I would've upgraded to GTS from GT6 but I still feel GTS has much lesser cars, lesser tracks & lesser offline content. I can wait patiently till loads of content are added into GTS.
Let me start off by saying that I'm not here to tell you GTS is perfect because its nowhere near it. Its missing features that were once in past GT titles that really need to be brought back. This game still needs a lot of work but the car & track list don't even make my top 10 of complaints.
GTS has right around 300 car in it now. I've been playing this game every single day for over a year. Add in the fact that GTS gives you a free car every day for playing and I still don't own all the cars in this game.
Money is not easily made like it was in GT6 so it will take you awhile to get everything. If your waiting for more cars like in GT6 then it would take you 3 years to buy them all in GTS.
The track list has been growing but having a large track roster in this game is not all that important. I do agree it is still missing some major track location and hopefully one day they will be added but what content we do have in the game right now is enough to keep you very very busy for a very very long time.
I'm not even going to say much about Sport Mode because you either love it or hate it. But anyone still playing GT6 must like single player content and I for one like the single player content in GTS along with custom races. All my online play is in the lobbies just like it was in GT6. I do not play Sport Mode.
Things are different in GTS but it's still Gran Turismo and it will feel like GT the first time you play it.
Something's are better something's are not but that doesn't mean it's not fun and that something's in GTS are not just incredible. So I will say this again, please don't stop playing GT6 if that's what you enjoy but you are robbing yourself by not playing newest GT title also.
I thought the same as you when I created this thread and then I couldn't believe what I had been depriving myself of once I bought GTS.
Again the game is far from perfect but it does have it's incredible moments too.
Here are my current stats. I have driven every single mile in this game with the controller in my hand.