Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
****ing traitorous orc puppets.


Ooh look, the red nosed special orc has found the thread again. Still haven't found that anime training video or are you afraid you'll enjoy the dedovshchina a bit too much?
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When The Donald came out of left field with all this anti-Ukraine stuff... as it all began I thought it was Trump being outrageously Art Of The Deal-y to try to strip mine the snot out of Ukraine's resources and use any opportunity possible to enrich 'Murrica and FTW himself into the history books. But the more he says, the more I can't find his edge. Like is this guy really kissing Putin's ass full-tongue right now? Totally shocking and makes me wonder if someone around him is compromised. Like is Melania KGB or something? Wild. Diplomats' heads are exploding today.
There really must be a golden pee pee tapes with trump in it somewhere...
That can only be the explanation for why trump and his entourage are all on all 4, leashed by Putin, and barking on Putin's command....

Today trump showed how much of a good barking female dog / bitch he is for Putin...

Damn, Zelenskyy was cooked before he even walked in. :lol: His handlers are awful, truly. How do you let your guy get disrespected like that? But, in the first place, how do you also let your guy show up in... that. (to Trump's credit)

Damn, Zelenskyy was cooked before he even walked in. :lol: His handlers are awful, truly. How do you let your guy get disrespected like that? But, in the first place, how do you also let your guy show up in... that. (to Trump's credit)

If the thing people are concerned about is how the guy is dressed thinking it means anything and not the situation that people are dying and homes are being loss due to a neighbour wanting territory by force then I have to question their state mind and priorities
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Who is this laminated face **** to be talking?

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