How many is too many ?

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Looked for an existing thread to contribute this to but couldn't find one. Lots of talk out there about what we will be playing to tide us over to GT5 releases.

I had been on sabatical from Prologue due to connection issues but just recently fired it up again and had forgotten about my Ferrari F2007 collection. I got to wondering how many F2007's others have in their garage and how many more I might acquire before launch day. I don't really care if they transfer or not .... just collecting them for the fun of it :sly:

Anyone got more than this ? Just curious, that's all :dopey:
Wow! I guess it's better than getting the "you cant have more than 2 000 000 credits" message. I got all cars at first, then I wanted all in black, so I restarted the game and got all Black (some cars aren't possible in black). Then I lost my savegame and I completed the game a third time to get all cars. Now I have all cars and about 1,3 million credits. I thought I was an addict. But you are just insane!! Nice collection though.
Dude you're mad lol. I stopped counting at 40 something. Looks like there's 60 or so. That's insane :lol:
HOLY COW MAN! Every time I get 2m credits I buy one and sell it imediately and that takes me down to 5hundred-thousand and I do not have to go through the extra 2 clicks in the trophy screen, lazy I know but thats just how I am. Nice collection though. I am assuming that we will only be able to transfer some credits from GT5P, and I refuse to do that because I have waited so long for GT5 that I don't want to rush through any of it.
66 or 68... I counted them but I got distracted and forgot the number. lol

Pretty cool. You should try for 100. Or maybe instead of just the F2007, try to collect every car in every color variation. :)
66 or 68... I counted them but I got distracted and forgot the number. lol

Pretty cool. You should try for 100. Or maybe instead of just the F2007, try to collect every car in every color variation
. :)

That's what I am going for.
I have one! And I admit, Ive used another players SAVE DATA

I only have 2, i wanted one in rossa corsa and one in rossa scuderia (i think those are the two colours, each with 2 other variations). But you my friend, are insane 👍
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I tried to collect all cars in all colors, but the garage is too small, so i just wanted to have every car 3 times, but even thats not possible, because i also wanted to have every Audi, Ferrari and Nissan in every color.

So my garage is full and i currently have slightly over 1 million Cr.

Within the last 3 months i wasnt playing Prologue that much, since Uncharted 2, Shift and Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 2 (PC) destracted me a little bit too much :D

I started playing Prologue again 3 days ago, but i was basicly doing time trials, because its no fun collecting cars and earning money, when you know that you have to sell a car to buy another one.
And now my PS3 died again, guess the boys that repaired it did a bad job, i will hopefully get it back next week.

Edit: I got 4 F2007
1 word: sad

I'm sorry, I don't understand ? Why is this "Sad" ?? Is it sad that someone who is retired has the time to pursue their hobbies and passions ? I lead a very full life with other hobbies and travel and I am anything but "Sad" .... believe me :)

Playing Prologue at the intense level that I do is nothing short of the fun and entertainment Kazunori intended his creation to be. How can having fun .... be "Sad" :ill:

If I have misunderstood your interpretation of the word, and you actually intended something else, then I apologize :dopey:
HAHA he got BROKE!

3 words, Yes It Is.

To me, "Sad" describes people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to make snap judgements of others :)

And I repeat .... No, it isn't :)

And I'd like to thank you for your constructive and enlightening contribution. You've really advanced the concept here. In order to keep kiddies from further degenerating the concept of what fun is or can be, I'll be closing this thread now :sly:
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