How many replies can we get??

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gotta sell a bunch of books for debate. Not hard to do, this is one of those rare fund-raising events thats actually a good deal. There basacilally coupon books. But one af the coupons is good for the price of the book. so its a good deal. about 500 coupons a least
Originally posted by BMW M3
gotta sell a bunch of books for debate. Not hard to do, this is one of those rare fund-raising events thats actually a good deal. There basacilally coupon books. But one af the coupons is good for the price of the book. so its a good deal. about 500 coupons a least
did i miss something?
Originally posted by ghostrider
did i miss something?

nope just satrted a conversation. Alittlte too fast i guess. I gotta sell books for my debate class to raise money to travel to tournaments
Originally posted by BMW M3

shows where the prioreties lie. Not that I'm satyin anything or trying to start trouble
I here that but thats why I pointed you over there so you could see it for yourself.

If I were to get ask for a member for Moderator I will putaplug in for ya..;)
Originally posted by ghostrider
I here that but thats why I pointed you over there so you could see it for yourself.

If I were to get ask for a member for Moderator I will putaplug in for ya..;)

Thanks, as i think he forgot he said I could be one.
Originally posted by BMW M3

Thanks, as i think he forgot he said I could be one.

Ya, he has been busy with the site getting the bugs out, thats why he posted the Moderators post. If you read it, it shows that he's trying his best to get everything running smoothly.
its a mircosoft word editor i asked a friend thatc ame over and he said its just like front page
Originally posted by Tazz575
its a mircosoft word editor i asked a friend thatc ame over and he said its just like front page
Well good luck with that, its not frontpage and work like frontpage.
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