How much alcohol do you drink?

  • Thread starter TurboSmoke
I'm an alcoholic, or at least I was one.

I started drinking at an early age. My first drink was around five or six. It was my dad's beer. He would do housework on Saturdays, then grab a beer or two and watch TV. He often would fall asleep, so I just helped my self to the rest of his beer. I loved how dizzy it got me. He also used to make this grasshopper type drink made with 7-UP, and I always got a sip, but when he wasn't looking, I would finish it off.

He had to stop buying beer when he realized I drank more of it than he did. I got in trouble all the time, but it didn't stop me. So, he switched to bourbon, and scotch when I was ten. Didn't work. I drank that too. I continued to drink all the way through school, and nobody ever knew I drank even though I brought and finished a bottle of vodka, or whiskey to school every day. I hid it that well.

Buy the time I was 21, of legal age to buy it, I was up to 1.75 ltrs. of vodka a day. No joke. I was serious alcoholic. Buy then I was in a rock band, so you can say I lived the life style.

I quit on News Year Day 2000. I had to. It was causing so many family and health problems. I haven't been drunk once since then, but I did have five drinks this past New Years Eve. Three beers where left over from July Fourth, and I had two Chivas. But since then, I've had no drinks. I do drink a little bit, but I almost never do. I can't really. I have a liver that's the size of a phone book, and the doctor said it was very "fatty."

Take it from me, drinking catches up to you.
Bloody hell Solid Lifters...thats quite a story...

the only thing that i regret about drinking is the cost to my health...when alchohol dehydrates you in the morning thats a sign that permanent non-reversable cell damage is or has occured to your brain and other parts of your nervous system as your liver and kidneys get rid of alchohol.

alchohol even in small doses is poisionous to the human body, however, some medical experts say that alchohol in moderation can actually prolong life and fend off the chances of developing certain types of cancers...

i drink more than is healthy for me and i plan to cut down...i am getting to old for it now...
i only drink at certain occasions. id go weeks, even months between drinks, which i think its good. on those days you can drink as much as you want, but since they are so far appart, no problems arise from them.

the occasions that i do drink are usually at partys, and only during school holidays or the first 2 weekends of each term (as the full load of work hasnt kicked in yet). but there has to be some event for me to drink e.t.c new years, birthday, or watching the cricket at my mates house where we couldnt get tickets to go to it
I do drink, but the last time was 3 months or so. Last time I got drunk, I tied a necktie to my head and slurred to the lyrics of Back in Black by ACDC. And not only that, my friends taped it. :odd:

Most of the time, I prefer Vodka-based drinks like GTjugend. And the occasional Capitan Morgan :D

Wow. I am a real moron when I drink.

And Rumple, I wish you the best of luck! :)
Originally posted by GTJugend
Captain morgan? some kind of whiskey?

Rum, actually. Popular in mixed drinks here.

Originally posted by GTJugend
Who doesn't become that UI?

Not me. I become the most intelligent, well spoken, deep thinking and charismatic person I've ever met when I'm drunk... well at least to me, anyway. :D :lol:

I drink beer all the time, nothing beats a good old Labats Blue in a bottle. In fact I think I'll get one right now.
I don't know if I should respond to this since I'm underage, but I drink socially quite a bit, as do the surprising majority of high-school kids nowadays.

I've grown to love vodka, we get it incredibly cheap, and it mixes well, so it's what I normally drink.

Bacardi 151 is a favorite when getting drunk beyond belief is the goal.

I don't really enjoy drinking beer or anything that isn't hard liquor.
Cheers Solid. 👍

I used to be in the very same situation as you. My drinking started to catch up to me when I was about 22. I was drinking and getting very drunk every day. I would go to the bar and drink myself silly and then I went home to finish the job. There was no drinking 1 or 2 drinks, I drank till I passed out. I was probably spending about $50 a night at the bar on just my drinks alone and then I had my bottle, usually a 1.75 L of Jack Daniels. I'd go through one of those about every other day. That's when I started buying Jack by the case.
But as I grew older (24-25ish), the effects of drinking so much was taking it's toll. The hangovers were excruciating, so that's when I started to take a drink in the morning to ease the hangover. That became habit really fast and before I knew it, I was pouring myself a drink as soon as I woke up every morning. But that soon wasn't enough either as I would start to feel really bad later on in the day during work. Well, since I was a manager, I had access to all the booze I could ever drink at work, so I started to drink at work.
By now I wasn't drinking anymore to get a buzz or get drunk, but now I was drinking to merely survive. If I went too long without a drink my hands would start shaking horribly and I'd feel just as bad. I was drinking to stay functioning.
In January of 2000, I had broken my elbow really badly and was out of work. So now with nothing to do all day, I just drank and drank and drank. Then one day I said to myself, I'm getting WAY out of hand with my drinking and I needed to stop. So I stopped. The withdrawls were horrible. I was shaking violently and vomiting non-stop. Finally I went to the doctors. I remember sitting in the waiting room to be called on, and then the next thing I remember was waking up in the emergency room. I had had a seizure in the middle of the waiting room. The doctors knew I was suffering from extreme alcohol abuse and treated me accordingly. I was in the hospital for 4 days due to my pancreas being swollen and oozing fluid. I litterally looked like I was pregnant. I was diagnosed with liver damage and pancreantitis. I was stuck with so many IV's it was silly. I ended up getting phlebitis (sp?-hardening of the veins) due to all the IV's stuck in me. From there I went straight into a rehab clinic for the next 7 days. That place was the worst. There were people in there that had been in and out of there 4 or 5 times. One guy that was in there was all ****ed up on heroine. He had tapped out all his veins so he started injecting into his neck. The heroine ended up paralyzing all his neck muscles and he now had to wear a neck brace cus he couldn't hold up his head by himself anymore.
I knew I never wanted to be like these people and I never wanted to come back that place again. And I never have. I've not had a drink in what will be 4 years at the end of this month.
Quiting drinking has definately been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it's also the best thing that I've ever done. If I hadn't quit, I can say with the upmost certainty that I wouldn't be here right now typing this post.
Originally posted by boombexus
[...] I've not had a drink in what will be 4 years at the end of this month.
After what you've been through, that's amazing. Yay, happy stories. Made my day. :D
I don't drink. If I got drunk and my penis learned how to outsmart my brain, there would be chaos. And lots of little Mopar Muscles running around.:ill:
Originally posted by boombexus
Cheers Solid. 👍

I used to be in the very same situation as you. My drinking started to catch up to me when I was about 22. I was drinking and getting very drunk every day. I would go to the bar and drink myself silly and then I went home to finish the job. There was no drinking 1 or 2 drinks, I drank till I passed out. I was probably spending about $50 a night at the bar on just my drinks alone and then I had my bottle, usually a 1.75 L of Jack Daniels. I'd go through one of those about every other day. That's when I started buying Jack by the case.
But as I grew older (24-25ish), the effects of drinking so much was taking it's toll. The hangovers were excruciating, so that's when I started to take a drink in the morning to ease the hangover. That became habit really fast and before I knew it, I was pouring myself a drink as soon as I woke up every morning. But that soon wasn't enough either as I would start to feel really bad later on in the day during work. Well, since I was a manager, I had access to all the booze I could ever drink at work, so I started to drink at work.
By now I wasn't drinking anymore to get a buzz or get drunk, but now I was drinking to merely survive. If I went too long without a drink my hands would start shaking horribly and I'd feel just as bad. I was drinking to stay functioning.
In January of 2000, I had broken my elbow really badly and was out of work. So now with nothing to do all day, I just drank and drank and drank. Then one day I said to myself, I'm getting WAY out of hand with my drinking and I needed to stop. So I stopped. The withdrawls were horrible. I was shaking violently and vomiting non-stop. Finally I went to the doctors. I remember sitting in the waiting room to be called on, and then the next thing I remember was waking up in the emergency room. I had had a seizure in the middle of the waiting room. The doctors knew I was suffering from extreme alcohol abuse and treated me accordingly. I was in the hospital for 4 days due to my pancreas being swollen and oozing fluid. I litterally looked like I was pregnant. I was diagnosed with liver damage and pancreantitis. I was stuck with so many IV's it was silly. I ended up getting phlebitis (sp?-hardening of the veins) due to all the IV's stuck in me. From there I went straight into a rehab clinic for the next 7 days. That place was the worst. There were people in there that had been in and out of there 4 or 5 times. One guy that was in there was all ****ed up on heroine. He had tapped out all his veins so he started injecting into his neck. The heroine ended up paralyzing all his neck muscles and he now had to wear a neck brace cus he couldn't hold up his head by himself anymore.
I knew I never wanted to be like these people and I never wanted to come back that place again. And I never have. I've not had a drink in what will be 4 years at the end of this month.
Quiting drinking has definately been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it's also the best thing that I've ever done. If I hadn't quit, I can say with the upmost certainty that I wouldn't be here right now typing this post.

Well boom, I'm glad ya made it. It hasn't been that hard for me to stay sober, since I quit. How about you? That five drink celebration left me very nervous, so I don't think I'll ever do it again. Two is the max for me from now on.

I quit gradually, reducing my intake for about a year before quiting for good. I went through mild to moderate DTs, but it sounds like you had it rougher.

I loved JD, but by the time I was 23 I was buying SAVON/ALBERTSONS brand vodka by the case. I often bought 6 to 7 caeses of it. I remember it was $6.99 a 1.75 ltr. bottle when you bought it by the case. I filtered it through a water purifier, it was a Pur pitcher I think, to make it taste better. It even tasted better than most expensive vodkas like Kettle One, which was my favorite.

I loved having hangovers. I loved that first morning chug of 7 to 8 shots of vodka just to get things started. I loved throwing up, if I had to much with food that didn't agree with me. I loved falling asleep anywhere I landed, be it outside on the lawn, on the driveway, on the balcony or in the garden shed, and yes, I awoke from all these places before.

I loved everything that had to do with drinking to excess. I don't know why, but I think I made my self love all these things, because at the time I felt I had no choice but to not love them. That's why quiting was so hard for me, I loved everything about getting drunk.

Well, all this is over for me, thank Jebus. I hope you stay in well.
Originally posted by GTJugend
Captain morgan? some kind of whiskey?

;) It's rum.

Mmm. Parrot bay.


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Originally posted by Solid Lifters
Well boom, I'm glad ya made it. It hasn't been that hard for me to stay sober, since I quit. How about you?

Thanks Solid.

It was really, really hard to quit. I was like you, I didn't want to quit. I loved drinking. The buzz and even the process of mixing a drink. But I finally came to my senses and realized that I was in real bad shape and needed to stop.
It was really hard. Not a day went by that I didn't think of having a drink. It was such a fixture in my life. I was taking a drug called Revia that was supposed to suppress the urge to drink alcohol. It worked, but it couldn't completely stop the cravings.
The strong urge to drink lasted near a year and a half and gradually the temptation to drink eased and now has almost dissapeared. On a very rare occasion I really get an urge to have a drink, but I push the urge aside. I have too much to lose now to ever have that drink. Plus the fact that my liver and pancreas cant handle it anymore. My doc told me that if I ever started drinking again, I would most certainly die. So knowing that really helps me not have a drink. Some people ask me if I ever could just have 1 drink. I know myself too well to ever think that I could pull that one off. There is no way I can ever just have one drink and I'm pretty sure that if I did have that drink, I would be back to my old form in no time flat.

I'm happy that you are doing well also. Just remember though, both you and I have to much to lose now in life to ever go back to drinking.
Originally posted by vat_man
It's a difficult one, particularly with social pressures. I used to drink a fair bit (not quite to those levels), but since I took up running, I've really cut back - I do my longer runs on Saturday and Sunday, and just can't afford to be hungover on the weekend.

Since the start of the year, I'll have a couple of glasses of wine each night of the weekend, and I might sneak one during the week - that and a glass of Galiarno every now and then. I might have a couple of beers if we're out, but that's about it.

I do like a drink, though - just have to watch the after-effects. Welcome to your mid-thirties...
Dude you drink a Glass of Galliano? I hope you mean a shot glass. I tend to binge, which is bad I know but only like once every few months. But my parents do not mind if i drink a glass of wine with dinner or have a beer everynow and then. (yes I am underage) I dont drink to get drunk though, so i often find myself drinking "chic" drinks, cos they're not as strong.