Originally posted by Endocytosis
My point? my point...
my point is that I am 1 person. I am one person who is trying to make a difference here at GTP. I want these forums to be free of spam and meddling members for good. i know that is nearly impossible, but does that mean we should give up? With me trying that is 1 more person helping out. Do you know how muh better this place would be if even a third of you started to care a little more about it. I cant stop you, but I can try.. and try I will. i may not have the power, but there certainly are mods here that do. if your only objective is to be an asshole and spam the place up then it is the duty of the mods to rectify the problem. The only way to stop the downward spiral of the GTP is to turn certain members (like you) around and stick a boot up your ass. BANNED!!!!!!!!