I understand it completely. Seems to me like the system should be able to account for this as well (ie, some tracks have more contact and maybe shouldn't be as penalized as heavily) to make it more enticing to use all of the tracks that Polyphony decided to include, but I'm sure they love that people avoid certain tracks entirely. I think a system designed to account for some tracks being more difficult to race cleanly on, or a system more willing to forgive mistakes on said tracks, isn't all that difficult a goal for them to strive for.
Regardless of how difficult the circuit may be why should penalties be lessened to invite even higher incidents of carnage and contact? Some tracks are harder to race cleanly on and the problem is compounded by drivers with different mindsets and skill racing on such circuit at the same time.
Again if you do not mind the higher risk and chancing taking the ranking hit then feel freely to race on those circuits and enjoy them.
But people complain about the hits they take and how much their rankings dropped and then when others here advise to avoid certain races if not willing to take the higher risk those circuits pose to losing ranking in general then a person wants to defend racing those circuits.
All that has been done in reality is for other racers to point out the well known
dangers those circuits pose to your rankings, nothing more. You are free to race what tracks you prefer.
Keep on making those assumptions, dude. As said multiple times, I know the tracks. It's not like there's all that many of them to learn in the first place, or that the majority of them are all that complex.
You act like I'm out there racing blind and throwing my car around the track out to cause as much chaos as possible, and that's about as far from the truth as possible.
I thought I had a somewhat decent idea and would come here and get some feedback on it. Clearly that was a mistake, and excuse me. If people are just going to keep talking down to others with the attitude you've displayed, I won't bother any more.
@TenderLoins is a DR B, SR S ranked driver and I am also a DR B, SR S ranked driver and I do not feel either of us assumed anything or questioned your racing abilities at all. All either of us have done is give an opinion based on previous information posted and to what we have personally experienced.
I know that I have over 200 Sport races and by using the exact criteria that I have posted I have been an SR S since the games release and I race every race I enter at the best pace I personally can run with a goal of having no mistakes or contact at all and at worst a minimum of mistakes with trying to avoid all contact if possible.
I can also say that not once has my SR ranking EVER gone below S since achieving it and my DR ranking seems to have me placed about where I should be.
So as also being a B level driver I feel avoiding the carnage tracks and driving cleanly will reasonably keep a driver in the SR S ranking.
I do know that one or two bad races alone will not cause a majority clean driver to lose their S ranking.
If you are not driving enough clean sectors within the majority of the races you are running to reach the 99/99 level in level S then perhaps you need to look harder not only at the races you choose to run in but perhaps whether your driving is actually within your skill level and as clean as you want to think it is.
This is not assuming anything or saying what your driving skills may or may not be only that the higher SR rankings are already full of people that by the driving they exhibit on a regular basis should not be at that ranking and if you find it difficult to remain within that ranking without constantly dropping to lower levels then apparently you are struggling to meet the criteria the ranking requires and is the reason the game keeps placing you in a lower bracket on a repeated basis.
and can usually put up a top 5 qualifying time against the people I'm matched up against at DR B. I'm hardly out there just winging it, but I can't account for every other driver on the track
This is another one of your quotes and if you generally are starting top 5 then if you can race that pace consistently with few mistakes you should usually be ahead of the majority of the carnage on the track in the race. If you cannot maintain close to that pace across a race distance then you have mastered the skill of throwing down 1 hot lap to get a decent time but not the skill of maintaining that pace across multiple laps and perhaps a you are finding yourself making too many mistakes across a full race distance to remain out from the main carnage towards the back of the pack.
Again not an attack on you personally but maybe things to look at to see if maybe these could be part of the cause as to where or why you have a what seems to be an above average hard time remaining within a ranking class.
But regardless the higher rankings need to be harder to reach and maintain and they already have an excess "safety net built in currently".
They are not levels to gain but a measure of your current skills as to where you should be placed in the Sport races so you will be among like skilled drivers. At the present time that placement within the upper ranks is already far too lenient.