The intent is much harder to gauge. Not everyone follows the same race theory.
True, but not lifting off the accelerator before you smash into a line of cars at the first chicane at Monza isn’t exactly hard to monitor, nor to judge as blatant. These happen way too often and aren’t really what you’d call “edge cases” where judging the intent is subjective.
Rather than make us watch a stupid safety video that can be summed up as “everyone try to get along,” they should be teaching concepts like right of way, who holds the position in a turn, when contact is considered incidental and when it is blatantly uncalled for, and other such racing concepts. This should be what the “licensing” is for, and drivers should be held accountable on the track. There should be stiff penalties after two offenses, and remedial driving school for habitual offenders.
I once had to go to a class on safe driving after getting a speeding ticket. They didn’t ask me my intent before they penalized me and then put me on probation for six months. And I knew they were right so I took my lumps and moved on.
Enforcing racing penalties shouldn’t be any different, and since they’re monitoring every single thing happening on the track anyway in the sim, why not monitor how people are driving. Violent swerving near other cars. Uncalled for. Was it because your a jerk? Was it because you sneezed or you spilled your drink? It doesn’t matter. You’re ruining other people’s game and you should be held accountable.
I care more about that than fancy-schmancy ray tracing the light reflecting off my hubcaps in the middle of turn three. If they’re that focused on every single little detail in the game, it seems quite simple by comparison to monitor 15 or 20 drivers rear-ending each other.
I’m still learning, of course, so maybe I’m wrong. But I can honestly say I’m most deeply disappointed by how the “sportsmanship” in this game is not even remotely taught or reinforced. The AI teaches me to drive like a maniac if I want to make the podium. Sport mode teaches me that it’s a dog-eat-dog world and I’m wearing milkbone underwear, so I need to punt them before they punt me. And the. We get a mandatory video saying “hey guys, you shouldn’t behave the way our game is actually teaching you to behave. We aren’t going to change anything, just try to be nicer.” It’s pathetic.
And no, I don’t actually drive like that online. My safety rating went to S on the first day because I raced fair. I didn’t win anything though because, you know, nobody actually cares what that stupid video says.
rant over