How I Met Your Mother

  • Thread starter hawkeye122
United States
So now that all of my mates also watch it, I'm convinced that this is no longer a Girl show. So, thoughts? Are you watching the re-runs or are you all caught up?

Is it shown in places other than America?
I doubt HIMYM was ever a "girls show". Have you seen Barney before? That's not your typical 'we're appealing to women' material. :lol:

Been watching it for a while now and I'm almost caught up. Catching the new episodes as well.
Great show... one of the many sitcoms I follow alongside The Big Bang, Modern Family (Gloria is just... HHhHNNNNngGGggg) and Two and a Half Men.
I wasn't happy with the last episode, "The Drunk Train":
Ted is still in love with Robin? Even though the pilot episode makes it pretty clear that there is no future for them? I know the Ted of 2012 doesn't know this, but the show shouldn't be going around in circles like this.

The only way I could possibly forgive the writers for this screw-up is if Ted's confession means Robin is willing to trust him as a confidant, and that this is directly related to the identity of the mother. For that to work, Robin would have to be the bride at Barney's wedding; "the bride" wanted to see him at the end of the seventh-season premiere. In visting Robin, Ted would have to have a chance encounter with his future wife.

That's how the eighth season should play out: Ted meets half a dozen women at Robin and Barney's wedding, and the focus should be on which one of them is the mother. At least one of these women should be stunt casting - like Katie Holmes as the slutty pumpkin - and a red herring as to the identity of the mother (because everyone will see her and automatically assume she is the mother).
So now that all of my mates also watch it, I'm convinced that this is no longer a Girl show. So, thoughts? Are you watching the re-runs or are you all caught up?

Is it shown in places other than America?

It is often shown on E4 every night and new episodes are on Channel4 so it is quite popular over here 👍
I wasn't happy with the last episode, "The Drunk Train":
Ted is still in love with Robin? Even though the pilot episode makes it pretty clear that there is no future for them? I know the Ted of 2012 doesn't know this, but the show shouldn't be going around in circles like this.

The only way I could possibly forgive the writers for this screw-up is if Ted's confession means Robin is willing to trust him as a confidant, and that this is directly related to the identity of the mother. For that to work, Robin would have to be the bride at Barney's wedding; "the bride" wanted to see him at the end of the seventh-season premiere. In visting Robin, Ted would have to have a chance encounter with his future wife.

That's how the eighth season should play out: Ted meets half a dozen women at Robin and Barney's wedding, and the focus should be on which one of them is the mother. At least one of these women should be stunt casting - like Katie Holmes as the slutty pumpkin - and a red herring as to the identity of the mother (because everyone will see her and automatically assume she is the mother).

I thought the same thing to be perfectly honest:

On a different, yet related note: my problem with Robin is how they continually try to make the audience feel sorry for her. Yes, her inability to have children will be something that hits close to home for some of the viewers, but she's horribly involved with herself; she keeps going on and on about how she can't find the right one when she's the reason for all of that. You could argue the "right one" would accept her regardless, and while I'd agree with that, why should the guy have to make all the concessions while she makes none?
I think Robin is self-sabotaging. She's still got feelings for Barney - and we know that Barney cares about her more than anyone else in the world - but I think she's afraid it will end badly if something starts up again. She both wants and does not want it at the same time. When Barney was debating over which "tie" to commit to, we all thought he was talking about Robin and Nora, but I think it's going to shape up as Robin and Quinn. I think Quinn and Nora were really passing distractions for Barney, trying to recapture what he had with Robin, but it is always going to come back to her.
I'm a big fan of the show, but personally I feel that Ted Mosby is possibly the weakest lead character in a sitcom that I've ever seen. The supporting cast (particularly Barney) make up for this. It seems that almost every episode, Ted is talking about a new woman and calling her "the one" which can be annoying.

Still, I find the show enjoyable, but I only like Ted when bad things happen to him. I've seen the first 6 seasons, so clearly I have some catching up to do.
Frankly, I think Ted and Robin AGAIN is just fodder for another half-season's worth of episodes. It's been done to death, and I can see how it COULD have worked if we hadn't already established a thousand times that Robin isn't the mother.

What you have to say, PM, about Robin being a sort of gateway to where Ted finds his wife is a pretty good guess as well.

I honestly don't think the show has much longer to go, Lily is going to have her child, and that will be supply a few stories, but sooner or later it's going to have to come back to Barney's wedding, which is where Ted will meet "The Mother". Lily's Dad also seems to be a bit of a waste of time. I think that in the end, Barney will marry Robin, since they both seem to be outrageously self-serving when it comes to relationships.

I think Ted's weakness sort of emphasizes the importance of the people around him. I think they make Ted who he is, and thats sort of the point. Could he be stronger? Sure, but as far as life goes... Maybe he wasn't the "Leader/Go-getter" type. If anything, it brings the show a bit closer to home for me, to see that Ted isn't exactly the center of attention always. While the show is set loosely around finding "The One", I still think that the primary focus of the show is the interactions of a group of friends.
The thing I don't understand is how Bob Sagat fits into all of this.

It's exactly the same thing that Family Guy poked fun at... he's not going to become Bob or anything, so why not have Josh do the storytelling? It... it just doesn't make any sense to me.
The thing I don't understand is how Bob Sagat fits into all of this.

It's exactly the same thing that Family Guy poked fun at... he's not going to become Bob or anything, so why not have Josh do the storytelling? It... it just doesn't make any sense to me.

You'll have to Un-Family Guy that comparison. I hate Family Guy, and therefore cannot understand any of the names or their meaning.
It's a pity this show has been run into the ground so badly. They're now effectively milking it for all it's worth. Seasons 1-4 were actually pretty good, but since then, Lilly has become the single worst and most annoying character on tv, and both Ted and Robin have become bland and stale characters. Marshall and Barney keep this show on its legs.
Yeah. Actually, I've had issues with some of the writing from the beginning, but the characters and actors have always pulled the show through. But this current turn is ridiculous. As in "Friends"-level ridiculous.

Seriously. Robin-Ted? Seriously? We already know that didn't work out by the future. We already know there's no future there. Why are the writers going back there?

And a stripper named Karma. Oh, really. How clever. Dear Lord...
The thing I don't understand is how Bob Sagat fits into all of this.

It's exactly the same thing that Family Guy poked fun at... he's not going to become Bob or anything, so why not have Josh do the storytelling? It... it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Because Bob Saget is Ted at fifty. Josh Radnor is Ted at thirty. In the intervening twenty years, Ted has obviously aged and his voice changed. On the rare occasion when we do see Ted somewhere between 2010 and 2030, like in "Garbage Island", Ted is still played by Josh Radnor, but his appearance and mannerisms have changed. He is ageing, which is why Saget is the voice of Ted in 2030.
This spoiler contains info about Tonight's episode.

This last episode was... Wow. Somehow they've managed to keep me interested yet again. Again I find myself a bit sad about what happens. It had to happen eventually, but I was a bit sad to see Robin leave the apartment. To some degree, I find a bit of my self in both Ted and Robin, which makes it hit a bit closer to home. But the skeptic in me says they now have an excuse to write another episode, about where Robin will live. I think that Marshall saying he still isn't through with the bet implies that Ted and Robin will question themselves at least once more. But on the other hand, it is claimed that the last time he says "I love you" before meeting the eventual wife was to Robin, as depicted in "The Drunk Train".
This spoiler contains info about Tonight's episode.
Massive save!
I was dreading Ted's latest confession of love for Robin, but I liked the way the writers finally went somewhere eith it and used it to give closure to Ted, so he can't pursue her anymore.
My thoughts exactly. But now I really wonder what Robin will do? Is this the end of her character, and will she take more of a Back-Seat with regards to the rest of the show? Or do you think she'll still stick around, and still go to the Pub with the lot of them?

I almost wonder if she may move in with Barney until she finds a place (A la 2.5 Men) and thats how we maybe find out who Barney's wife is? It does turn out to be Robin, after they live together. The only other option is she lives with Lily and Marshall, which could make a single script about her fitting in with 2 married people.
It's certainly not the end of Robin at a character. They aren't writing her out of the show; she's one of the most popular characters in it. No, they simply wrote her out of Ted's apartment because it has been a recurring theme among Robin's boyfriends - most notably Don and Kevin - that Robin is unusually close to her ex-boyfriend(s). They also needed to clear up the unresolved issues between Ted and Robin so that Ted could get on with finding his actual wife.

It's also been fairly obvious from the start of the season that Barney will be in conflict over two women. To start with, we all thought it was Robin and Nora, but now it's shaping up to be Robin and Quinn. As has been pointed out, Robin is being unusually demanding of her boyfriends of late, so I think the season is going to end with Robin taking the plunge and risking everything ona future with Barney.
HIMYM doesn't really appeal to me in general; I do watch the others though (2AAHM, Scrubs and Big Bang).
If it were my show, I would have had Robin killed off by something totally unrelated. For no reason. Why? Noone would see it coming, and I like the idea of assuming that NO character is safe. But thats insane.

She is a popular character. But even if she lives elsewhere, I still can't help but think that Robin and Ted will still be pretty close. Unless Ted finds someone in the next few episodes.
They won't kill Robin - or any of the other characters - off. It's already been established that all four of Ted's friends are known to his children.
I don't know why you think they're writing Robin out of the show just because she was written out of Ted's apartment. Marshall and Lily once lived there, but they're still in the show even though they moved to Dowisetrepla.

Robin will either end up living with Lily and Marshall, renting their apartment off them, or getting her own place. She's not leaving - Cobie Smulders is still under contract to appear in the show.
I know all of that. I'm just sharing my twisted sense of how things would work in my head. I don't ACTUALLY think that people will be killed off.

The following Spoiler contains info about the episode from 2/27

Barney and Quinn won't work in the end.

I was infuriated to see Robin return, but then pacified again to realise that Ted had given Marshall and Lily his apartment.

Again, they have done a good job of insuring that I'm captivated enough to watch the next episode, as I am really curious about where Ted and Robin end up. Speculation?
I think Ted is going to wind up either at his future him in Westchester (though it isn't finished, it's going to need work - he could live in it as he renovates it), or he may possibly move into Marshall and Lily's old apartment at Dowisetrepla.
I think Ted is going to wind up either at his future him in Westchester (though it isn't finished, it's going to need work - he could live in it as he renovates it), or he may possibly move into Marshall and Lily's old apartment at Dowisetrepla.

How are you able to watch these in Australia?
According to the networks, it's called "fast-tracking" - the episodes are aired almost as soon as they're done in America. They got their fingers burned a few years ago during the writers' strike when they suddenly found they had no new episodes to air, but a few of them still do it. They just play the episodes at ungodly hours.
So who liked the finale?

Was it good as it was?


I think it was a nice ending for a show that went on a bit too long. It all made sense again from a story point. I wish they would have introduced the mother caracter earlier as I liked the stringing together of the stories, and she acted nicely. She would have been a great addition from season 6 on. It was a bit of a sad twist, but one that made "sense", but I actually hoped on a "happy ever after". It's nice to see a show that thinks from scratch where they want to land. Otherwise the season 2 kids scene would have been impossible as they are now in their 20's.

I first disliked the way they went with Barney, But the ending of the caracter was beautiful. And NPH acted really great there. Nailed it!

Rumor is Number 31 is the main caracter of the spin off.

Great show with a conclusive and great ending.
Rumor is Number 31 is the main caracter of the spin off.
That's what I was thinking! Could Barney's mystery wife be Sally (Greta Gerwig)?

Now that the series is over, I'm watching it from Season 1!