How much should I be looking to pay for Driving Force GT

  • Thread starter Devin93
I am looking for a reasonably priced wheel. I have been playing GT5 since launch, but just recently got into it a lot. I am starting to get frustrated with the DS3 and I'm looking for a wheel. I really don't want to spend more than $150 I have found the DFGT and it seems to be great, but I'm wondering how much it should cost. Right now on Amazon they have it for $120. Is that about right? Or should I wait for a price drop? Or should I go with a different wheel. Thanks in advance.
Get the DFGT for the 120 bucks! I don't think prices will drop anytime soon... I have bought it half a year ago and paid a bit more! Very good investment and a great, probably the best wheel to start with! And don't get frustrated if your laptimes drop in the beginning, you need to get used to it! Now, I can't and don't want to drive with a DS3 anymore!
Basilea, can you do the vettel challenges with the wheel pretty easy? I mean, i golded monza with my ds3. But is driving with the dfgt easier? Its the only challenge i need for platinum.
I got my Driving Force GT from Craigslist for $60. It was still wrapped in plastic and essentially new.

Check online for good deals. Lots of people don't like them after buying, and they go up for sale cheap.
One thing I was wondering is if the pedals are upgradable? I have noticed in a lot of reviews that people are saying the pedals are not that great.
One thing I was wondering is if the pedals are upgradable? I have noticed in a lot of reviews that people are saying the pedals are not that great.

They are good set for that price range but not anywhere as good as G27 pedals and Fanatec CSP (especially CST pedals)
Yeah, just sent a bid to a seller, hoping he will answer.
At 80 usd (which I sent to him) I think I can test out a wheel and then decide if I want a T500rs.
Please write about your experiences with the wheel if you decide to get one.
I got my wheel off Amazon a few months ago and it was $89 brand new (before shipping). $120 isn't bad but I would keep an eye out for a better deal if you can spare some time.
I got my wheel off Amazon a few months ago and it was $89 brand new (before shipping). $120 isn't bad but I would keep an eye out for a better deal if you can spare some time.

WOW on that note I will wait untill the price drops. I don't want to get robbed $30 bucks.
Save yourself the 80+ bones and get the T500. You will not be disappointed. Trust me on this I went through this whole process when I first started my obsession. After spending well over $200 on a DFGT and wheel stand, doing mods to suit me better (pedals, paddles, mounts and what not). I saw the light and it opened my eyes and wallet. Must have the T500.
Save yourself the 80+ bones and get the T500. You will not be disappointed. Trust me on this I went through this whole process when I first started my obsession. After spending well over $200 on a DFGT and wheel stand, doing mods to suit me better (pedals, paddles, mounts and what not). I saw the light and it opened my eyes and wallet. Must have the T500.

I can't spend $600. It's just too much.
I can't spend $600. It's just too much.

I would not recommend you paying $600 for your first wheel anyways. Buy a DFGT and if in a few month you learn your wheel is just sitting there collecting dust then sell it on E-bay. If you realize you want sim racing as a hobby then sell the DFGT and then buy a $600 wheel, triple screen PC, Buttkicker, a racing cockpit, etc.