How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

SrRd RacinG

To better comprehend/appreciate the enormous gap between Gran Turismo 4 and Gran Turismo 5 , I ask: Because Gran Turismo 5 is going to release this year (November 2nd/3rd), how old will you be? And how old were you when Gran Turismo 4 first released in Japan on December 28th 2004?

GT4- Turned 17 on that very day.

GT5- 22, nearly 23.

Here are the other dates of Gran Turismo titles first released in Japan.

Gran Turismo (Japan): December 23rd, 1997

1 year, 11 months, 18 days later....

Gran Turismo 2 (Japan): December 11th, 1999

1 year, 4 months, 18 days later....

Gran Turismo 3 (Japan): April 28th, 2001

3 years, 8 months later....

Gran Turismo 4 (Japan): December 28th, 2004

5 years, 10 months, 5/6 days

Gran Turismo 5: November 2nd/3rd 2010

Wow, I've accomplished a lot in that amount of time. I graduated h.s. and got an associate's degree in college.
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I'll turn 26 on December 2nd 2010....and for my last birthday I thought I would have received a wonderful gift from PD...I was wrong.

Bah, so long since the first GT came out. I lived in Morocco and I was 13. I had a french playstation magazine and on the back there was an amazing advertisment: a photo of a blue Dodge Viper with white stripes, on the background the classic tyre profile (from the cover) and then the game title.... it was love at first sight.
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I was 8 when GT4 released, and i'll be 13 or 14 when GT5 releases. Or 15, or 16, or........
I was 17 when Gran Turismo was first released, 19 when GT2 hit the shops, 21 for GT3, 25 for GT4 and I'll be 30 if GT5 is released this year. Either I'm aging quicker or PD are slowing down their development times...
I'll be 23, however, I'll likely be 37 or dead by the time it's actually released. :lol:
Gt4 - 14
gt5 - 20

This age gap, for me, is the most revealing and is exactly what I was striving to convey as the creator of this thread. were a 14 year old KID when GT4 came to be....and you'll practically be able to drink when GT5 is out.
I was 56 years old when i bought GT4, i will be 62 years old when i buy GT5!! If it arrives after June 11 of this year! And you guys thought young people only played console games!
I was 15 or something when GT4 came out.. and if GT5 comes out before the end of March this year ill be 20.. if it comes out after April I'll be 21.

Sorry to go off topic.. but it just sounds so funny to say that I was a teenager when they started making GT5 and an adult when it's finished :lol:..

back on topic.
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22 for GT4 and 28 GT5.

During that time, i had four jobs, lived away from my country, moved 11 times, lost my virginity and more.

Lot of things happened during that time spam, except GT5.
GT4: 11.5
GT5: 17

And I used to play GT2 when I was (apparantly) a little older than 6. Probably 7 or 8.

Wow. Can't wait for GT6.
11 when the 4 came out.

16 when GT5 comes out ;)

Also it is sadly disappointing to hear you lost your virginity after you were 22
17 / 22

Graduated high school, got the job I'm still at, reached one class away from an associates automotive tech degree. Not much has happened.
When GT4 was released I was 29. If GT5 will be released on September 21st, 2010, it will be four days before my 35th birthday. :)
I've just been thinking what has happened since I first played Grand Turismo back in '97. In that time I have:

- Had eight jobs, two of which I worked in for 5 years or more.
- My pay has gone from $4.34/hr to over $40/hr
- Bought two houses
- moved cities twice
- visited 5 countries
- bought 15 cars (and sold 12)
- got engaged, then married

Kind of scary to think that the GT series has been with me through all of that...
GT4: 26
GT5: 31

Between that time I bought a house, got married, got 2 boys and bought my first brand new car. Now damn, when u think of how quickly that time went by.