Apparantly, you have failed to notice that hardly anybody is actually waiting for GT5. Most of us enjoy ourselves with other things and we don't care when GT5 comes out, we'll just buy it if it's good enough, whenever that may be...
I was trying to see if anyone here actually has a backbone(which apparently only 16 people have), and apparently a majority of people are the type that would rather just watch an asteroid hit the earth than do some thing about it. If PD saw that a large amount of people were getting upset they might I don't know get the game out.
Absolutely correct, there are plenty of other great games, and a New GOW, new ratchet and clank, F1 2009, Fuel, Dirt 2 all confirmed I dont think ill be needing GT5 for a while once Q3 09 comes around which is when most of these games are comming.
And people, I think there is a better chance of polyphony launching the game earlier if no one cares about its launch as it will worry them.
It will take longer if nobody cares, if PD sees a large amount of uprest they will get the game out faster since that would look horrible PR wise(does PD even have a PR person?). Yes there are a lot of good games, but the sole reason I plan on spending the extra $200 is for GT5(most games I want are also on 360). Also at Mars PD doesn't owe us anything?last I checked we are consumers and we pay their salaries, yes they are trying to appeal to a new generation, but with what an over priced demo and no actual information on the full game. What does that say about a company.
GT2 was rushed because Sony forced them to meat a Christmas deadline. GT3 was always going to have less cars. GT4 didn't have online because PD eventually decided it wasn't worth holding the game back even more than the 1 year plus it had already been delayed. The only rushed game was GT2 and that had nothing to with you or me, that was Sony after a Christmas best top seller and you know what, Sony hasn't forced PD's had release date wise since. PD don't want to delay and delay the game deliberately, but they have targets of what they want to include. They could release the game already but it wouldn't meet thoes targets, but guess what, they gave us GT5I don't know but they have before.
GT2: took 3 editions to get rid of glitches
GT3: watered down and lacked cars
GT4: where was online
Also if they wanted the game out it would have been out by now, also since when is keeping your base in the dark good marketing?
Hahaha, is your knowledge of the way a business works limited to the "Golden Rule" placards they put up in supermarkets that say "the customer is always right"?It will take longer if nobody cares, if PD sees a large amount of uprest they will get the game out faster since that would look horrible PR wise(does PD even have a PR person?). Yes there are a lot of good games, but the sole reason I plan on spending the extra $200 is for GT5(most games I want are also on 360). Also at Mars PD doesn't owe us anything?last I checked we are consumers and we pay their salaries, yes they are trying to appeal to a new generation, but with what an over priced demo and no actual information on the full game. What does that say about a company.
Last time I checked, your "large amount of upset" - I can only assume the missing word is "fans" - was limited to an army of one: you. But keep going with that; I'm sure that by the time you manage to rally a few more disgruntled followers to your cause, the game will have already been released. Just don't get it into your head that you were the one responsible for the game being brought out on schedule. Polyphony Digital - and Kazunor Yamauchi in particular - are notorious perfectionists. They won't release a game until they're satisfied that it's in a releaseable condition, and their names have enough power that Sony know to leave them be.It will take longer if nobody cares, if PD sees a large amount of uprest they will get the game out faster since that would look horrible PR wise(does PD even have a PR person?).
Do you have any idea how much of the final price actually finds its way back to the developers? You have to remove all the fees and costs associated with manufacturing, printing, shipping, paying for store space, the wages of the salespeople selling the games, allowing for defective goods and so on. Only the meanest fraction will make its way bsck to Polyphony, and as I said in the other thread, we're not the only ones who buy the games. If we were, the games wouldn't be made because the orum population - at least in the active sense - isn't big enough to support the company.last I checked we are consumers and we pay their salaries, yes they are trying to appeal to a new generation, but with what an over priced demo and no actual information on the full game. What does that say about a company.
Amen to that.No the thing is that I don't want to go out and buy an eagerly anticipated game only to find it's full of stupid bugs I'm going to have to then wait to be patched and that content wise it isn't much better than GT5which I already have on my shelf. Besides which, updates content wise are likely to cost more money.
Remeber GT2 and theway you couldn't complete it 100% unless you went into the game under another language setting and played all the Opel races? That's a buggy game right there.No, a patch cant fix everything and theres the marketing factor again, can you even imagine the bad press and reviews when they release a buggy version of the biggest PlayStation franchise?
You did. We're not the ones bitching and whining about something so completely arbitrary as whether or not we get news on a video game. I know we'd all like some news ... but that doesn't mean we go taking shots from the clocktower over it. It may sound like a cliche, but patience is a virtue. If the only thing that is keeping you occupied is Gran Turismo, I think you need to re-evaluate which way your life is going. Everybody else here has something else going for them, and that's what makes us well-adusted when you aren't.Well here I was thinking that maybe I found a forum that was filled with mature non-fan boy members.
There's a difference between not considering your opinion and not liking your opinion. Just because we disagree with you doesn't mean we didn't consider your opinion at all. I love how the term 'fanboys' gets thrown about with such reckless abandon over the internet when people disagree with everyone. You make it sound like the crowning insult and that by using the term we're all going to change our ways and suddenly join your side. Well, guess what? It's nothing more than a buzzword and has no meaning. You say we're being immature, close-minded and so on, but we're the ones who have been giving you all manner of reasons as to why we disagree with you, logical explanations and arguments that we feel have some merit. You, on the other hand, are the one sprouting the party line of "We pay their salaries so they should honour that" and stubbornly ignoring any and all rational thought when it is presented. And for what end? To make your voice heard. Sony and Polyphony Digital aren't going to read your comments and suddenly decide they've being going about it all wrong and introduce a policy akin to glasnost.I was apparently was wrong, this forum as I have learned is filled with close minded fan boys that can't consider another persons opinion into mind before putting there own out.
It's funny, because in reading through this thread, you've consistently proven to be the elast-mature member invovled. It's also funny because we're one of the biggest fan communities, and everything is pretty well-monitored. If you go elsewhere, you're likely to find the Gran Turismo equivalent of /b/ on 4chan. I've seen other forums that are not run nearly as well as GTP, and believe you me when I say that you're not going to find a forum where hundreds of thousands of fans are going to share your opinion to the extent where you'll be able to march with them on Polyphony's headquarters demaning news, complete with your own marching song written by Rage Against the Machine. No, they're going to chew you up and spit you out and they're not even going to think twice about it. They don't play nice the way we do around here.This will be my last post here, maybe I will be able to find a mature board somewhere else.
I was trying to see if anyone here actually has a backbone(which apparently only 16 people have)
The only one close-minded is you. You wave the argumented responses of several people away with 'you have no backbone' because they don't agree with you. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.Well here I was thinking that maybe I found a forum that was filled with mature non-fan boy members. I was apparently was wrong, this forum as I have learned is filled with close minded fan boys that can't consider another persons opinion into mind before putting there own out.
FixedForever, even if it was multi-platformed, which I don't think it will be (because PD has beenteamed withowned by Sonyfor a long time nowsince they were founded).
Always a great move the old, if someone doesn't agree with me I will simply insult them.I was trying to see if anyone here actually has a backbone(which apparently only 16 people have), and apparently a majority of people are the type that would rather just watch an asteroid hit the earth than do some thing about it. If PD saw that a large amount of people were getting upset they might I don't know get the game out.
It's worked out rather well for Apple so far.Also if they wanted the game out it would have been out by now, also since when is keeping your base in the dark good marketing?
You insult people who don't agree with you and then when they still don't agree with you the teddies go out of the pram!!!!Well here I was thinking that maybe I found a forum that was filled with mature non-fan boy members. I was apparently was wrong, this forum as I have learned is filled with close minded fan boys that can't consider another persons opinion into mind before putting there own out. This will be my last post here, maybe I will be able to find a mature board somewhere else.
PD are and always have been an internal Sony studio.
Always a great move the old, if someone doesn't agree with me I will simply insult them.
Not smart at all, even worse when its not accurate.
As has already been said, why on earth would you want a rushed product that might fall short of what is wanted, when more than enough exists on the PS3 to keep us busy until GT5 comes out.
Hell I know well in advance exactly how much of my life GT5 will take when it comes out (the hundreds of hour I put into the tuning guides for GT4 is testament to how much that title took over my free time).
In the mean time I have more than enough to keep me busy, including spending time with all those genres that I know I will ignore when GT5 does arrive.
So while this is a valid topic for discussion, insulting those who may not agree with you is not a valid debating tool here at GT Planet.
Also if they wanted the game out it would have been out by now