How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

I gave up drinking for about a year when I turned 18. Legal took the fun right out of it.

I reckon alcoholism was setting in and you knew if you didn't nip it in the bud you'd be the designated driver for the rest of your life...I was a late developer so took my year off at 19 ;)
true story: My 18th b/day - hit the town, into the usual pub where I asked Irene the landlady if I got a free pint on account of anniversary. "Really? How old are ya?" she asks. So I told her.


Old enough to drink but still thick as pig****
@ Pentagram - that's harsh, you should have reported her to the authorities for serving underage kids and used yourself as evidence ;)
Life begins at 40 they say and I'm hanging onto that idea with a grip like a crackhead on a pensioners purse. I'll be 1 when GT5 comes out and that's the end of it.
Life begins at 40 they say and I'm hanging onto that idea with a grip like a crackhead on a pensioners purse. I'll be 1 when GT5 comes out and that's the end of it.

You'll be what by the time it gets out? A crackhead or a pensioner?
Come to think of it, that might not be the easiest of choices......
Although one is reversable......i hope:boggled:.
I was 16 when GT4 came out, now I'm almost 22, if the game released in march as previously proposed it would be a nice birthday gift...How life changes dramatically in such a short period of time, I was a boy playing GT4, now I'm a man and still don't have my GT5. :grumpy:
I am turning 30 in may so if i have any luck it would before i turn 31,and thats based on a worldwide release.
I'm another day older and it's still not out.
3 glasses of wine, 3 vodka's and orange and now vodka and Robinsons squash - no orange juice left.
Gonna go to bed now.
I was 41 when GT4 came out. By the time GT5 comes out I'll be in the nursing home sucking down prune juice.
If it comes out before May 19th, 2010, I will be 18 when I get GT5.

I was 18 still when I first got GT4, but got GT5:P when I was 17. Can anyone figure how this happened?? :dopey:
9 - GT1
11 - GT2
13 - GT3
14 - First Girlfriend
16 - GT4
16 - Drivers License
18 - Second girlfriend
19 - GT5 prologue
22 and counting - GT5

Hey, I finally make a post here...

Gran Turismo 1: 20
Gran Turismo 2: 21
Gran Turismo 3: 23
Gran Turismo 4: 27 (by only a few days)
GT 5: Prologue: 30
Gran Turismo 5: at least 32...please god, let it be 32; I can't wait another friggin' year.
12 1/2 When GT4 Came out
I'm guessing I will be around 76 when GT5 comes out to honor the death of Yamauchi.
On a more realistic note, about 18 1/2.