How do you save your car tunes?

  • Thread starter katpeeler
This question isnt HOW to tune but how you save your tunes once your done. It seems you realy cant name tunes in the game (not that I have found) and when I first get in a car for the first time I try to use tuning tips on the net to make a "base tune" and save it under "ALL" curcuts. But it seems difficult to save a tune once Im on a track. Example, I take my base tune to Laguna Seca and do some free pracice and tweek it for the track. When I save it doesnt give me an option to save it for that Curcuit. Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way to save your tunes??
If you go to your garage and do your tuning changes there then when you save you get options as to where to save it. You can choose All which will save it for all tracks, or you can choose circuits which will save for all circuits or you can switch to the other tab for specific tracks and save to one or more specific track as needed.

When it make changes in practice it saves to the track you are on without prompting
When you are in a race if saves for that session but often the changes are gone when you exit
Ok, so I don't nee to do it the "Free Practice" then....So what is the difference between "tracks" and "circuits"?? I have also heard that if you save a tune to a certain track, the next time you are on that track the tune will be on your car automatically??...
Ok, so I don't nee to do it the "Free Practice" then....So what is the difference between "tracks" and "circuits"?? I have also heard that if you save a tune to a certain track, the next time you are on that track the tune will be on your car automatically??...

If you tune in free practice then what ever tuning changes you save will be saved for that track and only for that track.
If you tune in the garage then when you save you will need to pick where to save it be it a single track, a few tracks or all circuits or all tracks. This depends in part of the type of car you are tuning.

The difference between circuits and tracks is that circuits are a specific type of track, these would be your basic road courses. The game also has Kart tracks which are different and will have Ovals which are also different. All of these are tracks but not all tracks are circuits.

If you are tuning a kart then you will have an option to save to Kart tracks, you will not get that option for GT cars as they do not run on kart tracks.

When you have saved a tune for the car and track then it will auto load when you go to that track in that car.

Lets say you went into free practice on Road America and saved your changes. If you get in that car on any other track those changes will not be present but when you go to Road America they will be loaded.

If you have did this and decide you would like to use that same tune for another track, several tracks or even all tracks then you can go to your garage, get in that car and choose load setup. You then pick the Road America setup from the list and it will be loaded onto the car in the garage. You can then save and when prompted select the track(s) you want it to save to or you can select all and have it save to all of them.

Play around with it a little and you should get the hang of it. What I generally do is make a few basic changes, steering, brake pressure, FFB and maybe a little balancing to get the car basically how I like it and then save that to all tracks. Then when I go to any track that part is done and I can just focus on setting the things that need to be changed for that specific track.
Thank you for the explanation. Im so used to Forza where you can see the tune you have and apply it anytime you want. What Ive been doing is when Im in Career and racing these different tracks I will do some tweeks if necessary. This should be the ideal way to have tunes for a certain car....Thanx again for clearing this up for me
The tune save features need work IMO. You should be able to have multiple tunes per track as a minimum, if only for different tires and/or driving conditions but also for experimentation. As it is now, if I make a change to a car in free run mode, it's automatically saved when I exit the tuning menu and go to the track. If I don't like the change(s) I have to remember what changes I made and switch them back which seems kind of silly to me in this day and age of virtually unlimited memory. A tune in AC is 2kb which means you could save literally millions of tunes before you had to worry about memory. For those of us that like to tune, this is a definite shortcoming. :grumpy:
The auto load feature is nice but yes I would rather it be like Forza where you can name the tune and save as many as you want under whatever name you want. The shortcoming there is that you have to remember to load the correct tune when you go to the track or...

Most of the time in Forza I end up with several tunes per car but a lot of that is due to the different classes and sometimes I will build one car in multiple classes and then have possibly a grip build and tune, another for speed and another for balanced and may have a few for specific tracks as well as some experimental. Another issue with doing it that way though is if you step away from the game and come back to it after a while it is hard to remember which tunes are which unless you are really careful in naming them which can be a bit of a hassle when you have to type using a game pad or worse a wheel.
Do the tunes from free practice save to online as well, and vice versa? I haven't experimented with it yet.
Do the tunes from free practice save to online as well, and vice versa? I haven't experimented with it yet.
If you save a tune to a car/track combo it sticks to that car/track wherever you go, be it online, free practice, community event or time attack on a leaderboard. If you don't copy/paste to other tracks and have never tuned for those other tracks, you end up with the base tune at those tracks.
Is there any way to save say a "Wet" tune for rain -and- a "Normal" tune for other times?

I seem to remember seeing a Youtube video which showed the guy doing this, each tune with a name, but I -could- be confused about it being pCars and not another program...

If not, anyone have a good workaround?
Is there any way to save say a "Wet" tune for rain -and- a "Normal" tune for other times?

I seem to remember seeing a Youtube video which showed the guy doing this, each tune with a name, but I -could- be confused about it being pCars and not another program...

If not, anyone have a good workaround?
This is one thing I haven't figured out yet, and I'm pretty sure there is no workaround :(

You can only have 1 tune per track, which is really disappointing. For a game as in depth as pCARS, it's strange that you can't save seperate tunes for different conditions, ie, a dry tune, a wet tune, an endurance tune, a sprint tune, a qualifying tune, etc.

The only workaround I can think of is to "manually save" your various tunes for the same track, either with pen & paper, or by snapping pictures with a phone or something, and then manually changing the tune based on conditions. This is a pretty rediculous way to go about things though.
Here's the video I was referring to, and yes it was pCars on the PS4.

The scene in question is near the end, starting about 13:45...
Thanks @katpeeler for the question and @HBR-Roadhog for the detailed, easy to understand, clarifications.
I've been bursting my head trying to figure out how tunes are saved and how to recall for use, having been in the same dilemma as Katpeeler and just yesterday had posted a thread seeking clarification albeit I think Katpeeler asked it better than I had. I think I now understand a lot better.

It a real pity IMO one couldn't have various tunes applied for a particular car or cars dependant on various track need in Pcars and couldn't give a respective tune a meaningful descriptive name to differentiate one from another similar to what I was accustomed to doing in GT6. I hope they sort that out in Pcars 2.

I've bookmarked this thread in case I need to refer to later on as well just in case.