The article on the website (a blatantly creationist website) is pure pseudoscientific junk. A quick trawl through the reference list should ring a few alarm bells for a kick-off... a few big names, yes... like Science, Nature and New Scientist. Must be real science, eh? But what about the rest... most are from either Creation or TJ (Both are own publications...

), the Proceedings of the 1st and 4th International Conference on Creationism, Carl Wieland (a creationist

...), A.A. Snelling (and another...) and last but not least, the Institute for Creation Research. Forgive me for being a tad underwhelmed by the quality of the sources...
It's really worrying (not to mention irritating) that Creationists are (dare I say it) evolving. They have changed their approach more often than there are species of higher animals on this (ancient) planet, and yet, people seem prepared to believe their nonsense because, well, why do people believe them again?? Because they exploit the fact that people believe the Bible, therefore you should believe them. I couldn't disagree with them more. Why should you believe their patent falsehoods just because you believe in the Bible? Why should you swallow their tripe that the Earth is a young Earth, just because
their interpretation of the Bible says it is? Why not trust your own faith and trust your own common sense? Believing in the Bible and being a
real and objective scientist need not be mutually exclusive. But Creationists will have you accept their beliefs, whether they are right or wrong. And it is not up for question. In true science, nothing is "not up for question". We used to be believe the Earth was young. We now know better. Why? Objective science and reasoning, many years of careful observation, and reportage in the
real scientific literature lead us to draw this reliable and robust scientific conclusion. Creation, TJ, answersingenesis etc. have none of that. They are self-referential rubbish that have no scientific merit whatsoever, distort the facts to suit their own message, and are based upon subjective opinion and not objective reason. For a slightly more balanced approach, try looking at, or click some of the smileys in my sig...