How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

It was pretty lame of me :dopey: Glad you took it in good humour though ;)

Since GT4 I've bought a house, got married and have had a son who will be 3 years old son by the time GT5 is out :crazy:

So you did pretty well for a Scouser then.....;)

Disclaimer: Please excuse the national/local stereotype in name of humour :lol:

Sorry, just couldn't help myself....... :cheers:.
I don't remember which GT it was but I was playing it when my SON was 4 or 5 and he will be 16 in a couple months. I am 39 and will be 40 in Oct. wow I am old!
I was 13 years young, when I got my copy of GT1 (Thanks dad!).

If GT6 finally arrives this year, I will be 26...and have ro buy it at my own. :D

PS: I joined GTP while waiting for GT4 and even though I'm a member for many years (in internet terms) now, it's just the second release hype I'm a part of. Should have joined a NfS forum.....or not.
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I was 29 when the first one came out. Separated from ex-wife, rolling in cash and living the life of riley. Was sharing a nice house in the burbs with fellow headcase and cutting about with a mohican (years before Beckham made it popular) and YSL suits, had a 1.8 Manta GT which blew up and was replaced with an Escort XR3-i.

GT2 found me with significantly less cash and relying on public transport but happily in the process of settling down with my current GF. Haircut normal (if a tad long) and clothing that comes out of catalogues.

GT3 And I'd just bought my very own house and had a car on the road for the first time since the Escort. 1.1l Metro -Don't laugh it could happen to you.

GT4 And nothing much had changed, other than my hair which got rumped into the wood as soon as it started going all grey and wiry and generally fail. I now had a 1.6 litre Escort which constantly served to remind me it wasn't an XR3 :(

GT5 I now have a 10% stake in a storage business, even more grey hair which has spread to my goatee but, touch wood, no further south for the time being :nervous: Car is a sensible family Honda CRv and I own a dog too which was a bit of a surprise in the middle of last year. If I'm still around when GT5 eventually surfaces I'll be delighted, if not I'm getting the words "Never played GT5 - damn those lazy batsards at PD" carved on my tombstone.
So you did pretty well for a Scouser then.....;)

Disclaimer: Please excuse the national/local stereotype in name of humour :lol:

Sorry, just couldn't help myself....... :cheers:.

Congratulations on being the first person to take the piss out of me for being a Scouser 👍 :lol: Now I feel truly at home here :D

I think the phrase "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is quite apt here, I should have know better!

Pentagram - another class post...I'm surpried your memory is that good these days ;)
Pentagram - another class post...I'm surpried your memory is that good these days ;)

I was just a young kid when GT4 came out, just 13 at school with a few more years to go of school and by the time GT5 comes out I'll be 19 and have left school 3 years ago and have looked forward to other games that came and went.
If I'm still around when GT5 eventually surfaces I'll be delighted, if not I'm getting the words "Never played GT5 - damn those lazy batsards at PD" carved on my tombstone.
That would really suck. Dead, not having played GT5, AND a typo on your tombstone! :lol:
GT4- 15
GT5- 21 (hopefully)

Again, this is exactly what I wanted to convey!

Look at this. A 15 year old kid, and now we're talking about a man. A man that can legally drink. You couldn't even watch R rated movies when GT4 was released, and soon you'll be smoking and drinking!
Again, this is exactly what I wanted to convey!

Look at this. A 15 year old kid, and now we're talking about a man. A man that can legally drink. You couldn't even watch R rated movies when GT4 was released, and soon you'll be smoking and drinking!

If he lived in scotland and wasn't smoking and drinking regularly by the time he was 15 we'd deport him.

I can't imagine what it's like growing up somewhere the legal drinking age was 21. Imagine having to live the best years of your life sober! Tragic I tell you.
Again, this is exactly what I wanted to convey!

Look at this. A 15 year old kid, and now we're talking about a man. A man that can legally drink. You couldn't even watch R rated movies when GT4 was released, and soon you'll be smoking and drinking!

Have vowed never to smoke, but maybe a couple of drinks. But nothing big. I still remember switching driving the enduros on GT2 with my dad. Good times...good times.
Have vowed never to smoke, but maybe a couple of drinks. But nothing big. I still remember switching driving the enduros on GT2 with my dad. Good times...good times.

Dude, it's Friday night soon. At your age you should be going out, getting wasted and getting laid. You're only young once, don't waste it :sly:

Pentagram @ Laws don't stop kids from drinking and smoking. Not in Argentina.

Generally speaking if it's been made illegal then it's going to be fun :D