How far do you want GT5 to go before GT6?

  • Thread starter daus26
Don't some of you guys want GT6 to be on the ps3 though. If GT6 would be released next gen, we would have to buy the console as well. If that does happen, I'm going to be stuck with GT5 till I can save enough for PS4. I'm not sure if I can go all the way through 2014, or whenever PS4 is to release.

I also see that some of you want to wait until all, if not most, of the standards being upgraded to premiums. Honestly, I personally think that won't do much with the game. They're the same cars, but it just looks better. I would rather they improve the sounds than the look of the standards. I'm not saying they shouldn't upgrade any of the standards, because some of them deserve to be upgraded, but waiting for most doesn't sound efficient to me. Just my thoughts.

As for adding tracks, I can see how that would do a lot to the game. It would give us a new place to race on, take photos, drift, etc.

I stopped reading at that point, I'm afraid. If you're unable to separate fact and opinion then the rest of the OP is doomed.

I say it's a fact that a lot of people are underwhelmed because everywhere I read GT5 related, there is talks about it. Just look at how many people are talking about the shortage of offline events, compared to GT4 (for example)? I wouldn't have said otherwise if the whole internet didn't talk about it. Now, just because there are a lot of people being underwhelmed, doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people satisfied with it as well.. if that's what you mean. Infact, it's not even my opinion, because personally, the game is fine for me.

Sorry if I seemed otherwise. Perhaps, I assumed it was obvious for everyone, as it did for me.

They built in the ability to race anything you want on any of the tracks in the game. (obviously not FGT on ice tracks)
Just look at how many online racing series are on GTPlanet. The only thing stopping us, is us. We now decide what we want to race and ask the world to join us. So if I want a Prius race, I can 1 make race offline or online. If I want F1 race I can do Seasonals or go online.

It's all up to the user what they now get out of this game.

Yeah I can agree with you here, because I also think the online is limitless in some ways. However, as a game, I feel like there could be more in terms of what we can do personally, and not necessarily with people online. I don't know exactly what it is, but I got a vibe that it's either the tracks, lack of offline events, or customization. I'm not sure. Or maybe it's the little things, because sometimes adding little things like what PD did with the v.1.10 update can do a lot for some.

If you think about it, GT1-GT4 never had online, yet people were able to punch in at least a hundred hours into it. So, how does a game like GT5, which has online, seem short to some? I think it just shows that offline gameplay is at least as important as online.
I stopped reading at that point, I'm afraid. If you're unable to separate fact and opinion then the rest of the OP is doomed.

BAH! there is nothing wrong with what he said AT ALL...all you have to do is read through this forum to see that A LOT of people were/are disappointed with GT5...that is a FACT...period...


Forza is Gran Turismo wanna be... but impossible to sucesss.

Gran Turismo is the Best Race Simulator ever;

oh Jesus somebody take this kid's kool-aid away...

as for GT5 vs GT6....

ive posted this a few times in other threads but this is what i think should happen regarding GT5, and its future sequel....

1. The dev team should be split...with 2/3 working on GT5 and one 1/3 working on GT6...

the GT6 team should be laying down the framework for GT6...the infrastructure, the UI, the features like Youtube uploads, livery editor, online lobbies, ranking system, and everything along those lines...

the GT5 team should be doing EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to remodel cars as premium models as well as modeling new cars to release...they would also be the ones handling bug fixes, and implementing new features into GT5...

2. Massive GT5 updates

using the above strategy, PD could release big time updates every 6 months until the release of GT6...these updates would include new events, new cars, new tracks, new features...every 6 months you drop a big DLC pack for like $15-$ sure the vast majority of us here would pay for it if it offered new premium cars, premium upgrades, new tracks and events...

3. this allows GT5 to continue to grow over the next ~2 years or so all the while there is a group of devs continuing to work on GT6...then as the launch of the PS4 gets closer and closer you slowly begin to shift more and more of the dev team towards GT6...

and then within say a year of launch the entire dev team is cranking away on GT6...

features have been laid out over the previous few years in the background...while cars and tracks were remodeled by the GT5 team over the past few years as well....and if we believe Kaz when he says that the premium models are more geared towards the next generation anyway then it now over the last year of development all the premium cars get moved into the GT6 code that is already there...and don't include the remaining standard cars in can work on them as DLC for GT6
I want GT6 to be on new system. Hardware is REALLY limiting GT5 possibilities and PD's vision. Since PD seems don't want won't drop a AA or lower the resolution or implementing MSAA I don't wan't to play GT5 with blocky shadows, crappy frame-rate, long loading time and MUCH MUCH more things that only appear because of limited hardware.
I want GT6 to be on new system. Hardware is REALLY limiting GT5 possibilities and PD's vision. Since PD seems don't want won't drop a AA or lower the resolution or implementing MSAA I don't wan't to play GT5 with blocky shadows, crappy frame-rate, long loading time and MUCH MUCH more things that only appear because of limited hardware.

its hardware to an extent you're absolutely right...but its also Polyphony's development processes as well...

The problem is that hardware is ALWAYS going to be the limiting factor for a developer's "vision." The difference was, that in past generations PD was at the bleeding edge of ability to get the most out of a console...that has changed this generation
its hardware to an extent you're absolutely right...but its also Polyphony's development processes as well...

The problem is that hardware is ALWAYS going to be the limiting factor for a developer's "vision." The difference was, that in past generations PD was at the bleeding edge of ability to get the most out of a console...that has changed this generation

To me the goals set by PD are far too high. Why is 1080p is "MUST", while we have blocky shadows and very unstable (by the first time!) frame-rate? I also don't understand why they keep antialiasing - if they drop it save a lot of memory for them for much more important things (they can implement a custom livery at least) like more cars at once, much better shadows and draw distance, full-res alpha effects (rain, smoke), maybe highlights that affects other cars (imagine how it will be impressive!), some light by backfires at night...But no - we got a doubtful sub 1080p resolution (not to mention hardware upscaling and 2xQAA which all really just blurs the image) and all that imperfections...
Seriously - we've played GT3,GT4 at 480i/p and that's not affect gameplay (braking points etc.)
I mean 720p is really enough for current gen hardware.
Do they heard about MSAA at all? Maybe for GT6...
That's what I want: 720p and NO standard cars (or tracks).
Keep updating it until I'm happy. :)
...which won't be until they get endurance saves in the game.

The thing is, they don't come out with the next generation for a loooooong time. Keep freshening the old one for us. We'll buy the new one when it comes out, don't worry.
I think it is too hard to try to make money with GT5 using updates to boost game sales. If they want to people to committed to GT5, they should release a road map what they will do and when.(and no freaking "soon" bull-crap anymore ) With that said, I am very happy with GT5 for what it is. It simply kills every other console racing game in physics and graphics.
If they want to people to committed to GT5, they should release a road map what they will do and when.(and no freaking "soon" bull-crap anymore )
Won't work. It's not like we know there's a step by step process to follow. So if they were to delay anything after the road map was revealed, they'd be reprimanded by their FANBASE even more than ever. They really shouldn't have to tell us when something is coming. We're lucky PD even cares about updating GT5 these past tough 7 months. Of course, it's sort of mandatory that they have/had to fix some things, but not add. PD adding to the game is just them showing appreciation to their FANBASE that sadly is too harsh on them.

I'm not directing that last sentence at you. It's to those who can't get a grip, think realistically, then moving on.

With that said, I am very happy with GT5 for what it is. It simply kills every other console racing game in physics and graphics.