Gabkicksdimitrov didnt mention that his father was part jackhammer
6'1'' (ca 186cm)
145 lbs
sspread your legs out wide and sorta lean back a tiny bit6'1'' (ca 186cm)
145 lbs
i managed 23 with 2 hands in 30seconds, it could have been a lot better, but i'm out of shape.... i really need to start training again!!
i can't do a single one with one hand, i just CAN'T. any tips??
I also used that online test posted here, I have 6,5% body fat; thats 5kg and 79 kg of bone and other stuff you need to life.
Gabkicksthats crazy lol, u are taller than me, yet i outweigh you by 70 pounds. you wouldnt by any chance happened to have the nickname; spider?