how long do you play to improve your time?

  • Thread starter sangbyung
Similiar to me actually. I know I posted before, but for example last night I sat down for 3 hours and only went 0.060 faster. This morning I had a 30 minute go and went 0.2 faster. So for me it varies as well, depends what mind set i'm in I suppose!

I'd have to agree Mad and Dan........ last night i spent nearly 4hrs total (finished at 1am AEDST) and found 0.030. Two evenings prior i found 0.3 in just over an hour.

Last night was the absolute worst i have felt after a session.... i was emotionally and mentally destroyed. It was soul destroying to spend that long for so little reward.
The key is little and often, ask anyone who has learned to play the piano.

15 minutes a day is better than an hour every other day.

I often find after about 30 laps in Prologue with no real progress, a cup of tea and a KitKat (other biscuits are available) later, the lap times start dropping.

Problem is, if you skip a week or more, you undo alot of the work you have done, so little and often is the way to go.

The thing is, there' alot more to this racing malarky than battering around a track with your blinkers on, you really need to analyse whats going on with the car when you aren't playing so you have a few ideas of what to try when you are playing.
the last few times I've played......bearing in mind i had like a 6 day break because i got frustrated.......i only made up like .05 of a second for about 1-2hrs of play each, it does seem as though it takes a good 20 minutes to get into the 'zone' and feel like you can start attacking the corners you want and beat your best.

but now I'm at the stage where my 2nd flying lap will be within 0.3 of my overall best. I know i can go .3-.4 seconds faster with the road car, which will give me a 48'xxx with a controller!!!, but it is very difficult to find the time.

i feel as though if i go for like a 4hr session with various breaks i can go a lot faster, but breaks in between are essential. 1-2hrs just feel too short to really get zoned in, similar to Roger Federe in a 5 set match(4-5hrs) -the court must feel so big to him and he must feel like he can go for any shot. -if anyone knows what i mean.....
Thanks to the 1 minute long righthander I get some strains if I play more than 1.5 hours. After which I need a 2 hour brake.
Obviously this never happens in a race, it's because I reset if im more than 0.2 behind my own PB.
As long as I feel good about it and feel that there might be a good lap around the corner.

Heh, yeah, that's what I tell myself too. I've had that feeling for 3 hours now. The lap finally came...0.004 faster. Time to go read a book.

All the best
If have time to race at all,i never spend more than 1 hour per session on any TT...if the faster lap didnt come by then,it wont anymore ...i think i have never set my fastest lap after 1 hour of play on any TT i have committed myself to...mostly it comes within 20-30 minutes after starting a session...

Didnt race the demo tt now for 7days straight,because i am on a holiday,am very anctious to get in my playseat again the minute i get home this Friday...i dont have to start working before Januari the 8th,so have plenty of time to do the demo tt and WRS ....

yea, concentration is the key. i also should take some break in between. I know when i am very frustrated and start banging on the wheel, it is time to stop.

I find that if I concentrate too much, I mess up. Once i heat up and begin to relax thats when my lap times improve.
Like a lot of people here, it varies - I find that my quickest laps are in the early parts of any given session, and after that my concentration drops and I start making stupid mistakes. Anywhere from 15 - 30 minutes is usually all I manage to squeeze in anyway amongst family life. Like arora though, I can't find it in me to push on for hours at a time - I'm never going to get near the top times, and so it becomes a frustrating battle with yourself - a battle that is only fun for so long!

Little and often is definitely key to improving. I'm really slow, having only just broken the 1:40 barrier, but compare that to how I was when I started playing the demo and it's a different person driving.
I played this game for about 6 to 7 hours today with breaks for toilet, food and a small bit of exercise.

I have come to the conclusion that it definitely is not the way to go about it.

Yesterday was similar with no rewards. Today i managed to get -.065 quicker with the normal car within 1 hour of play. I should have stopped there. But I know I can go at least -.3xx faster if i dont screw up in T3 like I always do.

Tomorrow I plan on taking advice from posts above and taking a good solid break after every half hour or so if there is no progress.

It's getting tougher and tougher now, but I guess this will show who really wants to make it to the next rounds of this competition.
I watch a video by a member of this forum and look for something that I'm missing, which happens every single time. :)

Then I curl up into my extremely non-ergonomic/very painful and debilitating setup (I really need to buy a Wheel Stand Pro) and drive for 15-20 minutes (or until I get a cramp) in order to put that knowledge to use with my own approach (read ineptitude) and shave off a bit of time.

If there is a prize for most improved times, I wouldn't get that either, but I might make its top 10 list. ;)
I play whenever I have motivation, that could mean up to an hour or so perhaps even 2 hours some days, then I will leave it for two days, sometimes I think you can spend too much time on it.

I hadn't spent two days on it and then today I knocked 0.2 of a second of in one go after about half an hours driving.

Sometimes I will sit down and within a few laps realise its not happening and leave it for hours, it really just depends what mood I am in.
Would have said an half hour to an hour but last night I jumped on after a few beers to show a friend how it was done (he couldn't get a non "red" lap under 2:30!!!) and beat my best time by half a second, and gained 200+ spots on the leaderboard!
Was quite surprised!
I do about half hour, then switch to the other car. I do this continuoulsy till i get a head ache, or sore eyes, or mental illness.

Seems to be working since you seem to find advantages of each car each time you swap around.

I think the most amount of time I've spent on one car is about 45-5-minutes.

I really get improvements within the first 15mins of each session, then sort of sit about 0.2s off for the next 10mins and then fall aprat after that.
I play as long as I can which isn't very considering I have two kids age 3 years and 4 months. If I'm lucky I can do a one hour stint. I normally benefit from quite long driving sessions as it takes a long time to get up to speed for me.
I start off with a slow base lap (usually 2 seconds slower than what I know I can achieve) I purposely go slow and make minor errors. Then I start going faster and reduce my time by a second. Next, I go into hard-core mode. And gradually within an hour or so, I drop and drop.

Last night I beat my old record but the game didn't update it. I got so mad. I restarted the game a minute later and beat THAT time. Persistenc is key.👍
I have almost always played at least an hour with all Racing games that I have, whether it is a sim or arcade. With this time trial being online and all, and the fact that I pick up from a wifi that is unstable, it completely depends on Mr. Netgear and how long he plans on surfing the web. The other night I got a full 2 hours in, but then tonight I got 15 minutes (what does somebody do for 15 minutes on the internet at 4:00am? Oh....). I kept getting better lap times and then I get the DNS error message :ouch:. I have no idea if my rankings are saving when this happens so I try to at least save the ghost every 3 laps.