How high in the air can you go in GT4?

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I've always had fun getting air in any racing game, but I want to know how high some people can go. So, show me how it's done.

Pics only please.
I can't show you but I'll tell you because it's easy. Go on Test Course and get a high speed car doing 400km/hr plus. Go around the inside of a corner on it next to the wall, then push out and hit the wall as hard as you can as front on as you can without braking or handbraking (maintaining speed). You should get around 3-5m air, but it will feel like more. You'll probably cover some fair distance in air too because of the spped you're doing.
Ask this guy:

Ok, so maybe i tried on the 2nd corner or Le-Mans in a Jag Race car and accidentally went a bit to early, but look at this!


Is now my desktop background!
I can't show you but I'll tell you because it's easy. Go on Test Course and get a high speed car doing 400km/hr plus. Go around the inside of a corner on it next to the wall, then push out and hit the wall as hard as you can as front on as you can without braking or handbraking (maintaining speed). You should get around 3-5m air, but it will feel like more. You'll probably cover some fair distance in air too because of the spped you're doing.

I've tried that before, and yes, you do go higher than you think.

btw I'm a bit of a n00b (:grumpy:) so how do I put photos into a post? 'Cos I have a mean 6 photos of me getting air in my Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car (3 at El Capitan, 3 at Citta Di Aria). :lol::lol::lol::D
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