How can I see the Fastest lap forum?? + f1 question

I reckon im **** hot on trial moutain in my pholyphony001 .

I want to get the faster f1 cars cos i reckon with my setup of all the lsd and that Ill be up there in the times but doing all the races boars me. Any one offer any advice how to get the fastest ones..

My time so far is 1.01.010

thanks ,
I reckon im **** hot on trial moutain in my pholyphony001 .

My time so far is 1.01.010
No matter how fast you think you are, there's usually someone faster. Have a look at the following video.

57.154 - P001 - Trial Mountain

Just want to be clear, that video is by a chap called adifferentname, not me. I just host it
I want to get the faster f1 cars cos i reckon with my setup of all the lsd and that Ill be up there in the times but doing all the races boars me. Any one offer any advice how to get the fastest ones..
You have the fastest one already. As a PAL user, you only have the Polyphony001 and the Polyphony002. The P001 is equal to the NTSC version's F094/S.

Oh, and welcome to GTP.
thats sick!!!!!! i though yearh lets see him wipe off the wall in sum cheat type of way but hes sick!!! . looks like he is using anologue or steering wheel or sumthink. i wonder what his set up is?? also do you think he is manual like me lol ??

cheers daaaan
He's using a wheel and manual gears. I have no idea on his setup.
amazing.. that. so do you know where i could find it out? ah and 1 more question please mate do you know what the reword would be for winning the gt championship (f1 championship)??\
thanks your my first geek friend on this

wooww.. have you a link to other videos.. ?
I've ran a 59.998 w/ the F094/s using PS2 controller, so that's pretty ******* amazing what that kat can do with the wheel and manual gears. And it's true what daan says merseytrial, no matter how fast you think you are, someone is always faster. Hence my time, I THOUGHT I HAD THE RECORD!!! LOL