How good are you at gaming after 40/50/60?

  • Thread starter ctdc67
It's a question of what you're playing. At somewhere well north of 50, I'm as good as ever with, say, driving games because I can make up for the slowing of reflexes with experience. Something more dependent on reflexes, such as FPS games, I'm not as good at as I used to be.
I'm 60 next year and have been playing games since Pong in the 1970s. I'm just as bad now as I was then!

The only difference is now, my attention span is much shorter. If playing a FPS or platformer, if I die I give up quite quickly whereas 20 years ago I'd persevere until I had completed the level. That might not be due to age though, I've got 100s of games now compared to the dozens I had before. I completed the first few Tomb Raiders, Gran Turismos, etc on my PS1 in the 90s but I rarely finish a game now. Even with racing games which are my favourites I get frustrated if the race is over 10 minutes long.

If only they would release Mr Do! on the XBox, I could play that all day!
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I can make up some speed due to expérience but even though I don't think I've gotten slower, I think my réduction in speed is most likely to be found in the time I can invest. I used to play a lot more but I simply care less and I've more important things to do.

High paced action games which require lightning sharp réflexes, yes I've lost on that but racing games, it's fine as long as it isn't over the top insanely fast paced.
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I'm not even 40 and I can already tell I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be.

A lack of patience and time means if a game is a bit too hard I will just give it up.

As for multiplayer shooters I used to be at or near the top on every COD or BF game, these days it's more like mid table if that, saying that with the amount of youtubers that playing shooters is literally their job and all they do all day its no wonder I can't get anywhere near the top.

Racing games I would say are the only genre I am as good as I used to be, maybe as reflexes don't count as much in a race.
I'm not even 40 and I can already tell I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be.

A lack of patience and time means if a game is a bit too hard I will just give it up.

As for multiplayer shooters I used to be at or near the top on every COD or BF game, these days it's more like mid table if that, saying that with the amount of youtubers that playing shooters is literally their job and all they do all day its no wonder I can't get anywhere near the top.

Racing games I would say are the only genre I am as good as I used to be, maybe as reflexes don't count as much in a race.
I've only just turned 35 and I have been noticing less dexterity and poor reflexes lately in gaming, most notably when trying to be accurate with shooter/FPS games. Sometimes it's so bad it's frustrating.

I play games on the easiest difficulty these days as a result but part of it is I simply don't have the time to play games the way I used to anyways, so I don't need a challenge. I intend to keep gaming into my older years so long as I can.
I've only just turned 35 and I have been noticing less dexterity and poor reflexes lately in gaming, most notably when trying to be accurate with shooter/FPS games. Sometimes it's so bad it's frustrating.

I play games on the easiest difficulty these days as a result but part of it is I simply don't have the time to play games the way I used to anyways, so I don't need a challenge. I intend to keep gaming into my older years so long as I can.
You're right about it being frustrating, basically gave up on warzone and the like as I can't understand how before I can turn and get a shot fired I'm dead.

Can't beat an good old great single player experience these days, especially as adult life means time playing is limited.

And don't get me started in games like Demon sounds and Elden Ring, the rage is real lol
I'm 38 and to be honest I've never thought about it. I don't play online so have never had any reference point for how good I am. I find a difficulty level that I find challenging and fun and that's good for me. More recently though I've found myself being compared to other players on online leaderboards and whereas I'm never top, I've surprised myself by actually being fairly decent at some of them. Stuff like ACC I'm nowhere near, but that's because I'm desperately trying to find half an hour here and there around family life, I'm never going to be that good on games that demand real efforts to learn them because I don't have the time to dedicate.

I've not noticed any drop off in terms of performance over age though. I don't think I'd really care, I'd just drop the difficulty back down a bit. One thing that's actually good is that I never uses to be able to play certain games because I got horrible motion sickness, now that doesn't seem to be as much of a problem. So improvement!!
I'm 50 and I don't think I haven't gotten worst if anything playing videogames most of my life has given me a lot of experience to lean on when playing. I wasn't very quick with inputs so no loss there.
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Biggest problem is how many games nowadays you can have, and styles, and long.
I like and im curious of too many, hard to stay on one long enough to get super good maybe vs long ago.
I used to go far in arcades before consoles.😁
Still remember some of them.
Arkanoid, that old star wars space shooter sitting inside a cockpit, in early 80s, pole position, etc.

But I'd say im much better actually still, all around, with experience, depends on the type of game.

If it's a deep tactical rpg, it takes a good investment of time..
Im 60😫 hehe, and feeling it though a lot since the last 5y, energy going down the drain lol.

Also so many things, news, etc nowadays that keep your attention away.
Anyhow, have a good, safe holidays all.
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I’m 36. I was way better back in the day but Just because i was able to play more many Hours that now and games were harder. Now I have less time thus training and game are overall easier requiring less effort.

I only got better in racing games
I'm 52 now and to be honest i've not noticed any decline. I know others have said they've found their reflexes aren't as quick but i make a habit of still playing FPS's because they are actually good for hand-eye coordination and reflex training. As for any decline in patience, i think if you come from era of gaming when repetitive dying was par-for-the-course, then it sets you in good stead for those particular contemporary games where that is the norm. I'm looking at you Elden Ring and Jedi: Fallen Order.
I'm 37, I'm way, way worse at everything but still having fun. I think I'm just too distracted when I can play and I play significantly less now, but I've also lost my competitiveness and thus drive to do better because I just don't care as much as I did when I was 15 years younger.

But, like, where I used to play tens of hours of Battlefield BC2/3/4 in a week I now play maybe up to ten hours of short singleplayer games, PSX games I never got into enough as a kid or the occasional longer game and it's still fun and I still look forward to getting into the next game.
57 (I think) can't count anymore I've noticed I've got slower in GT7 than I was in GT5P. Likewise I'm target practice in PvP for fast switch youngsters in Destiny 2.
I am not getting worse, it’s just that the interest changes somewhat. I am not totally hooked on a game anymore as I was when I was younger. No incredible hype for upcoming games for months. I am actually way more relaxed now that I am in my 40’s.

Still love gaming though. I also am way more in awe of the amount of effort and artistry they must have put in games. Look at Elden Ring…. What an amazing achievement. And GT7 is also really something to behold.
I'm turning 34 and I've noticed a slight downward trend when it comes to my skills playing modern games. Though, I would't attribute it to age, just yet :lol:

I think it's more due to the fact that I just no longer feel invested in newer games, don't have the same amount of patience that I used to have and my effort playing these games reflect that.

I do however regularly return to older games...and ''interestingly'' tend to get better at them with each time.
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I'm 52 now and to be honest i've not noticed any decline. I know others have said they've found their reflexes aren't as quick but i make a habit of still playing FPS's because they are actually good for hand-eye coordination and reflex training. As for any decline in patience, i think if you come from era of gaming when repetitive dying was par-for-the-course, then it sets you in good stead for those particular contemporary games where that is the norm. I'm looking at you Elden Ring and Jedi: Fallen Order.
I definitely have more patience now. Also I no longer try to play everything at the hardest level. I get to relax and not get frustrated 🤣 So whenever I feel myself getting frustrated I play something else. Life is too short and life is too precious to get upset over things that aren't really that important
I'm 47 and for me it depends on games. Some I'll be very good still and getting better (racing games mostly sims) as for other, I see that my reflex are not what they used to be, notably on fighting games like SF6 or Tekken. It's weird because I can countersteer fast on oversteer but I cant, even if it saves my lives counter a drive impact with another.