things to show they care... that couple will stay together... The reason y many people will say that it is improbable belies the fact that they do not hold the ability or the want to make a relationship last...

If you take another person for granted and the million other things that people do it will not work... Relationships last only if the two individuals want it to and either naturally uphold intimacy or work to restore it...
Originally posted by neon_duke
Given this analysis of the relationship, I say the odds that it will outlast this year of school are slightly worse than the odds that the asteroid will hit the Earth in 2014.

analysis of what? you know nothing about the relationship besides what i told you, and that was not enough to make an assumption like that. so tell me, why would it not outlast the school year?

p.s. i'm not trying to challenge you, i am just curious.;)
Precisely why I said "given this analysis", referring to what important items you had chosen to tell us about the relationship: the fact that she was tall and had a "nice rack".
Yep, Duke has quite a point there. I ended up with the same inference. Now, if you were to describe her as "intelligent, witty, sarcastic, and attractive" I might think that the relationship would last a little longer.
"witty", "sarcastic" wtf that would piss me off...I could care less if my girlfriend was any of those things ( except intelligent and attractive). BTW i do not see this "nice rack" in any of his discriptions of her.

Well creating a thread like this does not really show that you have any confidence in your relationship... a few good fights will help that lol... just remember... Just cause everything is "going great" doesnt mean that a relationship is progressing and two people are getting closer... That is however just my opinion...
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
i'm in arelationship right now with this really nice girl, she is parfect (for me) she is 5'11", blonde h./ blue eyes. and a reeeealy nice rack :eek: man i hope it lasts. we have been together for three weeks exactly. i hope it lasts...
Oh I get it Neon... I was talking to and a bout ss69 while you were talking to mopar... 3 weeks lol... sigh the carefree days of high school...
Originally posted by neon_duke
Precisely why I said "given this analysis", referring to what important items you had chosen to tell us about the relationship: the fact that she was tall and had a "nice rack".
Ah, I see where your coming form now. it's more in-depth than her lucious breasts though. we actually share alot of common things though, wierd stuff though, ie., favorite cereal, color, and more dumb stuff like that, and more serious things. but the thing of it is is that we have alot of fun together, more than i have ever had with anyone else. it's a different kind of feeling, but it's a hard one to find.

but re-reading my first post, your prediction makes sence. encantalde!
oh, and another thing.

Telling a girl she is perfect (although it can work with girls who have good personalities) is a good way to get her to decide that she's too perfect for you.

Just a thought. Girls with "lucious" knockers tend to be that way. :) Not that you wanted my advice.
Originally posted by danoff
oh, and another thing.

Telling a girl she is perfect (although it can work with girls who have good personalities) is a good way to get her to decide that she's too perfect for you.

Just a thought. Girls with "lucious" knockers tend to be that way. :) Not that you wanted my advice.

Have you been listening to Tom Likus? <~~ sp?

I'm not worried about her thinking she's too perfect for me because she told me herself (I don't mean to sound concieted) I am the best guy she has ever been with. Her other boyfriends were all stupid jocks that didn't appreciate what they had, and cheated on her. She is not one of those girls that moves from boy to boy like a forrest fire moves from tree to tree. A good catch.
Originally posted by bengee

Well creating a thread like this does not really show that you have any confidence in your relationship... a few good fights will help that lol... just remember... Just cause everything is "going great" doesnt mean that a relationship is progressing and two people are getting closer... That is however just my opinion...

i have plenty confidence. and i believe it can last. i was just curious as to what other peolpe thought on the situation cause a lot of people say they wont last. and while a lot of people are on this subject, my gf has really nice hooters. :drool:
hahaha well that is good that you appreciate her body...
always say she looks good no matter what she is wearing unless she is trying to trap you by wearing something ugly... trust me its not fun when they catch you...

I am glad that you have confidence in your relationship... that is the most important thing in a lasting relationship... without faith everything goes to hell...
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
A good catch.
Well, remember that essentially anyone is a good catch for the regulars here. I mean, hell, we spend half our day talking to people we don't really know over the internet.
I know that's a stereotype that's sometimes incorrect, but it is definitely true most of the time.
Just because we got addicted to this sight doesnt make all of us lard arses... It might make us slightly strange and a bit obsessed with our point of view, this game, and cars in general, but what is the point of the internet if those who use it as we do cannot be viewed as normal distributed individuals with unique personalities, and are always viewed as nerds/dorks/weirdos... I know its a run on but live with it...
me and my hifghschool sweety just broke up, thats why i wnet to the bar tonight. i doidnt know how else to cope. i miss her so muchididnbt knowe wht elsae to do. i miss her so much.l The second she got into colleghe she dumpoed me. Wwe were going out for 4 years and she dumped me like a bag of garbagae.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
me and my hifghschool sweety just broke up, thats why i wnet to the bar tonight. i doidnt know how else to cope. i miss her so muchididnbt knowe wht elsae to do. i miss her so much.l The second she got into colleghe she dumpoed me. Wwe were going out for 4 years and she dumped me like a bag of garbagae.

Holy christ, i was outta it lastnight:rolleyes:

once again sorry for this garbage

Originally posted by Timmotheus
Well, remember that essentially anyone is a good catch for the regulars here. I mean, hell, we spend half our day talking to people we don't really know over the internet.
I know that's a stereotype that's sometimes incorrect, but it is definitely true most of the time.

Yea, like the people that have 10,000+ posts. Their either married or not getting any, so they spend alot of ime with their computer.
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
Yea, like the people that have 10,000+ posts. Their either married or not getting any, so they spend alot of ime with their computer.

They could also be sitting at work/class and doing nothing better with their time. Or perhaps they have been here for a long time...