How do I deal with controler drivers ?

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It's been a long time since I played online but what I do remember was that your "time of day" for racing really impacts the quality of the players you are up against. If I got on late at night (10pm or later) the lobbies were full of garbage drivers. It becomes a demolition derby. But if I got some races in before 10pm, I actually had some pretty decent players to go up against.
Hi I'm looking for some advice or strategies, or maybe some techniques, in how to deal with rammers.

I've been watching all my replays and what I'm noticing is in every single race, drivers that hit me on entries to corners and exiting out of corners is always controler drivers,

My educated guess for why this keeps happening is I think they must be coasting into corners rather than trail braking, as I'm noticing there all of there brakes a lot quicker than me, I'm thinking this mainly not deliberate but more of a case they struggle to trail brake and or stear the car as good as a wheel and pedals can.

But so far this week I haven't had one single race where I haven't been rammed off, and this is despite my lap qualifying times being top of the tree for the b class league , Maggiore and Bathurst this week has been the worst week I've ever had, I've had 30+ races where I've been rammed and as a result my DNR has gone from being one win away from getting into the a class league to now almost going back to the c class league. It's been that bad I'm depressed and actually now scared to race online, I'm even on the verger of suspending my PSN account.

It's got so bad Im having to wait now untill next week for a new race.

But I can't find anyway to stop it, so I'm wondering what's the best way to overcome this.
"always controler drivers"

So, because I have played with a controller since Gran Turismo one, I am a horrible sportsman and driver?

Go Sit TF down!
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I drive on controller. What I have issue with is drivers who try to go a bit faster than they're really capable of. These players always drive over the max. They race as if there are no other cars on the track. So they don't brake slightly earlier if they are close behind someone else, because they have to overtake, even if there is no room. They will ram you if you drive a defensive line, because you are in the way. They will try to go through the corner max speed on the ideal line, even if you are there.
And these are just the ones who are just not good enough to drive clean. Don't even begin about the ones that will ram you off if you make a clean pass.
The average ability is just not great. And most don't even get to the stage of racing skillfully and decently. And then I am not even talking about the AI 😱
I've never had problems with controller users, it's the ones playing in VR that scare me 😬
Hmm 😂 VR player here and to make it worse i play with controller and wheel depending on tbe car class and never been scared ...but worried a lot for drivers in the blind spot , i know we have radar but don't use it enough 🫣
I've never had problems with controller users, it's the ones playing in VR that scare me 😬
Hi max I've watched quite a lot of your races, your pretty good 😉.

I think it may be the case I must be getting paired with drunken controler drivers 😬.

I've just realised most of My races where after 10pm last week.

I think we could do with some online breathlizer tests for the future.

And quite possibly imprisonment for repeat offenders 😂
Hmm 😂 VR player here and to make it worse i play with controller and wheel depending on tbe car class and never been scared ...but worried a lot for drivers in the blind spot , i know we have radar but don't use it enough 🫣
Yeah, but you can just turn your head to check your blind spot. Regular Tv/monitor users are stuck with a fixed forward view. Put your view in to hood cam and you don’t even get a rear view mirror.
Hmm 😂 VR player here and to make it worse i play with controller and wheel depending on tbe car class and never been scared ...but worried a lot for drivers in the blind spot , i know we have radar but don't use it enough 🫣
Some people on this site will chase you off for openly admiting to being a controller player, they might even think you drive "mom cars" whatever they may be 🤣

Hi max I've watched quite a lot of your races, your pretty good 😉.

I think it may be the case I must be getting paired with drunken controler drivers 😬.

I've just realised most of My races where after 10pm last week.

I think we could do with some online breathlizer tests for the future.

And quite possibly imprisonment for repeat offenders 😂
You've got it all wrong! You want to get matched with the drunk drivers, in sport mode everybody wants to take you out and they have worse aim! 🙈😆
"always controler drivers"

So, because I have played with a controller since Gran Turismo one, I am a horrible sportsman and driver?

Go Sit TF down!
yes, i guess according to rambottom, we all controller users are trashy bad drivers....
Honestly what's the world coming to, I get rammed of all week and all you two are bothered about is your own feelings,

Geez talk about being insensitive.
Honestly what's the world coming to, I get rammed of all week and all you two are bothered about is your own feelings,

Geez talk about being insensitive.
No, you accused all of us controller users of being bad drivers that have no control, always ramming others to get ahead in the races. i take some offense to that broad accusation. for your info i DO take part in the online races in sport mode and i do coast to the turns as you have stated us controller users do BUT I know how to trail brake or more to make the turn at the proper speeds, and avoiding "ramming" anyone in fact many times i have run myself off track so i would not hit opponents ahead of me.
Unless you know the habit and personalities of all the other racers, do not single out one group with a baseless accusation.
and the sarcasm button is off....
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No, you accused all of us controller users of being bad drivers that have no control, always ramming others to get ahead in the races. i take some offense to that broad accusation. for your info i DO take part in the online races in sport mode and i do coast to the turns as you have stated us controller users do BUT I know how to trail brake or more to make the turn at the proper speeds, and avoiding "ramming" anyone in fact many times i have run myself off track so i would not hit opponents ahead of me.
Unless you know the habit and personalities of all the other racers, do not single out one group with a baseless accusation.
and the sarcasm button is off....
Aweee honestly I thought I stepped into the kinder garden when I read this 😬
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