How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

It was (I think) about 2005 when I got the PS2 and GT4. And 14⅓ if GT5 comes out around August. But, of course. I'll be 140⅓ when they release it.
This age gap, for me, is the most revealing and is exactly what I was striving to convey as the creator of this thread. were a 14 year old KID when GT4 came to be....and you'll practically be able to drink when GT5 is out.

If you lived in my neck of the woods you'd be practically an alcoholic by now :D
I was 9 or 10 when GT4 came out, I guess. I'll be 15-16 by the time it comes out.

Wow. I'll have learned to drive. Woah.
7 when gt4 was released,
14 when gt5 will be hopefully released (turned 14 2 days ago)
at that rate i will be at least 21 when gt6 is released, What will i be like by then, hmm
12 GT1
14 GT2
16 GT3
18 Driver's license :D
19 GT4
25 GT5

I expect GT5 to release this Year in October or September. Just like all the other games in the series GT5 will be a day one buy for me!
probably around 75 when its finnaly released

gt4 i was 15 i think, it was 2004 when i came out or it was 2005? well 15-16
played gt1 when i was 9 that i remember
When GT4 was released I was 10. I got a PS2 & GT4 when I turned 11.

I purchased a PS3 when I was 15 due to the anticipation of a Christmas 2009 release and also I didn't want one of those ugly slim PS3's.

If GT5 releases this fall I would have turned 16. Damn, I done heaps in that time!
25! my age is kinda bothering me now,I really have done anything in my life yet soo im going through a 1/4 life crisis blah. GT5 take my mind of things!~
UUUmmmm too old.... If this game finally hits I will be a few months shy of 30 :embarrassed:
GT4: 17
GT5: 23

By that time i have finished high school and maybe i will even finish first 3 years on college. I dont even want to think what i will accomplish in my life when GT6 comes out.. *cough* kids *cough*

EDIT: oh and lost my virginity :D
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I was 17 when Gran Turismo was first released, 19 when GT2 hit the shops, 21 for GT3, 25 for GT4 and I'll be 30 if GT5 is released this year. Either I'm aging quicker or PD are slowing down their development times...

Exactly like me:tup:
i didn't know gt4 released on my bday!! wasn't really in to gaming back then anyway.
well i woulda been 14 on the day when gt4 released
and given gt5 releases in the time frame i'll be still be 19. aweek later i'll be 20
I will be 31........does that make me over the "GT" hill?

Same here.

What's annoyed me is that I've got a baby coming sometime in October so if it is out this autumn, I'll probably be too damn busy to play it! That's why I was hoping for a March-ish release.

Maybe it's time to invest in some noise canceling headphones!👍:sly:
Now I'm starting to feel a little old and crusty :lol:

I was 30 when GT4 was released, so, asuming it gets released this year, if it's after august, I'll be 36 :crazy:
By the time GT5 is released i will probably trying to lap an imaginary Nurburgring holding a Zimmer frame and worry about a totally different kind of skidmark :lol:.