Carbonox 11,645 Intercourse, PA Carbonox Yesterday at 9:43 PM #10,261 If Ukraine can be backstabbed that easily, so can any European country. The best time to arm up and establish a proper modern day Iron Curtain was yesterday.
If Ukraine can be backstabbed that easily, so can any European country. The best time to arm up and establish a proper modern day Iron Curtain was yesterday.
Dennisch Humongous member Premium 31,737 Buckwheat City Dennisch Yesterday at 10:01 PM #10,262 ****ing traitorous orc puppets. Edit Ooh look, the red nosed special orc has found the thread again. Still haven't found that anime training video or are you afraid you'll enjoy the dedovshchina a bit too much? Last edited: Yesterday at 11:45 PM
****ing traitorous orc puppets. Edit Ooh look, the red nosed special orc has found the thread again. Still haven't found that anime training video or are you afraid you'll enjoy the dedovshchina a bit too much?