How Do You Get Mph Anyways?

  • Thread starter gt4 addict
If you want to speak in liters go ahead thats your pref, we pref to speak in CI's so what exactly is the problem?

The issue is your stated logic behind referring to certain engines in ci and certain others in litres. Which was that engines which could be bored/stroked you state in ci and engines which probably aren't you state in litres. To me this didn't - and doesn't still - make any sense at all, because a capacity is a capacity regardless of what units you state or how it has been treated.

Now you say you prefer to only use ci...
I'm using the point of view of 2 dudes discussing cars in a very non-technical matter. How would these 2 beer-drinking guys who just got off work at the sawmill communicate to each other about what's under the hood? What terms would they use?
You, on the other hand, are using the point of view of 2 mathemeticians, perhaps. Or 2 technical engineers. These 2 guys don't drink beer. In fact, they dont' even drink.

I also drink beer. By which I mean beer, not "light ale" or lager. Stuff with bits in it.
I also drink beer, and not the lagers and piss water tasting beers that come from this country. Im a guinness stout only man.


Now we're all talking the same language.

But would you prefer a "Half Liter" or a "Pint"?
Some bars here sell Pints, Some sell Half-Liters.

1/2 Liter = 0.879876 pt (UK)

1/2 Liter = 1.05668 pt (US Liquid)

I'm thinking The Half Liter looks better on this side of the pond. I'll be sure to demand Pints in the UK when I finally get to visit.
A Pint of Fuller's ESB sounds really good right now.
Or, maybe a Half Liter of Bell's Porter
The issue is your stated logic behind referring to certain engines in ci and certain others in litres. Which was that engines which could be bored/stroked you state in ci and engines which probably aren't you state in litres. To me this didn't - and doesn't still - make any sense at all, because a capacity is a capacity regardless of what units you state or how it has been treated.

Now you say you prefer to only use ci...

You are still missing the point and just don't listen to what we are saying. The reason i say that the engines that people refer to in the USA as liter engines a majority of the time haven't been stroked or bored. I didn't say they can't be, aren't, or will never. I never said the capacity is treated differently because its referred to in a different manner either. All i stated was that around where i am located, if someone has lets say a honda civic with a 1.6 engine i will almost promise you my soul that the guts have not been touched in anyway. They mainly just stick turbo's on and the occasional head swap. They might do it differently in your location with the smaller hondas and toyo's and all, they might go all out and have different methods. And the american cars that have V8's i can promise you that the big HP makers will almost always be a bored and or stroked powerplant. With a V8 most of the time the power is a N/A power so all the work is done in the actual motor and not superchargers and turbo's and so forth. I said from the start that i prefer to use CI's, so i dont understand that statement. Like i have said over and over, i use CI for american muscle and Liters for the imports because it is much easier that way because everyone does the exact same thing in the states. Thats all im saying. Remember, i am not speaking for how people do things where you are located, just where i am! I just don't see anyway you can twist this answer like you have been the others. I have answered you to the best of my ability so if you don't get what i am trying to convey to you then i am sorry mate.
You are still missing the point and just don't listen to what we are saying.

Let's analyse that claim, shall we?

The reason i say that the engines that people refer to in the USA as liter engines a majority of the time haven't been stroked or bored.

Which was that engines which could be bored/stroked you state in ci and engines which probably aren't you state in litres.

Oh look - you've just stated exactly the same thing I put in my post.

I just don't see anyway you can twist this answer like you have been the others.

The fact that you've just stated exactly the same thing I put in my post would indicate that I haven't twisted anything.

So we're on the same page here:
1. You refer to engines which probably haven't been bored/stroked in litres.
2. You refer to engines which have a higher chance of being bored/stroked in cubic inches.

The issue is that I cannot see a single reason why you'd do this. The one thing you resolutely refuse to provide is a reason why - just a bunch of abuse about how I don't listen and can't comprehend because I'm in a different country.

Incidentally, I don't appreciate being accused of twisting words - especially when I've quoted your words, unchanged, and have not at any point attempted to interpret your words into my own version thereof.

So we're on the same page here:
1. You refer to engines which probably haven't been bored/stroked in litres.
2. You refer to engines which have a higher chance of being bored/stroked in cubic inches.

This is the only thing i was trying to get to you but everytime i have said this exact same thing over and over you just would dive deeper into technical nightmare. The reason like i just said in the last post about the different places we live is because people do things differently in different places. And i just said that i refer to MUSCLE CAR engines in CI because thats how everyone knows them. And i refer to the engines in IMPORTS in liters because thats how everyone refers to them WHERE I LIVE. It might be different where you are, that is all i meant by that. Im done, if i can't get you to understand what i am trying to say by now its just not going to happen. Im tired of saying the same things over and over, as well as PB has said the same things and we are giving you the reasons and how we do things here and you are treating them like they are wrong. They can't be wrong because there is nothing to be wrong, they are preference. This is the norm where we are, and its easier to go with the norm than to spout off 5.74 liters to someone when they would have no idea what you are talking about. Your way isn't the wrong way, its how you do it. Our way isn't the wrong way its how we do it. Its just annoying that everytime we tell you how we prefer to do it you try to pick it apart or what have you.

I also drink beer. By which I mean beer, not "light ale" or lager. Stuff with bits in it.

Oh my lord...somebody flamed me like 3 years ago because I said "let's have a beer" or something. I never forgot it. When I'm drinking, I just want it COLD! Cheers :cheers:
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