Oh okay, I see. So there's no giant thread where gamers are complaining about these new limits, and they were demanding PD remove them, or whatever?
I'm just curious how the community reacted to these limits, or if they even did? I'm into reading trainwreck-style threads.
Sorry to hear about your PS3. Yeah, my original fatty died in 2014. It lasted 6 years though, so (from what I understand) that's a long time, at least. Thing is though, I used to play a lot of other games on that machine, and also watched Netflix and used internet. My current PS3 is 3 years old, and I only play one game on it (guess) because I want it to last forever.
Oddly, my original Playstation, which I got way back in 2000, still works. I gave it to a friend long ago, and he still has it. My PS2 also still works. What is it about PS3s?